Why does the asian baby have to be conditioned to like dogs?

why does the asian baby have to be conditioned to like dogs?

Babies get hungry too


Hate this fucking commercial.

Because Asians evolved after Africans, where canines always, always attacked and ate humans, and after the advent of Nordic races where humans and canines cleaved together to survive ice ages, Asians kinda went, "Ok, they not so bad, but we eat them when needed."

>he watches TV

Small children of any racial background can be scared of dogs, especially large or large-looking dogs.

nah not white children

Asians eat dogs.

Lions they only murder for quack medicine purposes.

>current year
>recognizes a commercial

Because they come from a culture where it is normal to eat dogs dumbass. Did you really think that everywhere was like the fucking US?

A week or so ago this ad always played when I was watching youtube on my mobile.

Says you
White children have zero issues with dogs.
It's a sign of being human.

why couldnt they have used a scary dog instead of the most loving dog on earth?

needed a yellow dog

>Not having adblock installed on every device

Genuinely keked, but this honestly belongs on /bant/

Dogs are friends, not food.

This commercial made me cry.
That good good doggo

>they come from a culture

pussy faggot peanut allergy lactose free kids. Got myself a blue eyed blonde son who loved his doggo from day one, for he is that dogs master,and that beast would die for his boy. (((((DOMINION)))))

i just want you to know that the Eiffel tower is fucking gay, and i want you to come pick up the statue of liberty, you regifting fucks. You can put that shit right out front of Calais.