How did Christians go from being badass crusaders to becoming LGBT cucks who adopt black children from Africa and kiss Muslim people's feet?
How did Christians go from being badass crusaders to becoming LGBT cucks who adopt black children from Africa and kiss...
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wtf bump
cucks gonna cuck, crusaders gonna crusade
The crusades were the opposite of what Jesus taught though.
Modernity, subjectivity, protestantism, the printing press, the enlightenment, classical liberalism, modern liberalism, mass media, America, modern sciences, social justice movements, high levels of comfort and information, etc etc
By taking their bibles way too fucking seriously.
No, really. Medieval christianity was in large part semi-pagan and greatly influenced by pagan philosophers. Christianity stopped being european when it started to be "judeo-christianity".
Also remember that templars were burned at stakes becouse king of france wanted their money.
This, also.
Medieval Catholic "God-King" Monarchy and chivalry aren't Biblical Jewish ideas. They're Indo-European ideals forced onto Judeo-Christianity.
I am a Christian and I guarantee I would be beat your fucking ass in IRL just saying
What did he teach
Weaponize guilt. Christians want to be good people.
That's very Christian of you, imposing your strength and ego onto another person.
t. 5ft manlet.
Yes,people blame Luther but France actually weakened the Church before him.
Are you marine Todd?
Is if France that has always made things worse for the West?
White evangelical Christians are still the group that oppose gays and immigrants the most but they have become much more moderate in recent years and young evangelicals are more moderate still.
"christians" weren't crusaders, Catholics were.
Crusaders have zero to do with your shitty american fake christianity.
Little Guy
They got so good at conquering and killing. They just decided to stop because it wasn't even a challenge anymore.
And over time they just stopped fearing being defeated.
And just gave up to those who still struggled and knew how to struggle.
Kike scheming and greedy shitlord Christians. Which is why we need another Inquisition AND Crusade.
turn the other cheek.
get crucified for your beliefs.
reject your own parents and follow Jesus if they do not
love the lord your god with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself
I am just not a cuck. I am not perfect at all but i believe in a savior.
To the point of about being a cuck. I am unironically telling you I'd beat your ass with my bare hands and enjoy it
Yes jesus taught that being gay is ok and that you should let your wife fuck another man it says right here in the testament
oh wait
loss of temporal power. Church and state are no longer one in the same and the Church now faces bad optics for it's authoritarian history so it virtue signals where it can. It also has many frauds that say they represent Christianity when they do not.
Before that there was 4 crusade and pope cucking Vlad Tepes to the muslims. And of course Charlemagne giving jews monopoly on banking.
But more or less people did realise that christianity wasn't really created to rule over people and dictate how nations should act and borrowed more from their pagan ancestors in that regard.
No on said that. He said that engaging in a wordly, physical "Holy War" of conquering lands via warfare is not something that Jesus Christ would advocate.
How about you turn another cheek? Becouse meek shall inherit the kingdom.
Matthew 26:52
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
This is why
First he came as the lamb, he comes as the sword to purge the world of evil the second time. Clearly KEK is the sword of Christ.
Francis is just a sympthome. Churches had been infiltrated for deades if not centuries.
Life got too easy for them.
If this passage is true, then all of the characters in the Old Testament that fought against people in army's, even being "God's chosen people," are all in hell.
I'm not perfect... do you think quoting Scripture out of context would keep me from giving you a much deserved ass beating? Sorry m8 go pick on a fag or something if you want to talk shit without consequences
you sound like some brain dead NFL nig that acts real aggressive but also wears a cross and "praises God"
People like to pretend that the God of Christ and the God of the Old Testament are the exact same but it's clearly not true. Read the books of Moses, and then read the Gospels. It's a much different theology.
Because Christians were incorrectly practicing their religion for the first 1500 years of its existence.
jews, and (((protestants)))
Well, if the there is no jew nor greek then there couldn't be choosen people to begin with, right?
Christianity doesn't really concern itself with wordly matters. People in power understood that in the past and did their own thing.
Matthew 19:21
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
People reading bible themselves put us into A LOT of trouble.
God has never been against righteous beatings, user
Sports are gay. I just believe in aggression toward people who think that they are tough guys because they larp about "no god" or "the gods"
in America, Satan was replaced by Hitler and the Holocaust.
No God puts you in trouble. Have you read?
Because believe it or not, religion is not the most important thing in a person's character. Most of our morals/behaviors (Good and bad) were simply European.
Now we've inherited an (((alien))) (((multicultural))) society. Christians massacred indians, dropped atomic bombs, etc.
>out of context
Matthew 5:39-45
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
It's not the opposite because he never touched a topic like the Crusades.
The idea of Christian warfare and just wars had to be constructed by later theologians like Augustine of Hippo expressly because Christ didn't say anything about Christian warfare by a Christian state.
Justification could be found for the crusades in earlier writings by theologians and also never forget that the crusades were a response to a violent Muslim world constantly knocking at the door of Christian Europe.
>Most of our morals/behaviors (Good and bad) were simply European.
Western civilization, morality, and thought, are literally christian in origin (with a little help from the classical greeks).
Europe was savage barbarians and would be to this day if left to their own devices. The papist helped calm them down some, and then byzantine scholars actually imparted higher thought and art.
And germans still continue to try and ruin it all to this day, really only the mediterranean civilizations ever caught on
That is so horribly misunderstood in modern context that there are literally multiple explanations already available out there for you to go and google right now.
Matthew 5:10
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
And again: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil.
Theologians were taking more from Plato and Aristotle than from either new or old testament.
Why would a knight in full plate armor use a flat-top helmet? It'd be like 300 years old technology. That shoulderguard should probably be far bigger, since he doesn't use a shield. It's like he wants to be jihaded.
Big picture of Christian and European history:
>Hard times create strong men
>Strong men create good times
>Good times create weak men Weak men create hard times
>implying times are good
Jesus also bear the shit out of some temple merchants. Live by the sword die by the sword is a warning. The whole old testament is about Jews fighting wars
6 verses.. now totally not out of context now!!! Stop copying and pasting.
We are talking about Christian being cucks.
Argue this, you talk shit to me irl start quoting Scripture while I beat your ass. Irony?
I don't care how it was meant. I care how people use it. And as far as i see they use it to destroy us.
>(with a little help from the classical greeks)
Dude, even such "christian" things like concept of soul are greek in origin. Plato and Aristotle had more influence on christianity than all old testament prophets put toghether.
How long until an "extremist" Catholic/Christian group emerges and takes revenge on Muslims?
Eventually it's going to happen. It'll be like the Crusades all over again. And I don't mean a Christian country going to war against a Muslim country like in the Middle East, I mean an uprising of Christians sick of the shit Muslims have done to them, their people, and their countries.
I posted this question in another thread before, and user responded that it was against Christianity to perform vigilante attacks and what not, yet there are the Crusades. Any opinion on this?
>We are talking about Christian being cucks.
But Europe became cucked the moment it abandoned Christianity. Seems to be you've got the cuckedness wrong way around.
Jews took over christianity. Judeao christian term didnt exist til post ww2 jesus was from judea. He wasnt jewish but t(((they))) translated and promoted king jews bullshit. They killed chistianity, infiltrated it and are why we have that cucked pope.
>Argue this, you talk shit to me irl start quoting Scripture while I beat your ass. Irony?
Are you a mexican per chance? Becouse you sound like one.
Read my earlier posts, user. I am the Christian hence the "irony"
Christianity is Abrahamic and there's no way around that. Christians have always acknowledged the connection to Judaism. They simply consider Judaism outdated and almost heretical nowadays.
not all christians are cucks.
At first they were crypto-pagans following a new cult that was a Hebrew bastardization of the cult of Mithras (a badass warrior cult). They eventually forgot their roots and basically became cucks to a kike on a stick.
Nope 100% WWhite American Protestant that would (again) beat your ass for talking shit in general
You would need the roman catholics to get sorted out and a pope to call a crusade. Orthodoxy doesnt believe in the concept of holy war at all, and protestants, lol.
That said i believe the original crusader indulgence is still in effect.
And you can find 5 verses that refute that one.
And it doesn't matter what the theologians were taking from, Christianity is nearly as much New+Old Testament as it is pagan philosophy and spirituality.
There was a basis for the crusades in guiding Christian texts that had been written since the Bible.
One pacifist Bible quote does not invalidate the crusades from a Christian perspective.
You faggots stopped going to church. Christianity was dominated by men. We need more men practicing the faith. We need men serving at church so women don’t have to. Make men’s Masses/services led entirely by men.
Materially they are.
Spiritually and socially they are rotting. Look at it as somewhere between good times with weak men and bad times because of weak men.
>But Europe became cucked the moment it abandoned Christianity. Seems to be you've got the cuckedness wrong way around.
Dude, Merkel's party has "christian" in name. Pope is licking muslim feet. American churches shill for israel and shield mexicans. Churches are on the front lines in fight against any sort of racial pride or racial realism.
It has shit to do with religion. Wanna see a example? Compare Italy drowning in rapefugees and Czechia where 60% of population recently doclared in a pool that they would vote for hitler.
and only preserved thanks to christianity, it became christian thought, and spread through europe as christianity spread.
I have a white van just like that, couple guns inside already. Time for a paint job.
This used to make me laugh.
napoleon bonaparte happened
>And it doesn't matter what the theologians were taking from, Christianity is nearly as much New+Old Testament as it is pagan philosophy and spirituality.
Christianity was connected to Paganism to make it more acceptable, but the two never merged. Just because you happen to put up a Christmas tree on Christmas doesn't mean the tree would be a part of Christianity. It is not. The two just coexist. Just because you pretend to be a witch on Halloween, doesn't mean it's a part of Christianity. Just like easter eggs and bunnies are not parts of Christianity. The two have been connected, but Christianity has not been polluted.
How bout this, if you're so based then why are there rape gangs all over Europe. Where is Thor and Zeus and shit?
>and only preserved thanks to christianity
Muslims used it as well. Your point? I mean it's hard for christians to NOT be main preservers of ancient though given how they were given roman empire on a silver platter.
Jesus, you sound insecure.
>Dude, Merkel's party has "christian" in name. Pope is licking muslim feet. American churches shill for israel and shield mexicans. Churches are on the front lines in fight against any sort of racial pride or racial realism.
Well, CDU is hardly Christian anymore. And the current Pope might as well be the Antichrist. I'm not even religious, but I'm inclined to believe he's the devil.
*yawn, ok papist
oh wow.
Really? Lol I think you're projecting
I'm unironically terrified now.
>Muslims used it as well
Not really. Christian and hindu slaves preserved what little islam did not destroy. Im not saying that specific muslims did not at varying times then make use of these and contribute various things, but it was just happenstance that they happened to be muslim, smart enough to do so, and in a time period where things were not so much against anything non islamic that they had the luxury of doing so.
The golden ages being anything but raping and pillaging and stealing small portions of culture and thought and civilization and burning the rest is fiction.
>but Christianity has not been polluted
Again. Plato and Aristotle.
>if you're so based then why are there rape gangs all over Europe.
There aren't in Czechia nor even more atheist Estonia. There aren't any muslim rape gangs in heathen Japan neither.
You better tell me why are whites being replaced by mexicans in your BASED christian country?
I don't get the joke.
do you think that's possible? I know with this current pope it's not, but who are the next in line to become pope?
As far as roman catholics, I was in Italy about a month ago and I promise you they are not a muslim-friendly as you'd think. I was in Rome and none of the italians there had any respect for the muslims. they didn't even want to be near them. I even saw an italian waiter at a restaurant physically remove an african muslim from the premises. It was one of those guys that comes up to tourists and tries to sell them shit but the waiter still shoved him into the street nonetheless. I thought he was going to be attacked by his fellow italians and arrested but surprisingly no one had a problem with what he did, male female old or young
good man! get kevlar armour to match and you are ready to revelation!
>Again. Plato and Aristotle.
What about them?
Dude, you are one threatening random people on the other side of the world with beatdowns over shit. You are either a child or a genuine retard.
I respectfully disagree. I too thought this for a while, until I looked into the history. Remember, the church propagandized it's success and is incentivized to make the "barbarians" look as backwards as possible.
For example, Tacitus was very impressed with the German barbarians, particularly how they worked with and treated their women. Slavic/norse pagan beliefs/values resonate with Western man just as those of the stoic greek philosophers. A lot more than "turn the other cheek", "meek shall inherit.." etc.
Certain aspects of Christianity, especially Catholicism, are European in nature and deserve veneration. Other, modern aspects are distinctly multicultural/anti-white and deserve our scorn.
no, but roman catholics are legitimate, they just have a few incorrect ideas and sort of dropped the ball with the whole scholasticism thing.
A handy guideline. The church of the holy sepulcher. It has shared ownership between Christians. All there are legitimate, some are just a little off.
I've met Christians from Asia and Africa who were straight up Deus Vult tier. Much of what Sup Forumsacks berate Christians (and women) on really just comes down to modern Western behavior
Christians are waking up. But there has to come a realization that spiritual victory must precede Earthly victory. Matthew 6:33
>That pic
It's one of those where multiple memes converge at the same point in space and time and create a memexplosion.
Are those countries lol? Because pretty sure my state is bigger than those two combined.
Christians don't control the world. The (((synagogue))) of Satan does and that's the root to both of our problems... get it.
Now repent and be saved
If church fathers were any bigger fans that they were already they would have fucking daikimuras with their faces on them.
Shit like christian view on soul and so on comes from pagan philosophy. "Pure" christianity would a form of messianic judaism.