White women aren't base

Two Girls throw soda on a kneeler


Other urls found in this thread:


40% of white women are based.
It's science.

>Universities and employers already contacted
Hope that soundbite was worth it girls

By his lack of reaction it seems that he knew that he deserved it, but I need to know more about the story here before I can determine if that was "based".

White women are based as fuck. Just not the kind that lives in burger land. Pic related was the shit back in the day.

This girl is amazing, I would suck her bean all day. The twitter people saying its assault is funny as fuck.

Why dont we call kneelers kneegroes

Nevermind, I can now hear that she said "this is for the national anthem".




They got her!!! Sorry Sup Forumslyps!!!!


wow white-hispanics are so based am I right pedes

>trying to ruin someone's life for being a fine, upstanding patriot
this is American in 2017

>implying you can ruin a womans life by getting her fired.
Shell just marry
Chad and get redpilled.
You dun goofed commie.

got a little of the nigger too, very nice. make it into a webm

>chimping out like a nigger
>upstanding patriot

the best part is that your kind will not win in the long run.

the only good communist is a dead communist.

>putting enough of your information online to be doxxable

>oh noez white women have to get off of kikebook

win win commie nigger.

>lets expell them from university and make them unemployable instead of letting them contribute to my gibs
they are biting the hand that feeds

my freedom boner intensifies

oh noes...fired from dead end job



>(((mayam david)))
every fucking time

it's a kike, this is what they do

>this is for the national anthem you pieces of SHET

lmao holy shit women are fucking brain-dead. That was funny though.

But in all seriousness, we should probably just chain them to the kitchen

The baboons are doxing the girls in reply chain. Report all dox tweets.

>We was wrong
Are niggers human?

I want to donate to the soda thrower's gofundme page.

>muh flag


55% of white women voted for Trump so that number is a little higher.


I lol

I'm in love.

That was pretty great lol.

It was, they now have millionaire chads who love america lining up to marry them.

I don't know what's worse, liberalism or nationalism.

>spilling soda is an assualt now
Wow, really shabbles the nabble

Funny, but she also probably spent like $12 on that soda.



Being a Kraut

I've never really poked around normie twitter before this and the stages of cancer I've contracted are immeasurable.


Fugg they got doxxed, RIP...
Tfw you get your life ruined for pouring coke at unpatriotic punks

underated post

Niggers literally knocked out white people on the street and no one gave a fuck, now they get soda thrown on them and get people's lives ruined.

to be fair the niggers who play the knock out game dont have jobs and just collect gibs all day

The more I watch this gf, the more I wonder wonder what it would be like to shove my hard cock down her throat and grin while the tears roll down her face.

if you get more than five replies, your mum is going to die of spinal cancer in the next three years.

rather weak drink toss desu senpai, I am disappoint

she should've walked behind and poured down for maximum effectiveness

Wow you are so cool. I wish I could be just like you...

>the birth of a meme

A true wonder to see .