guys... is it really gonna happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

You'll see.

sure, why not?

Nothing is happening you queer

let the digits decide

nuff said. put me in the screen cap

Confirmed happening

Oh shit

All the juicy stuff Washington doesn't want people to notice is released on Friday afternoon. That's tomorrow.
It's happening.

There is very little time remaining to bolster your net worth/build physical bulk to help you stay afloat in the ensuing flood. Remember that god might be willing to forgive us ninevites so long as we repent and

alright then

Congress gets the rope.


North Korea gets glassed.

USA gets glassed.

It's gonna be YUGE

confirmed nothing burger

The 8s of eternity!!

Put me in coach

The devil is this?


Satan confirms

it's trump trolling the fake news media

they're having a glitzy white house dinner with all the heads of the military, with the first lady in attendance. If there was a war being planned there would be no glitzy ball w/Melania ffs

hillary is that you?


>If there was a war being planned there would be no glitzy ball w/Melania ffs
are you kidding, that is 100% trump's style
remember the syria strike, he bombed them while eating chocolate cake with xi jinping

Is trump just larping?

hot dang.
plz plz trump get rid of all the shitskins.


I am so angry I wish I were dead.


Fucking confirmed

>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the galaxy
>born just in time to witness a LARPing shitposter become the leader of the most powerful empire on the planet

Football game.tonight
Patriots 19
Buccaneers 14

WWI -1914

So the Secret Service banned mobile phones in the West wing tonight.
We are going to war.

it's a good thing i spend so much time on Sup Forums otherwise i might not know how to deal with this timeline

True dat
Like the trips
Praise kek

woah, guess that settles it, nothing will happen.

You know people who know people who know people who work on the inside? Crazy if true. I need to catch pokemon wit my phone dawg.

If you can believe it.


calm down OP. relax. you feel better? you die either way faggot ! whats the difference if its in 3 minutes or 30 years

Can confirm. A happening just went by my window!

>sep 22nd

Omg guise the world is gonna end

>sep 23rd


>nothing happens

Even if humanity is exterminated there will be a day after tomorrow

The amount of value you give your life is your own. A speck of dust floating on the solar gravity and wind. You are the parasite to that dust. Act accordingly

>whats the difference if its in 3 minutes or 30 years
about 30 years

The scariest / most exciting thing about this post is the fact that there is an ACTUAL POSSIBLITY the POTUS actually posted that.

Checked by Kek

Trump would've made a better post




Holy shit

A WH memo leaked

WW3 Tomorrow.

wow, we haven't had so many coincidental gets in weeks. whew I can breathe again

wanna add me on Runescape?


Sept. 23rd was the sign in the sky you fool. Of course something happened, the planets all aligned as it was foretold they would. That's ALL that was expected on Sept. 23rd.
Have you noticed that it has been happening after happening since Sept. 24th?

it's pretty much exactly what he said during the presser
>TRUMP: You know what this represents, don't you?
>TRUMP: It's almost like .. the calm before the storm
>REPORTER: What's the storm? What's the storm?
>TRUMP: You'll find out


See lawds


Is it time to start investing in some DoomTrumps?

You know, I've never had a post where I cited all the digits I knew and got one, thereby adding my own meme magic. Maybe this will be the one?

I don't know what's going on what the fuck happened


Trump talks shit and never delivers. He's a con-man, how long does it take for you to get it through your head?


MMMM, chocolate cake is the best cake for war.

The electronics ban in the West Wing supposedly started this past Monday

Guess not. Sorry to waste your time lads.

Context: The President is having dinner with military families right now, so when he says calm before the storm he seems to be referring to some sort of pending military action. This should Scare. The. Shit. Out of. Every American. The President of the United States is casually dropping hints about some sort of military attack, as if he's building suspense for a fucking T.V show.

There are also reports that the President is about to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. An agreement which was reached to stave off military intervention as some on the right were calling for. Obviously the North Korea situation is ongoing.

This man. HAS TO GO.

>This man. HAS TO GO.

Nice get memer in chief

Context: You're a faggot.



>not unironically wanting to meme the destruction of humanity


he comes

Oh dear. it's happening

cake is trumps war food, let's hope there is no cake at this glitzy ball or some countries gonna get railgunned or something


shut up POM

what a puss... oh nvm its a bong. be afraid for all I care

You didn't seem to mind when Obama was giving timetables of our military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. You stupid fucking shill

Get out of the cities.
Sell what you can and move to the country.
Come out of the cities!
Learn from Sarajevo!
Get away from major metropolitan areas.
The fight will come to you.
Escape to the country.
There will be a blood bath in our cities. I don't know if it will be antifa, Islam, blue helmets, or US GI's. But if it all comes crashing down, you at least stand a chance in the country. Find work where you can. Don't let your pride kill you during the collapse. A shitty job in the country as a free man will be much better than sitting in your apartment as men with guns battle it out with other men with guns. Us? No. They won't be our people. Don't support a cause you would kill for because whoever is behind that cause wants you dead. Support a cause that you would DIE for. Get out of the cities, my friends because the fight that's coming will not be any of our business...but when that fight is over, we'll be next on the list. It's best to let your opponent weaken themselves before they have to fight you.

it already happened and you missed it


"Calm before the storm" actually refers to the large circle jerk they were all going to have after the press left. They were going to Sup Forums and troll the porn webm threads.


Fuck off faggot. You go. Leave now

so what's going on dudes in other words what be da happenings


I love our chaos president.

bring the pain Donald. Kill them all.

I don't know how to feel right now.

I'm here for da cap

Satan is the prince of lies, so it is clearly happening.

wots dis


No literally fuck off back to Sup Forums with this 2008 GET bullshit.