Why do Jews hate Russians so much?
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because russians dont give in
Trick question, russians are jews.
Stop making it seem like if you hate subhuman russians you're a jew, you subvertive kremlin kike faggot. Fuck russia and fuck russians, America will always beat you kikes.
>fugg drumbpph and fugg white people
You really make me think, user.
Nope I love Trump, nice try though kremlin kike jew faggot. USA will make russia collapse again.
if they hate russia so much why is russia seemingly immune to their influence?
The people who run Russia *are* Jews - just like the US. The notion that Russia and the US hate each other is just a story to get the slaves to fight each other.
The bankers will always foment war between two controlled groups of non-Jews because war is the way the bankers maximize debt. And debt is another word for "enslavement to those who own the banks."
Wars are manufactured social events. They are simply the bankers mining the planet for debt.
>photo-op means something
>slav face
Nice reversal of reality, Moishe. We're not going to kill anyone for Yisro. Your little Sanhedrin is a pack of lunatics. Always have been. You were afraid of baby Jesus. Think about that. You were afraid of infants. You're all crazy people.
by that i mean after communism there doesnt seem to be any attempt to undermine or destroy russia like with the west...
looks like JIDF has arrived. The (((Oligarchs))) were kicked out and or neutralized. Alt-jews can't stand this.
>He thinks Trump isn't kike controlled as much as Putin
>"just a photo op"
Hahah. You're mistaking the jew's lack of ability due to not being in control of the situation, for the lack of a clear intention to do so. Jews control the USA, and thus they are actively destroying it. Not the case with Russia.
>Inb4 Putin took a picture with some rabbi or kissed the wall or whatever. You think he means this? Hahah. They can't attack him as Muh Antisemite REEE. It's strategic.
"nd in a country where anti-semitism is still rife and openly expressed, nationalist rabble-rousers have made much of the fact that of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia's economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin. That fact is incontestable - but it is the result not of some grand conspiracy, but of the way the Soviet Union restricted Jews' ability to assimilate and rise up in society. While ethnic Slavs dominated all the best career slots in the highly bureaucratised official society, Jews who wanted to get ahead were forced into the black market economy. When communism collapsed and the black market was legalised as free market capitalism, the Jewish entrepreneurs had a head start."
Western nations are under kike control.
Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as “Putin’s rabbi.”
Trotskites were the jewish gommies. They lost out to the stalinists who in turn lost out to Putin. Now Putin has kids reading Solzy in school, and the numbers Christian Orthodoxy, tradidionally highly redpilled on jews and their tricks, is ballooning. This cannot be allowed from the perspective of the (((Sanhedrin))
Putin is an Orthodox Christian, and is window dressing to appease the normies. He knows whats up, and so do the hardcore zionists i.e. (((you))).
Stalin was a Jew and he had many Jews under his wing, especially those that caused the Jewish massacre of the Ukranian people (Holodomor).
Not only did he write that anti semitism should be met with the death penalty but his children also married other Jews.
The Victory Monument in Netanya is a memorial that marks the victory of the Red Army over Nazi Germany in World War II. The monument was established by decision of the Government of Israel with the consent of the Russian government. The project was opened in 2012 by Vladimir Putin and Binyamin Netanyahu, after having been first proposed by the Prime Minister on a trip to Moscow in February 2010.[1]
No he isn't, he's a kike.
Face of Jewtin's grandfather, a totally ethnic Russian man, trust me, just ignore the kike ski slope forehead and the toucan beak.
You offer no proof other than weak memes. And besides, (((CNN))) and the rest of the (((MSM))) hates Russia and Putin and is trying to engineer a war of the zionist forces and NATO good goyim against them. Explain that.
Jewtin's totally Russian and (((white))), son in law, Kirill Shamalov.
>CNN and MSM
A facade just like CNN "hating" Trumpstein. Blow it out your ass kike.
>from his shoop JIDF folder
Fuckin Sauce? Didn't think so.
They are part of usa/saudis/isreal.
>CNN hasn't been on an anti-trump tirade for 9 months
Lol are you fucking kidding me?
>Trump isn't incredibly kosher
If you seriously believe he's a hero for anyone but the Jews, you're honestly braindead.
Same reason the Jews hated Hitler's Germany. Russia dumped the Jews and are against the banking cartel the same way Hitler dumped the Jews and was against their banking cartel.
I hope to God the US is next to dump the Jews.
The JIDF spook slinked away, so I'll post some on Jews in China as well.
Three CPPCC members celebrate 90th birthday (Jews)
Jews who fought with Mao
China admires the Jews and wants to buddy up with them
Israeli schools teach Mandarin more than any other language
Communism in China founded by the Jews
Jewish faces in Chinese government
Chinese obsessed with Israeli, Jewish media
How We Raise Children in Our Chinese-Jewish Family
China admires Jews, studies Jewish texts for tips on how to control the goyim
Chinese are studying the Talmud as a business guide on how to fuck people over for profit
Jews openly admit they're preparing to abandon the west as it burns to the ground, jumping ship for China and India
Communist leaders of North Vietnam proposed establishing a second Jewish state there in 1966
When did they get rid of Jews, it certainly wasn't the soviets, as they were funded and run by jews
They never did, a good chunk went to Israel, but many stayed behind.
>Hurr Durr having a picture takes with followers of one of the major religions in your country means you're literally the extended arm of jewels first policy, just like the US
Cute how merifart project
>Photoshopped yarmulke
>Baseless statement about his mom
Try harder ,butthurt kike bottom
Pic related literally fucked up shitsaels and Medicare entire forth policy by constantly cockblocking kikery in the US security council and getting involved in Syria, foiling another Islamist takeover and dampening Israel's controlled chaos middle East strategy
The Jews seem to hate Slavs in general.
They killed millions of them during communism. and they are constantly working to turn Slavs against each other.
they dont.
Nice try you slavik fuck enjoy being poor forever until the chechens out populate you fucks.
It escapes me how claiming the US and Russia are both controlled by Jewish bankers who routinely slaughter the goyim for profit is JIDF. Unless you mean you're the JIDF who has arrived, which seems believable.
The Jewish (((oligarchs))) still run Russia. That's the basis of the all the Trump-Russia communication - it was between Kushner (a genocidal Zionist, whose family is revered in Russia) and the Russian Lubavitcher oligarchs.
Putin's daughter is married to a Zionist, just like Trump's daughter is, just like Clinton's daughter is.
Ostensibly the Russians are in charge and Pootin plays them off each other
Latuff is a literal cuck you dumb beaner, slavshits are mongrel subhumans like you.
Probably due to the various pogroms.
I can believe Putin is a good enough chess player to keep up a good game or two simultaneously.
To stay with OP's assertion, the only reason Jews might hate Russia is some (not all, only some) within Russia haven't got their tongue far enough up Israel's ass.
>putting a literal cuck in OP
Because Russia has returned to its pre-Bolshevik, Christian roots and is no longer a ZOG hell bent on world domination and dissemination of the Marxist Jewish mind-virus that the USSR was. This attempt at "Red Terror" revival by the United States political establishment preys on the stupidity of the average yank by being so brazen as to suggest that Russia is a threat the same way the USSR was, except that the USSR and Russia are completely different national, political and ideological entities.
Basically the paradigm has shifted and the kikes now running the USA are trying to spread their shit ideology and their shit narratives elsewhere, but because they can't quite establish a full-on revolution by murdering the American politicians opposed to their bullshit the way they killed Nicholas II and his entire family, they're facing opposition from a still as of yet not demoralized contingent of the population and a large part of American congress.
Nobody's falling for your shit