To be a Christian, first, you must be an autistic faggot
To be a Christian, first, you must be an autistic faggot
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Go back to R*ddit.
but to be fair, that theology isnt wrong. Fidget spinners are how we redpill the young ones into becoming good christians again.
>John 18:36
>Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."
gtfo heathen pol is a christian board.
you could make the same analogy with the states of matter. solid, liquid, gas, all the same thing but in different forms.
The Christian errs by perceiving God as some outside thing. This is the same error the Jew and Muslim fall into. The less we externalize deity the less we use deity for petty things, such as justifying wars. For example, Paganism teaches deity exists outside of the Pagan but their deities are nature based; their gods are founded in the physical and understandable, whereas Christians externalize their deity and say he is entirely unfathomable. What is the point of worshiping a god you can't even begin to think about?
Thats literally christian theology. I guess the preacher is trying to appeal to young children.
Don't forget the hypocrisy and penchant for less-than-legal financial wizardry
Those aren't Christians, they're Protestants. Meme religion from the 1500s, pay them no mind.
go watch videos of the amazing atheist jerking himself off you amoral sodomite.
To be fair i would prefer to be caught jerking off than licking muslim feet.
I feel like it could be more easily explained if they just used the bible.
>There was a God.
>God spoke and his words became flesh, that is the son.
>The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God.
Every other explanation makes it sound like 3 different people combined to become God or something.
the idea is that while you can never understand god (certainly in our present form), contemplation of god is an ongoing practice. experiences in life can draw analogies to god such as observing nature reading books or taking drugs. during this process is purification of the soul which may be painful, particularly the feeling of being completely insignificant in comparison to god. equally important is recognizing the diving spirit which dwells in you, which is you at the most fundamental level. so it's both
Butt how can kristianity be reel if oartism isn't reel?
Wrong, autists don't do religion. We can't make sense of why you'd act as though pretend things are reality.
>pol is a christian board
No, just because you shitpost every day doesn't make you a majority. Nobody likes you retards, except others of you shitposting dumbasses.
Oh God..... I'm a Christian and it hurts to see someone actually make a presentation like that. Like wtf man....
I like them. Get the fuck out, and take your abhorrent atheism, hedonism with you. Everything touched by the diseased mind of continental philosophy must go.
This seems...I don't know. blasphemous to compare God to a fidget spinner.
a fair argument. how can a God existing beyond you which you cannot know give laws or any commands? can you give a law to an ant?
Spot on OP
I think the idea is that God is larping as three forms at the same time, sort of like how in Hinduism everything is just one abstract god divided into different personalities.
Your mocking words fall on death ears,fag
Yeah catholics are disgusting, that's why they are all going to hell.
Why did russia ban fidget spinners?
Great post Mr. Goyberg.
if you think about it fidget spinners are banned by merkel(ATHEIST AND MUSLIM SYMPHATIZER) so obviously she knows what fidget spinners supposed to represent.
Fidget spinner is the new cross, new symbol for christians worldwide.
Christians in 2017? Lmao
he died for our spins
The universe is complex why wouldn't G*d be?
you're the one who worships a jew
a filthy kike on a stick
Goddamn I hate Prods
Naw. Just like posting on Sup Forums. You don't have to be an autistic faggot, but it helps.
Triune by relation, not substance
Atheism is trash to mass convert women into whores and let faggots adopt white children to turn them into transgender freaks.
Christianity is the reddest redpill if you take away the excessive altruism.
user your post is shit.
Kill yourself.
underrated comment
"only gen Z will understand"
All this degeneracy is due to cucktianity.
don't listen to him: reddit is evil,
Christianity: just more polytheistic horseshit. Get lost.
I work as an interpreter for american groups. Christian missionaries are by far my favorite kind.
They are nice, they are smart, they have a lot of good will and are conscious of themselves as visitors in a foreign country.
But the thing that makes them so much fun is that at least 80% of them are autistic. Jesus their is so much autism.
Also midwesterners.
It's like looking at a kid's art project about how we have turned materialism into religion.
go fucking hang yourself godless spic nigger
Those digits...
>Premise: God = person
>3 persons
>Therefore, 3 gods
>Therefore, polythesim
Neato. Except your premise is not what anyone (except heretics and retards) are teaching.
>b-but muh transitive property
Good job, Aristotle. You understand 2000 year old logic. About as impressive as a child understanding middle school algebra.
Yeah, I bet you think the distributive property applies to "true" logic systems as well:
Praise Kek! Deport all desert religions!
>states of matter. solid, liquid, gas
Hold the fuck on here son.
2 Phase transitions
3 Non-classical states
3.1 Glass
3.2 Crystals with some degree of disorder
3.3 Liquid crystal states
3.4 Magnetically ordered
3.5 Microphase-separated
4 Low-temperature states
4.1 Superfluid
4.2 Bose–Einstein condensate
4.3 Fermionic condensate
4.4 Rydberg molecule
4.5 Quantum Hall state
4.6 Photonic matter
4.7 Dropleton
5 High-energy states
5.1 Degenerate matter
5.2 Quark matter
5.3 Color-glass condensate
Check 'em, losers.
This is exactly how fedorathiests are made.