Why do women avoid Sup Forums users like the plague?
Why do women avoid Sup Forums users like the plague?
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Why are you projecting?
At least I don't fail the 6th point. I never use words like shxre slxt or nxxger
What?! Answer the fucking question bitch.
whores are all over Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums make any mgtow threads and every roastie bitch on Sup Forums is going to tell you to man up and raise tyrones baby.
They don't. Women are 70% of 4-chan's user base.
>boys who comment on a girl's appearance without asking her for an opinion
>Hey, you look good, how do you feel about the Jews?
Fucking virgin walkers. Women loves my dick and I browse Sup Forums daily.
Pro Tip: Just use Stockholm Syndrome.
>hey don't you think you'd look less like a retarded slut if you had your natural hair color and removed all your stupid tattoos?
gibbs pusi
What the fuck is a nxxger?
Unironically its exactly the kind of men which they like most.
Modernism is a war on women. Literally.
Too bad they do exact oposite in real life...
>Girls to Avoid
Fat Girls
Single Mothers
Coal Burners
I guess it's a genderless nigger.
A nigger kin if you will.
Women need to realize feminism is the cause of all their current woes
Ever meet a happy feminist?
African American
take your pick user
We don't.
>whore is a slur
basketball american
spear chucker
pavement ape
>whore slut and nigger
lol one of these things is not like the other
Because our love for each other is stronger than the lure of their non-robot vaginas. The power of cock is something to be held in awe!
>boys who say nigger
I'm fucking triggered
So she wants a beta male yet they dont date beta males? wat
Those are bad red flags. Red flags can at best be, patterns.
Whoever made this list hasnt evwn dated somebody who hated feminists before.
It could be a yellow flag because you lack things in common, making it harder to stick, but red flags are signs of instant drops because the person shows they arent capable of sustaining a relationship.
>avoid chad
women say the darndest shit about the men they fuck
>Ever meet a happy feminist?
This is actually a really good point. I honestly cannot. Every girl I knew growing up that has gone hardcore feminist is living a dysfunctional and broken life now.
or get with a church girl/stay at home daughters. I have come to suspect that they make those MGTOW threads themselves just so they can shill "stay at home daughters" (female NEETs) in those.
You have the "i'm not like the other girls" one?
All of her points are legit. Does anybody here really do things in this list? Sounds like stuff 12 year old boys would do.
I hate that word fuck boy. It's really used wrongly and mainly stupid sluts talk that shit it is so hypocritical
preferably church boys
Man fuck nxxgers
2, 3, 5 and 6 are the only good ones.
Theres nothing wrong with using curse words, but if you are swearinf around a girl while courting her you are a brainlet.
This one?
feminism is a religion that tells women they are persecuted victims at every turn, that every aspect of life is a weapon created by men to keep them down and oppressed.
it doesn't foster healthy mentalities
Let's see here:
I'm openly anti-feminist.
I'm rude to my mother if she deserves it.
If a girl is really into you, she has no physical boundaries to you
Every girl I've ever pressured to send nudes sent them to me, and it didn't take much pressure.
I don't start fights, but I do finish them.
I regularly use the words whore, slut, and nigger.
I don't comment on random roasties appearance ever but women do love compliments.
I don't think I've ever made rape jokes but that's only because I don't know any. If I knew any funny ones I totally would.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2005 and I've been married for 7 years. Before I was married I was highly successful with women. Your premise that women avoid Sup Forums users like the plague is flawed.
That didn't take long. Hello, leaf.
Jesus h ...it's jhs. Fucking fag.
whxre, slxt and nxxger are pretty hard to pronounce, it's some kind of Albanian terminology?
>girls that look like Barry Spaggot
Piece of cake, I can’t even pronounce nxgger or slxts. Dumb nigger sluts
My woman doesn't give a shit. She's a wise cunt. She thinks niggers are disgusting. She's not like those whores.
1 post by this ID
against femenazis
and fucking your sluttiest bff of the week is smooth snailing then, got it!
I'm not rude to my mom, she's the one that's rude to me and I repay her with the same coin.
>call her randomly one day
>>"hey, why do you never call"
>ask her the same thing
>>"you only call me when you need something, what do you want"
>oh, you're right. Well I don't need anything so bye.
>hang up
That was really rude, and then she has the gall to come to my house to bitch at me and how it's my fault she left her job early to come bitch at me. Wtf.
feminist from reddit do make every mgtow thread on Sup Forums. they did it for over a year now and always post the same reddit tier images they share with each other. reddit feminist know mgtow is the most lethal thing in the world to them so they go around shilling against it everywhere. they even make fake videos and shit to smear it
feminism - repilling
women - pol/lacks/
men - jews
Um, no. Im a girl and every guy at the university next door is a hot trump supporter lol, fuck nu males
The last time I saw a feminist nigger slut-whore I raped right up to her and gave her a big meaty slap to the jaw just like I do to my mother. Told her she had nice tits for a munted slag
no wonder women are so miserable and depressed these days, they are attracted to cucks, proves that women don't know what they want.
a solid 70% of guys in "university" aren't hot. the average male or female is reprehensible.
What is there to answer? It's an assumption with no evidence
Why do women flock to hebrew isrealites?
slide thread, sage, but ironically it's just more kike projections from the nerd virgins paid to shill the board
also known as being a bitch
love it
Someone beat you to it but thanks anyways.
Fucking this
Women will get away this shit as long as we allow them to.
This feels like it could be an alignment chart
Nobody cares
cryptoleaf detected
I should be avoided.
I will give no aid, nor assistance to any female that I do not have a vested interest in protecting.
The only reason I would protect a woman would be due to the fact that I have laid claim to her and her reproductive resources.
To make and stake and protect this claim, it has cost me time and effort, perhaps even treasure. So if you are a man, or SJW or anyone that is going to destabilize my unfettered access to my reproductive resources, I will cut you...
>boys who are rude to their mothers.
She gets 1 point for this one as she's absolutely right. Fuck any faggots who aren't respectful to their mothers
> Fat girls
> Coal burners (even once)
> Single moms
> Law firm, Banking, or Marketing Staff
> Actors or other Entertainers
> Waitresses
> Druggies
> Chinks, Africans, Russians, or SE Asians (they all get fat, ugly, or crazy, etc.,)
idk what u r trying to prove but y arent u fucking yer wife is she w/ jamal again?
No one cares what you think. You're a leaf... lower lifeform than a fucking spigger.
>Tfw I do all of these things
I'm rude as fuck to my mom and I hate myself for it but I take medication that makes me irritable as fuck and to be fair she says and does some truly retarded shit sometimes.
But sometimes I'll just snap at her for no reason and then feel like shit after.
If it wasn't for fat people I probably would have become fat myself
Oh yeah, totally! How did you know?!?!
Now ask my how I know you've never been in a long term relationship and probably never will be.
kek, you can bet white girls get horny with that pic.
sick burn haha
omg calm down nigger
I figured the unhinged sounding ones were probably larping feminists trying to make MGTOWs (and sometimes MRAs too) look and sound completely deranged. I've spoken to a few that I know are legit on goybook (I shitpost and troll on there sometimes), they admin MGTOW pages, not one of them sounded anything like that. Perfect logic and calm reasoning, whether you agree with them or not, at least you can understand their reasons for being MGTOW and understand that for them at least it makes sense.
I think its more of a strut then a stirde
They don't you fucking autist. Have you seen /soc/?
Fuck boys are absolute faggots and every single one of them needs to be hung. This is the one thing I unironically agree with women on. I don't hate them because of what they do it how they do it. They will literally do anything no matter how low or depraved to get pussy. It's like their life's goal. All of them tend to be low quality people as well
Is it really around 70% or is that just an estimation?
What if your mom is a complete waste of human life?
i dunno, i love my husband, he introduced me to Sup Forums, then we grew up and migrated to Sup Forums
just redpill them slowly, the truth hurts
>also take a bath
>finger on the trigger
Rape jokez r meanz plz stop rape jokez
It varies between 5-35% per board. Sup Forums might be the average 5% but theres a lot of girls here nonetheless.
>Not like those whores
Hm i don't think you should go off of a tumblr post to tell you what most women want thats kinda why stuff like this image gets shared around online in the first place by whales with daddy issues.