Why are steroids illegal, but it's ok for food and anything else to be loaded with estrogens?
Why are steroids illegal, but it's ok for food and anything else to be loaded with estrogens?
honestly i really feel like we should make steroids legal, if we could work upon the base compound and perfect it we could all be at PEAK capabilities
Steroids = Cardiopathy
Is that why cardio kills gains?
Cause your already thinking about cock. Finish the job
"if we could work upon the base compound and perfect it"
everything is loaded with estrogen thats why all these kids wanna be transgender, and thats why 33% of americans are fat, i belive its also why theres a lot of SJWs, cuz hormonal imbalances change the thought process and the behavior of humans, testosterone is down 20% in this generation, we need more men and steroids are no better because they will fuck up ur endocrine system balance
idk but i know once i hit 30 im hopping on for life.
Also it goes without saying that its in ZOGs interests to keep us passive and murky-brained. the Jew fears the androgenic aryan
Who cares about legality. Hop on 'em and get JACKED.
No idea user.
How do you suppose we get more high-test men without giving up everything that's cheap and enjoyable simply to avoid xenoestrogens? Getting fit or even finding any desire to get fit is harder when you're up to your eyeballs in estrogens. Steroids, or at least estrogen-blockers can counter-act it.
Steroids are only illegal for athletic competitors.
U can do them and get them online easily.
Steroids shrink your balls...nuff said
Jews as always
Feminization = liberalization
Curcumin has shown to reduce estrogen, plus it's anti inflammatory. Ashwagandha significantly boosts test. I have made substantial gains with this combo
My balls could use the shrinking.
i microdose anastrozole but the side effects get annoying after a while. still experimenting with the right dose. stuff like proviron is also not as suppresive as test, and you can still experience the mental benefits, as well libido.
if it were up to me:
spend money on government research, all of this shit isnt just related to exposure throughout one's life, but also during the prenatal stages.
institute mandatory fitness regimes for all children, none of this gay 'run half a mile 3 times a week stuff', serious heavy lifting for young boys. physical education should be tailored for gender, not unisex.
Can you get them legally though?
Using fucking tor and getting scammed or getting vanned doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
only if you are retarded and dont spend a bare minimum of 10 minutes researching how to cycle
I hear it's hard to get testosterone in the US, while estrogen meds are fairly easy to acquire, is this true?
Complementary test power study included
very much so estrogen is basically given out for free in this country. test will get you like 6 years in prison
And what about muh freedoms? Under what pretext is the government limiting/prohibiting testosterone meds?
Different foods can effect your testosterone/estrogen levels, most processed food contain high levels of soy and other estrogen mimicking chemicals.
It is true that there is an agenda to try and feminize the world for population control/increased receptivity to emotional manipulation/lack of male resistance figures for opposition of new world order etc
Changing your diet can change the hormonal balance in your body, some foods inhibit estrogen.
Pomegranate, olive oil, garlic and onion are some food that naturally reduce estrogen in the body and promote testosterone, I think this is why greeks and italians are manly as fuck since they eat a shitload of testosterone building foods in their diet.
Also when using diet to change hormones it doesn't happen over night or in one meal, its more of a build up effect in the body.
retarded crackdowns on it 10 years ago. it used to be a non crime or a misdemeanor depending on quantity. then they just decided they 6million% needed to stop any use without a doctor. as to why who knows probably the same level of reasoning they used for weed 100 years ago
because the males typically arent used for cattle OP. you say loaded with estrogen but what are you comparing it to ? a glass of water ?
if it was the other way around women would grow beards and your nutsack would shrivel. the reality is that it generates a outside source and your body stops making it
Theyre on the clearnet and i know places that take CC so i dont think its a scam.
I only recently started searching but it was easier than drugs...though those are also on the clearnet too but no where near as common.
Maybe foods just shouldn't be loaded with xenohormones at all? Why do you act like it has to be one or the other?
>It is true that there is an agenda to try and feminize the world for population control/increased receptivity to emotional manipulation/lack of male resistance figures for opposition of new world order etc
It also helps make people fat, which makes them even more dependent on the government, cripples fertility and gets more white people to die younger. Notice how it's almost entirely white countries that suffer excessive obesity? It's to help speed-up the replacement process.
>i know places that take CC
>so i dont think its a scam
>that pic
he looks healthy to me, if you'd rather pump yourself full of roids than live a healthy, productive and long life then you're a degenerate
>he is natty
Steroids are only illegal because the kikes want a docile, easily manipulated, low test populace. It's easy as fuck to get estrogen if you're mentally ill, but if you want to be HEALTHIER all of a suddenly you're a bad guy criminal and lumped up with druggie degenerates.
>Do roids
>Still have baby face and a total lack of body hair
>tfw lifting to try and get rid of my babyface
>then I see posts like this
Some people just have baby faces. Back in the old days you'd grow a beard to hide your shitty genetics. If you couldn't grow a beard then you either became a hard, angry guy who murdered people or just accepted your life as a bottom rung bitch.
Lifting can't change your bone structure.
It's probably because of water weight. Or if he did a cut his face would get leaner
Steroids increase risk of heart attacks. They aren't hard to get. Go get some if you want them. You still have to work out or you won't get big. If you think you can load up then sit on ass and get swol then you're going to be disappointed. Also, all the best ones for muscle growth need to be injected or lower testosterone once you stop using them.
Steroids do change the shape of your skull. Look at female bodybuilders. They turn hideous.
Steroids can and will fuck you up if you do anything incorrectly, and even if you do it right, your genetics can still fuck you over.
Of all the steroids available, Testosterone and Nandrolone (together) are the only ones that could be used for "general wellbeing", however you'd still have issues with LVH and elevated estrogen. To counter these effects, an AI such as Exemestane needs to be used for estrogen control, as well as HCG or MCG to keep the testicles functioning.
If you ever want/have to get off steroids, you have to do PCT, which is taking certain drug to essentially turn your horminal system back on. This rarely returns you to your previous functional level.
Once you hop on, your on for life, injecting at least once a week, every week, for the rest of your life.
If anyone has any questions or anything, I'm a user, and can probably help.
In case you're not memeing, cardio only really kills your gains as it uses up calories that could otherwise go towards repairing your muscles. You simply need to eat more calories to counter the burnt calories to make gains.
>Why are steroids illegal
they aren't illegal in most countries
like Canada and the UK
>Steroids increase risk of heart attacks.
Nonsense. In fact heart attack risk is highest in men with low Test.
> falling for the meme
its much healthier just to adjust your lifestyle and get more exercise/sunlight
Sometimes it doesn't work that way mate. Some people have low testosterone via genetics or due to hiw fucked everything is these days. For these people, injecting testosterone is the only way to be semi-normal.
Also, the "healthy" range for testosterone is based on average testosterone of a demographic. Also, male hormonal health is actually very complicated.
you will always be stunted however
look at your parents to see
my parents are both in great shape for their age and my dad still has muscle though is getting a little bit of a gut now but this happens
when they were young they were both very fit and this helped me a lot