Animals rape each other all the time. Since faggots love to say that being a faggot is normal because even animals are faggots, rape must be normal too.
Checkmate faggots.
Animals rape each other all the time. Since faggots love to say that being a faggot is normal because even animals are faggots, rape must be normal too.
Checkmate faggots.
many defects are 'natura' user.
homosexuality is just like cancer or down syndrome. these might be accepted in some places but it is ridiculous to demand to be celebrated and rewarded for it.
ellen degeneris was given the highest honor achievable for civilians, for being gay. mental illness should be treated not empowered/enabled.
Rape however is an instinct for reproduction. sex needs to happen to keep the species going. everybody gets fucked and everyone dies.
>be british
>get raped by a horse
Very interesting topic.
Rape and faggotry are opposites, the natural point of rape is to procreate. The natural point of faggotry is to prevent procreation.
It's nature's way of saying your genes are too weak to be reproduced, and vice-versa.
the man who awarded it to her was given a nobel peace prize and the presidency just for being black. The dark times have arrived. the War is coming fast now. Its going to be white vs. whites enslaved by jews to serve minorities seeking to destroy our country. Kushner registered to vote as a female just because he needed to avoid the selective service for the upcoming draft. Welcome to the apocalypse.
That's what I keep trying to tell them.
Raping just for pleasure is retarded if it inflicts traumatism on the victim and should be condemned.
Faggotry should be encouraged as it cleans the next generation of undesirable genes
>le appeal to nature fallacy
animals also eat their own shit
It's called females in heat nigger. Although rape was pretty normal for humans at one point in time I'd imagine.
animals do, but people dont you sick bastard, get help.
Yep.. then we evolved and realised the difference between wrong and right.
Evolved my ass. The only thing keeping a lot ofautists from raping right now is the law, and that's not even stopping all of them. Morality is subjective, although religion is one way to come up with more universal morals.
first off, people actually do.
but you are kind of illustrating my point. if you are a faggot, you're a sick bastard and you need help.
This is the penis of a male cat. Male cats rape female cats and when they have their penis in her, she can't run away. I've heard female cats screaming several times here. (rural town)
I like it!
>Cleanses next generation of undesirable genes
>Aryan faggots spread aids and other sexual diseases in an effort to appear straight or become straight
Another good one is the argument that if race is a social construct just like gender that it means we all should be able to put on blackface, call ourselves pre-op transracialists, and get nigger benefits.
No animal, nor movement in history, has ever committed themselves to fucking ONLY the same sex.
Gay sex is arguably natural, being "Gay" is not.
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