Why are communist better dead than alive?


Because then they can't hurt anyone

Why so afraid of people lookin out for eachother. Where's your sense of community.

I think we should all come together as a community for at least one night, and kill every communist we can find.


Commies are essentially just psychopathic thieves and squaters talking a lot of pseudointellectual and fabricated bullshit to justfy their leecherous existence on the back of others and the delusions their lazy leech cult brought forwardover time a threat to mankind.

If everyone's eating at the same table, how is that leaching?

pretty sure it was a lifetime of buttery pierogis that did lenin in and not hitler. and I seem to remember something about russia taking berlin and bringing an end to german involvement in ww2?

no matter. cool picture, man


Pick one.

Let me guess, there's no justice in communism either aye


The saying goes, the more you share, the more your bowl is filled.

There is justice in death.

I think you mean that a communal decision is justified, even if it means death.

I was here for THIS IS SPARTA and linetrap and lit threads on Sup Forums where every book was embedded in the image file of its cover and cotten-eye joe and I'll show you later and everyone was inexplicably swooning over greasy Togina

>because the odds of an entire group of people being level headed and reasonable is more likely than that of one man


Who's more sane?
A single man, alone, masturbating to anime that's hiding from the Jews
A man who has responsibility to others around him who share the same responsibility

I cringed so hard at that picture I turned inside out


People realize the more dead reds, the nicer and quieter things are.

Ayn Rand said it best:
"When certain statist groups, counting, apparently, on a total collapse of American self-esteem, dare go so far as to urge America’s surrender into slavery without a fight, under the slogan “Better Red Than Dead“—the “conservatives” rush to proclaim that they prefer to be dead, thus helping to spread the idea that our only alternative is communism or destruction, forgetting that the only proper answer to an ultimatum of that kind is: “Better See The Reds Dead.”"

The dude not leeching off of other's success and instead creating it themselves.

>The economy is a dinner table
Damn, can't figure out why communism never worked.

>That lad in the back smirking.
He's feeling it

>A man has unchosen obligations to his neighbor
Sounds like slavery, commie cuck. But communism is much much worse than slavery.

Just admit you think your middling IQ entitles you to free resources.

>Why so afraid of people lookin out for eachother.
im not afraid of that, im afraid of politicians and jew lawyers

>If everyone's eating at the same table, how is that leaching?

Because I am paying for the bill. Ass, Grass, or Gas, no one eats for free.

>no homo