Is he "our" guy?
model negro desu
Sheriff Clarke is diesel. What's he been up to lately?
Yeah, proof that just as there are plenty of shitty whites, there are great blokes in the black community, id crack open a VB with him any day
Lol wife loves original song
Clarke is simply the best.
Better than all here
We know this
Name one white guy who's publicly advocated for lynching leftists and not lost his job
Pretty based. Makes me feel like a true honky.
I want him to breed my wife
Why do they call us honkys anyway? Was there a big problem with niggers staggering back and forth through the streets like they do on sidewalks and in grocery store isles, and they didn't like it that we had to honk at them?
I don't get it.
Real life Uncle Ruckus, he's hilarious almost on the level of satire
It's weird, I don't even consider him black. I just pretend he has a pretty good tan.
imagine the urban areas...
thug culture gets replaced with clarke culture.
that'd maga
He harassed a guy at an airport for no reason, he's just another fucking nigger.
Back in the 40's white people were the only ones that could really afford cars. White people wanted to get laid and went to the ghetto to pick up street hookers. Instead of getting out of the car they would puss out and just honk. The darker skinned hookers would hear the well paying white man and flock to the car. Thus the term "Honky".
Imagine what an outrage it would be if every time the white man were lying in bed and heard a car honking he knew some white broad was getting #blacked.
More of a man than any of us faggots.
It's not the 40's anymore user. You're a bit late. The term is ours and I refer to my fellow white man as such like niggers do their own. The sense of camaraderie is satisfying.
Man I hate black people but man do I love me some of that Sheriff Clarke. Sheriff Clarke can live in the white ethnostate, anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.
I'm pretty sure we've established there's a difference between black men and niggers.
A curve implies there are exceptional negros, can hardly consider it accredited to the black race
IDK he gets kind of annoying like halfway through the game