Is the media lying to us about him?

Is the media lying to us about him?

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name one time the media hasn't lied

they definitely are. but what is it they're hiding? i can't sift through all the bullshit to figure out what really happened.

>>Is the media lying to us about him?


yes definitely

He looks like someone who worked for the agency in his younger years and was used as a liaison for a really off the books gunrun

How can the media lie about him when they hardly know anything about the guy?


Why do news outlets blur her face?

Oy vey Goyim!! He wasn't political at all!! He was just some gun nut, nothing to see here!

>implying the media ever stops lying

Because the newstory isn't about her.

At this point, a more interesting question would be "can you name something of any significance that the corporate media is not lying to us about?"

I can't think of a single thing.

Everyone's lying about him in all seriousness.

This whole thing smells of a false flag. I have a buddy who's top of his ROTC class (probably going to be a ranger) and he believes there's something fishy about 1 untrained man being able to kill 58 people.

From the evidence he's seen and showed me, it would appear there were multiple gunmen. What happened to them? Why isn't anyone covering those theories.

This whole thing reeks of the anti-gun lobby

go back in the oven you bitch


Stephen Paddock was a fucking DOCTOR (of what I have no idea but definitely space related)
his 2 last places of residency
>Johnson Space centre
>Kennedy Space Centre
>AREA 51

I've been digging bros, it sounds far fetched but it's starting to become clear. His 'short stint' with NASA and the Goddard Space flight centre is BULLSHIT as shown by pic related.

He worked on ISEE -3 for sure, 2 and 1 not so sure.

This may sound crazy but I believe Paddock uncovered some very serious shit and was going to release it publicly, could be the note, I dont know.
This man mixed with the who's who of NASA and I believe, was working at Area 51.
Im going to keep looking
(oh and as you can see NASA always has a few 'retired' people working on projects.)

you want a rabbit hole? here it fucking is

explains all of the conflicting bs careers and his lack of online presence. he's top level guys

Las Vegas was a inside job. Say goodbye to your guns America

It doesn't matter if it's published in the paper or if it's on a TV station.
What's -- what's in the public media is not credible information.

- Honorable Matthew Streeter, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Governmental Accountability, Freedom of Information Commission, 18-20 Trinity Street, Conference Room A, Hartford, Connecticut on April 24, 2015 at approximately 2:04 PM.

It honestly doesn't seem like anyone knows much about the guy. The media doesn't. The internet doesn't. And I'm seeing lots of conspiracies regarding this dude spring up all over the place. That's fine, it happens, but it's kinda suspect. All these woke people acting like they detectives. These left leaning wokies all claiming it's a false flag by Trump and Co. The right leaning wokies saying it's deep state or ISIS or antifa. I'm not saying that there's nothing fishy about this shooting, or that the media knows or is reporting on everything, but one things seems certain. The conspiracists all seem to think it's a false flag, but each has their agenda fitting their narrative as to why. The left thinks it's an attempt at heightening security. The right things it's an effort to take their guns. The fact that these wokies can agree on this much has me thinking that everything we hear about this shooting, especially on the internet, is suspect. I straight don't trust anyone anymore

>is the media lying to us about him

He isn’t a real person, so technically no. Much like Adam Lanza, he is a combination of various entities we’ve already seen, the media is desperately trying to make small footprints to give the impression that he actually exists.

nothing is crazy in this timeline
keep digging Aussie


I’m really actually hard pressed to find an instance


Has the brother/Stephen said what his alleged occupation is? I couldn't watch the video of him, but heard he's crazy.

What if the elites are populating another world and they want to suck this one dry without us knowing only reported his 'brief' work with NASA after anons uncovered it, his bro hasn't even mentioned it.

>have secret
>compromises national/global security
>want to release it
I'd be sending my girl overseas too to protect her, I figure the shooting is a major diversion to discredit him and the info he was planning to release.

so far anyway
any anons want to help dig, this is a good search engine, remember to go to advanced search and remove pages with 'vegas shooter shooting shhot' from search results.

There's a lot of information related to him pre-shooting and many hands make light work

This doesn't explain anything about all the guns and murdering dozens of people. What is the connection between NASA and/or Area 51 and mass murder?

search engine

look to the ISEE project, engineering schools etc

Oops, sorry, I meant the occupation of the brother.

none, now look at in reverse.
Whats the connection between a mass murderer and NASA?
Mass murderer working at NASA? never. ok maybe briefly
see where Im going with this dude?
It's perfect cover, they've already angled for the crazy person narrative -cant wait for the crazy AREA 51 'conspiracies' they find

do both smashed windows belong to the same hotel room?

Eric Paddock of Orlando, Florida, said he had "no idea" why his 64-year-old brother committed the shooting.
"Mars just fell into the Earth," he said. "We're completely dumbfounded."

September 1, 1993
NASA Administrator Announce Possible Return Mission to Mars
Members of the study team currently include:
Steve Paddock Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

Shooter's brother seems like he's on meth or drugged up somehow

They either outright lie, or lie through incompetence. When was the last time the media broke a story? Something they actually researched, and got involved in -- they just post second hand news from fucking twittter, and press conferences.

The brother seems like he is acting.

>Is the media lying
let me stop you right there. yes

damn bro where have you been. yes.

DOCTOR Stephen Paddock bro

Just leave out "I have a buddy" next time

Its a suite, so, yes.

literally everything that has ever been reported by the media is a lie. when they talk about tax reform and healthcare? lying. no one is trying to pass tax reform or healthcare laws. when they show the president doing something? nope, he didn't do it. when there are videos of cute dogs being rescued, guess what? there were no doggos, none. the only place to get your information is from a blog on the internet or Sup Forums, the last bastions of honesty and integrity.


has there been an explanation for why the smashes don't match where the windows end on this floor plan?


not according to
press release

Carl Sagan is a doctor as well as are many others on the list. their title isn't mentioned there

it is here though
link in the pic.

Almond Activator:
Philippines connections

On the 2nd of June, 2017, the Resorts World casino, hotel and leisure centre in Manila was terrorised by a lone gunman in what many suspected was an ISIS attack. This attack, when accounting for local time-zone differences, occurred exactly four months prior to the recent shooting in Las Vegas.

Early reports from the attack at Resorts World Manila, stated that there were multiple gunmen rampaging throughout the casino floor and into hotel areas. Shortly after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility.

this, also anecdotal theories from fellow anons,, godspeed.

is this doctor steve the vegas shooter?


Stephen Paddock narrated on a bbc series called Horizon and also on a NASA syndicated radio show called 'the space story' on February 5 1983

the Horizon episode was about space and called 'hopeful monsters'

find either episode and you'll have his voice

if they just wanted to kill him, why bother with the whole public shooting, that's too much attention

any suspicious death would have raised red flags if he was working at A51, especially if he warned them that if anything happened he'd release info (dat room receipt).
He also may have had the information he wanted to release offshore and was holding the powers that be to 'ransom' would explain a little about the cameras maybe? A meeting with (((them))) to sort all this out?

They had their man where they wanted him and a whole story ready to hide the real story under, discrediting any future info with the crazed gunman narrative

just a theory among others

Media is always lying so you can count on there being more than what the media is letting us know.



Is this same dude?

in name only at this point