How do we fix the boomer problem, Sup Forums?

How do we fix the boomer problem, Sup Forums?

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By not donating money to heart research or lung research. These fuckers smoke everyday and they're old so their hearts are probably giving in at anytime. All you have to do is wait, time is on our side, not theirs.

You’re a commie fuck who has no idea what the generation gap actually is. Go wait in line for your arsenic.

we unite, and rise up.

stay it to my face bitch

send em all to gitmo


I would but you’d piss yourself. You’re scared of black men.

Go to school for something that's gonna make you money.

Problem solved you commie fucking retard.

>tfw parents are paying for my schooling, housing and even textbooks

Holy shit. Please tell me this is a parody channel. Please.

It is a parody channel.

jokes on you think my parents dont pay for my shit?

Wait until they die.

>revolted against the mores of the greatest generation

>"we're gonna retire now, here's the $20,000,000,000,000 federal debt and $70,000,000,000,000 entitlements bill"

Really makes me appreciate free university in yurop

Democracy is shit. A republic, now you’ve got something.


lol CRINGE dude. what are you 20? Are you Glenn Becks son?

Maybe if you didn't get a gender studies degree and spent all your money on faggy clothes and expensive food and electronics you wouldn't be so poor and in debt.

Fuck Millennials. You are even worse than boomers. The boomers are the self-centered assholes who sold out their descendants future for a quick shekel. Millennials eagerly lapped up the bbc that their parents imported and unironically considered shit skins to be our equals

>Stupid entitled millennial little shit doesn't know how to make money nor valuable connections and refuses to invest because he can't afford the new iphone when it comes out.

No. I would do the world a favor and suck myself off to death if I was, though. Helpful?

If you have student loans to pay that means you entered an academic institution without a scholarship which makes you the average, which makes you an idiot for falling for the oldest trick in the book

You deserve to lose your monmey and I feel no sympathy. should have gotten a job at a grocery store, saved up and invest. but you didnt

I think your nongender specific mother wants to fuck you in the ass again. Get back to work leaf.

I agree with that statement. I'm beginning to think that the left and right have the same enemy and could really benefit from working together.

>How do we fix the boomer problem, Sup Forums?
boomers biggest fuckup is they reproduced

Baby Boomer.
>Didn't go to college.
>Didn't graduate highschool.
>Most likley didn't know how to read.
>Went to a shit factory job and didn't buy stupid shit.
>Managed to save his money and buy a home.

>Graduate highschool and go to college.
>Go in enough debt to buy a home for college.
>Go in debt buying things they dont need.
>Go in debt to go to a party in Mexico WOOOO!
>Their degree is in underwater basket weaving, or a market over saturated because "everybody wants to go into liberal arts I guess."
>Get out of college, wants to live in the BIG CITY with a monthly rent so high they cant save a dime.
>I want the new Iphone.
>I want the new sneakers.
>Im wearing $300 pair of headphones on my neck because BEATS BY DRE!
>Why dont I have any money.
>I think ill have 3 kids out of wedlock, im strong and independent.
>Where have all the good men gone!

the reason boomers had it "easy" is because they didnt buy stupid shit and could save their money to buy a $50,000 home.

Hell im trying to buy a bit of property now and stick a double wide on it.

No. They reproduced and failed to raise thier spawn the right way.

As if scholarships are the only way to avoid paying out of pocket. Ever hear of a trust fund?


Truth user.

I’m out. You commie pussies are boring.

Cry me a fucking river. The average student loan is the same as a car loan. The worst they do is take 15% of your pay.

Make the boomers go boom

what boomer problem?
is this you?

crazy how you will ignore how much better the economy was and how you could go to college while literally working a part time job

why are horsey comics so sexual

You have to take something entry level to start with, and work your way up.

Go to a temp agency, get a job and learn how to do something

Get hired on doing low skilled labor till you learn how to be a repairman and you can then be self employed.

Learn how to code and write apps or get a job in tech support or programming or something.

Basically get off your ass.

If you are looking out your window to find jobs, one won't show up.

Hell, my brother in law makes pretty good money as a waiter at Red Lobster. He started out as a bus boy. You can get off your ass and do that can't you?

Stop surfing porn so all you want to do is sit in your parent's basement and jack off. You are a leach. They are going to die someday and then you will be screwed.

I'm in a bowling league with 3 boomers. All of them worked great jobs and are retired, but still shop for medicaire and worry about bills.

I hate these memes. Millenials have never met boomers. Most struggle just like everyone else. Life is a struggle

I should say that I am on a team in a bowling league with 3 boomers

Also check

>All of them worked great jobs and are retired, but still shop for medicaire and worry about bills

10/10 bait

It was the second wave feminists convincing everyone to stick their babies in daycare, and let the public school system raise their kids for them.

Kids now days identify with groups more, instead of family and tradition. They don't form a normal bond with their mothers and families.

I was living in Denver a while back and there were all these kids at the park being raised by Mexican nannies. How do you think they're going to turn out.

dox this faggot hes playign video gamnes

Why would I lie about this?

>kikes shill retards against boomers
>millennials buy it

My pain in the ass brother in law moved in, used our address--instead of his parents -- while applying to collage and financial aid.

Because he wasn't living with his parentshe qualified for financial aid.

You are incomparibly retarded.


What stops college babies right now from working a part time job while attending college, in fact, I attended college while working a part time job.
>I love giving my money away to people who dont deserve it, here is a reward for killing people mister terrorist, have a few million on me, but fuck that starving family in NS.

Everyone has the same enemy.

Anyone know how to repair shit? You can become a handy man. Make cards and give them to real estate agents who need houses that are being sold repaired. You can charge $60 to $120 an hour, depending on the state.

Only morons take out student loans. Get a grant instead.

Ah it’s a conservative millennial parrots talking points from his boomer parents episode. Cozy! I’ll put the cocoa on.