Should people accused of pedophilia be allowed children?
Should people accused of pedophilia be allowed children?
Accused or convicted?
Allowed to adopt children or allowed to birth children?
Be specific.
Accused/investigated and adopt
Convicted no, accused yes. The protection offered by law must be true to the innocent.
what is the story of the pic?
Are you a pedophile, OP?
Is the system making your life difficult?
No one has the right to take away someone's ability to have children. The fact that the state can abduct people's children is an absolute absurdity on the face of it. The founding fathers would've fought to the death if they believed someone would try to do such a thing.
Pedophile Tarl Sargent
anyone convicted of sex crimes against a child should be chemically castrated and have children taken away
What if they weren't convicted?
The laws have to be changed. Only actual rape/coercion should be considered a sex crime, its entirely irrational and insane to consider mutual contact a crime.
depending on the validity of the claims they might warrant surveillance of some sort. Otherwise, not much you can do. Anyone can be accused of anything and everyone has a right to due process.
mutual contact? explain yourself
yes, pedophiles deserve equal rights and free access to universal child butthole
Sexual relationships that are mutual. I didn't use the term "consent" because people always get their panties in a bunch and make circular arguments. How does a relationship which is wanted by both parties and mutually enjoyed cause harm? Why should they be a crime?
obviously not they should be executed
you didn't use the term consent because you know in your heart you're a creepy pedofag and you want to dance around it with ambiguous language. Keep your hands to yourself.
This is bullshit. If the Founding Fathers had to deal with a pedophile, they'd pay some "Sons of Liberty" to take the fucker to a pub, get him pissed drunk and either beat him to death with cudgels in the ally or let him drown in his own vomit.
If they're white yes. If they're not no.
Exactly the same policy as non-pedos
In that case I accuse you of pedophilia. Now be a good boy and shoot yourself.
I want public hanging for pedophiles, I am bloodthirsty.
If I wanted to use ambiguous language I wouldn't mention why I didn't use the term consent. Let's call it consent then. Let's look up the study Rind et al. which shows kids who consented to sex weren't harmed. I wonder why? Probably because these were mutual relationships. This used to be common sense, if you mutually enjoyed something it wasn't rape.
Should Catalonia get it's own flag?
A-OK as long as there is consent.
Nice delusion. Look up the age of consent in 19th century America. It was between 7-12 in most states. The morality you defend was invented from the 1870s to 1920s (by feminists). The founding fathers would've considered you an insane person.
Suspicion should be enough to warrant an investigation.
I don't believe the state should have the power to abduct your children, but pedophiles and pedophile enablers should be hung.
Oh yeah, what kind of punishments were doled out for homosexuality, sodomy and raping children?
I don't disagree with you. But if you're talking about some weird farmhand who's getting grabby with toddlers, don't act like my solution wasn't the most common until the mid 20th century. Have you ever read "Of Mice and Men"?
So you think something you personally find gross should be punished with death? How libertarian of you. Why don't you change your flag to the communist one and get it over with.
Fix the OP. The word you looking for is convicted, not accused. Now, the answer is no, they should not.
Dunno but America sure did love Shirley Temple, and half of her movies were basically softcore child porn.
Stop posting this pic, the look on that kids face makes me sick.
For the love of all that is good may that man be damned to hell.
No, something universally disdained because it's unnatural and harmful.
Well, a citizen with the right to defend his family should be allowed to do that if he pleases, but the argument here is that there shouldn't be laws against someone having a relationship with a child if it is consensual. The government should not have the power of policing personal relationships. Btw of Mice and Men is about a retarded guy killing a young woman, I'm unsure what it has to do with this.
Accused ?
Yes. Accused is not enough.
You dump rapist. Ooops now your accused, too bad.
story? googling the name just brings up those retarded sites that mirror Sup Forums
pedos should be gassed
Like I said, look at the study Rind et al. The idea of sexual relations between child-adult always being harmful is a myth. Its perpetuated for the government to have more control over the personal lives of citizens, it isn't based on reason. The study I mentioned was condemned by both houses of congress.
Sick ass baby raper.... hurry up and get convicted. Ppl in prison will have a mutual sexual relationship with you.
Given more.
One flawed study that affirms your belief is hardly good enough. What about the abounding literature that arrives at the opposite conclusion?
>Should people accused of pedophilia be allowed children?
Only accused? Yes.
Convicted? No.
Why is this even a question? You'd have to be literally retard to thing that punishing someone for being accused of something is a good idea.
I've heard that dogs like it when you jerk them off. Should be all just start jerking our dogs off? I mean consent is irrelevant, and they like it... So what does it matter?
Especially not if their name is Mr. Tom and they work for Zenith.
The flaws were rectified in a further study, Ulrich et al. The abounding literature you mention doesn't even recognize the possibility of consent as a factor.
No. Accused pedophiles have damaged their trust and reputation within their community, and the communities judgment needs to be respected and abide by.
I personally find sexual contact with dogs extremely gross, but I'm not irrational so I'm not going to make an emotional argument against it. In most places, punishing your dog isn't illegal, so I fail to see how pleasuring your dog should be.
>I mean consent is irrelevant,
Nonsense strawman argument.
yes duh
no duh
aaaaaaaaaand thank god for you sir