Whats with the sudden new resurgence of nerd interest in D&D and why is it jews?
Whats with the sudden new resurgence of nerd interest in D&D and why is it jews?
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It isn't nerd interest, its pretend nerds. Immature millennials think it means theyre smart if they virtue signal about loving 80s nerd culture.
New edition came out that unfucked the fuckening the last edition had created
I played D&D for the first time a little over a month ago.
It's really fun, even if I am a Paladin...
Just hanging out with friends and fighting ancient blue dragons.
>friends try and get me into D&D
>spend hours making a character sheet
>2 hours of random ass chit chat and maybe 20 minutes of actual playing
Normies ruin everything
Tbh senpai, I really don't think It's the jews on this one
But I thought i had to be the jews
The Jews ruined videogames so now we have to use our imaginations again.
Fake hipster nerd trend. This has attracted the sjw and tards. /tg/ is a complete shithole now.
Except D&D isn't (((kosher))) unlike (((M:TG))) or (((WH40K)))
>don't even have to buy game manuals, can pirate them online and print them out
>all you have to buy is multi-sided die and some graph paper, unlike (((M:TG:))) where you have to keep buying cards or (((WH40K))) where you have to keep buying figurines and new campaign boards
'Nerd' culture has been hijacked by SJWs for awhile now.
Played Pathfinder with a group of 4 or 5 others every other Sunday for a couple years. Was fun, but as politics got hotter, it became clear these were not people I would be welcome around soon. AFAIK, a lot of the people that did LARPing and Tabletopping in the community were some variant of NEET or SJW.
It's fun, and I thought about GMing, but between the kinds of people I might attract, the new stigma, and blackpill-induced anti-sociability, not gonna happen.
You can play M:TG and WH40K without buying anything. Rulesbooks for WH40k can be found form the Internet, and you can play with paper-tokens. Takes some crafting, tho. And M:TG is as dandy with paper cards since you are using sleeves anyway.
I played Advanced Squad Leader with two white guys and a mexican who were being anti-PC as fuck and trading race-based bantz back and forth all afternoon. Maybe you attract the cucks
Do you just print out counterfeit/paper versions of the cards you want to use for M:TG or what?
Stranger Things 100% started this trend
No one plays WH40K with paper tokens or cardboard chits because it's a shitty game. The miniatures are the only redeeming quality of the game.
Geek and Sundry started the thread. Felicia made the geek girls trendy. Numales followed.
It usually is. Usually. Sometimes its not. This is probably one of those times.
Besides D&D is great.
There is no ''resurgence of nerd interest in D&D''
It's just some liberal fags wanting to look ''geeky'' so they watch someone like Wil Wheaton (some fag who had a minor role in some Star Trek series) goof around with a D&D campgain on camera not even playing the game.
Actual D&D is pretty cool. It's great entertainment not ruined by kikes and liberals. It's socializing and you create your own entertainment without relying on Hollywood writers or expensive liberal voice actors. I've always wanted to get into D&D, but I don't know anyone who wouldn't call me a fag for wanting to play D&D.
/tg/ has become a shithole in the last couple years. Its filled with people who don't belong.
Was Southern California. Dunno about your case, but it didn't help being surrounded by them.
I tap 2 blue mana to summon the sheckle, a 2/2 artifact creature with band and lifelink.
Just like every other board.
This /tg/ is full of try hard losers.
Go to /fit/ if you want real RPG discussion.
People realize how shallow and unimaginative video games RPGs are after a while.
It's finally easy enough for stupid people to play.
Born with the Blue Box; but 3.5 forever.
All Hail Kyuss!
Stranger Things started in fucking 2016. This has been going on for a lot longer.
Here is where I think it started.
>Published on Apr 2, 2012
These faggots are to blame.
GURPS is the most redpilled system by far.
Dude Hollywood is making a fucking movie on D&D. And WotC is already catering to SJW, they are going to fuck up this male space too.
Also watch the first few seconds of the video. Look at that numale cuck talk for a second. Look at his weird bobble head bobble around as he speaks. This is why everything is fucked. This is the person who attracted all the retards to tabletop gaming.
The Jews are trying to flood the hobby with normies so that they can be brainwashed by ultra SJW forums like RPG.net.
I think it's because video games grew in popularity, but as the fan base grew the triple A games only got worse. So rather than the fake nerds delving into more obscure games, they just decided to explore different aspects of games.
I'm a long time DM here and I've seen a ton of interest from normies, especially girls, in joining my games. Fuck normies though, they want me to do all the work setting the game up for them because I'm DM, but I'm satisfied with my group of nerds. If they want me to DnD for them they better have everything set up for me to work, or pay me.
They're trying to, but it's not easy. The reason these people are going after D&D so hard is because it's completely out of their control.
If I set up a group where we play as Nazis and lynch niggers, I can easily do that. There is nothing anyone can do to stop me from doing that.
I actually want to try it out soon. It looks pretty cool.
There is this apparent "I hate my generation, this generation was better" and they carefully cherrypick the best parts of those generations to make it look good regardless of how shit the 90s or 80s really were. I had to DM for some hipsters. I really hoped that they would be able to enjoy the world, but the one guy in the party that actually has played a fair amount of games with me was the only person doing a goddamn thing. And whenever something happens that's bad, they flip through page after page for, not kidding, up to an hour. All because they don't know how to enjoy a game for what it is.
Most people have absolutely no idea how to choose how to play games for fun. They only play games that force things on them. It's the difference between a creator and a consumer. You can be a creator gamer or a consumer gamer and DND is meant for creators.
They are dropping hints in the cards and the rulebooks. Each expansions is slowly sanitizing the culture.
If you gave DND to some cod gamers we'd all be screwed, but I think, for how gay it sounds to say this, minecraft brought a lot of people into DND.
I see part of the problem as the complete lack of innovation. The RPGs of our day, like the early squaresoft games, were something new and innovative when they came out. If we played them today, we probably wouldn't enjoy them as much, but at the time, they were truly groundbreaking games.
Nowadays, game companies just re-hash the same formulas over and over again with a shiny new layer of anti-aliasing, and stick a 60$ price tag on it.
D&D allows you to limitlessly innovate, which is why I think it's regaining popularity also.
Its is very cool :)
Start a group with YOUR friends. Do not join someone else's. DND is not a game but a complex social interaction akin to games on the playground. You all have to compromise and cooperate to create a game that is harmonic with the group's individual interests and personalities. It takes a lot of work and very complex social maneuvering to make it work well.
If you have good friends at the table, a lot of the social aspects are already properly tuned and the game will spill forth freely.
Playing with randos is probably the most frustratingly awkward experience. That being said, playing with randos is important to bringing people into DND
kek please spare D&D from the SJWs.
World of Darkness is better if you actually enjoy role playing and not just rolling dice.
New D&D movie? They can't improve upon perfection.
> pic related
I gathered a bunch of randos from my university classes and it went decently, but I had 2 friends who really had my back in the group as well.
3 people dropped out of the group one at a time when they realized that 90% of the game was creatively discussing the direction of the narrative and team building exercises disguised as dungeons.
I don't know what most people expect. My games feel more like fantasy corporate retreats than video games.
Surprised we haven't gotten a bunch of "5e is shit and you shouldn't play it" kids. You know they're all either way too old to take seriously or way too young to have played any other edition.
>tfw bibi starts rolling double 20s
If it isn't 90% strategy 10% execution you're doing something wrong. Otherwise you're just watching a movie with dice in it.
Divinity Original Sin have tickled peoples boner for pen-and-paper games, that's why.
Game has been dumbed down for shekels and attracted normie faggots, vaginal jews and numales who are starting to destroy what was an autistic loser escapist haven with useless normie drama and tv references. Long term games will be no more because either some fag brings personal life at the table or "empowered" nerdayyy women start fucking the GM for favoritism.
SJW shit will start dropping as the normie base, becoming a vocal minority in the tg niche, can be politicized.
Same as vidya
>Playing D&D
>Not superior GURPS the redpilled RPG
If you play D&D at all you might as well go find a nigger and invite him to breed your wife and daughters.
>World of social justice
If it's 90% strategy than you should play a video game.
i wonder if 40 years from now hipsters will virtue-signal about Sup Forums.
Calm down dude. It's some sheets of paper and dice, not some sheets of paper and a court hearing.
I mainly play with white guys anyways.
Videogames are on rails. You can't invent your own story without looking like a faggot.
>Sup Forums and /tg/ try hard
Jesus Christ...
kek the black guy in that movie got so much shit afterwards
>G-gurps is mean!!! IT HARD MATH IT MAKE ME MADS >:(
>A-ancap is mean!!! I NEED MY MOMMY STATE RIGHT NOW!
Chill with the memes, dude. Don't let them become your identity.
Everyone was having a nice time and then this aspurgers kid walks in and shits on the floor. Not sure if legitimately retarded or just new.
>tfw can't play a roleplaying game because it requires friends.
the chicks were pretty hot though
Lurked /tg/ for 4 years but never found an online game that was in my timezone.
You don't need real friends, just use your imagination. You can DM for Bono, Steve Jobs, Gandhi and whoever you want.
do you think Bono is dead?
also not suggesting Gary Gygax son i am disappoint
I recently had no one to play with. So I made a couple of characters and improvised an adventure! It's fun. If you use random tables and improv technique you'll be surprised by the stories you make. Some of the material you come up with can be used in another campaign too. You could set these solo adventures all in the same universe, but different times. For example, you could roleplay the story of a legendary hero your real players are going to hear about 1000 years in the future.
Forsake all false editions, for only True AD&Dâ„¢ can save
trips of truth..
Imagination is what [[[they]]] tried so hard to kill.
tempted to get into 40k because i need an indoor hobby.
fucking kek
While I'm wondering if there'll even be an Internet or mass media.
Pretty fun/10 just really expensive to get started
reminds me of a couple years ago when I got lost in Morrowind RP'ing. I had built something amazing in my head.
fuck this so much, i fucking hate will wheaton, the way he talks and moves his head is infuriating
Nah. It's expensive and takes a huge amount of time. To assemble and paint that stuff is a pain in the ass. the GW prices are Jew level. Do you really want to support a company that sells a cheap cutter for 33$? games-workshop.com
There are a lot of high quality board game nowadays, including good solo experiences. If you're looking for historical stuff, go for Comancheria or other games by GMT.
Go to bgg.com and ask them what games fit your tastes. There are a lot of cool games that use miniatures if that's your thing.
What army are you considering?
T'au and Necron are the best imho.
D&D is redpilled. Adventure and battle strategy, creativity, and imagination are repdilled. D&D was a purist exploration of the macabre. At least it is until communists and (((new industry))) takes over and ruins it with SJW rules.
thinking going halves with a mate on the mid level starter kit with 2 armies.
but maybe imperial guard.
I'm a 2E old fag, I'll calculate THAC0 all day every day idgaf
Right now I'm playing Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fiasco and some Indie stuff. What are you playing?
classic sword and sorcery will always be good.
Unfortunately, noone recaptured the vision and dignity that Howard had
D&D and roleplaying is fun
now the stigma about satanism is basically gone, and many people want an alternative to video-games or mindlessly watching tv
an alternative that tebletop happily provides
this is industry wide too, Games Workshop has seen a huge increase in sales recently, partially thanks to some smart business decisions and making it easier to get started without paying a ton of money.
Kikes are selling more "nerd culture" and faggots who pretend to be nerdy want nerd cred so they try D&D and suck at it.
I set myself the task to read the best of Appendix N. I will start from Vance's books. Anything else you'd recommend?
When is Warhammer Fantasy coming back?
I have friends but none with similar interests in games. FIFA is about all I can get for multiplayer gaming.
Imagining you sitting at a table DMing for yourself is kind of sad but I'm glad you had fun.
all you need is 1st edition you nigger
As an aussie, you get super fucked on prices. Don't ask my why, just don't order GW direct. About half my Crimson Fists company is secondhand, use Pine Sol or metals and Easy Off for plastics. Not too much oven cleaner or you'll ruin the detail. Do not buy GW hobby tools, support your local hardware store for cheaper. How much fun you'll have is related to who is around to play so CHECK THAT FIRST. If the local scene looks insufferable, do not buy in.
Played Tau since third ed, fuck the haters. Adapt or die.
Guard are about to be bananas. If you spam conscripts, you're a nigger.
Because it's selling. When that stops they'll fuck off. If you want a hobby they'll never touch, get into automechanics.
Yea I started playing earlier this year, always wanted to as a kid but my parents wouldn't let me so I would play pretend in my back yard
Super fun game, some autists and fags, but otherwise pretty fun.
D&D is alright.
If you want to get into some real shit check out Ars Magica.
That's some good shit right there.
Thats some pretty hardcore withdrawl symptoms bro, but if you can produce some decent stories then what the hell.
get 1st edition 40k it is the best.
Check out the dndwithpornstars blog.