All Indian Albinos look like fucking Finns
All Indian Albinos look like fucking Finns
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Damn nice get. Nice job man
You do know that there has been movement of population throughout history, yes?
Technically white people are the same race as poos
I am so happy
Don't do this.
no they don't lol. waste of get
here op
step right up
also kys for congratulating yourself twice.
It's a blatant false flagger, you're leagues worse for taking the bait
One of my best friends always told me Indians were just really fucking dark white people.
I guess he was right.
My gf is finnish, she is aryan
>this LARP again
waste of digits.. Look at their skull structure..
Problem is, they're not all Albinos.
lmao if u think girl on far right looks like Grimes
second from right looks like yung lean.
WOW fucking shit on our digits nigger