Why do lefties and communists always look so dysgenic and trashy?
Serious question
Is it something in the water? Chemicals? What causes them to look like this?
Why do lefties and communists always look so dysgenic and trashy?
Sometimes a vegan diet.
Here is another one
Any ideas?
A continuous diet of daddy's semen, sausages and yoghurt.
Mental illness often breeds eating disorders.
Lack of testosterone, I know because I used to be a left leaning retards before I began test shots. Now I am a patriotic bro dude who believes in the free market and capitalism.
Do these people think they're cartoons or something?
He looks like Leon Trotsky. It's called being Jewish
>hello fellow men
forgot to take off your meme flag, shlomo
Probably manlier than you, queer.
>120 pounds
jesus christ my 5'5 skinny sister weighs more than that what a fucking loser
btw, the girl is almost normal looking, but it turned out she had like 30 cavities.
Premature birth and a poor diet as a child cause leftism.
>tfw went from 185 pounds of muscle to 140 pounds skinnyfag because I got sick as fuck this year
>tfw all those gains, like dust in the wind
a-am I gonna make it, brahs?
I use the elliptical because i have shit knees from the military, not all machines are bad.
I was 115 as a senior in high school. I’m 170 pure muscle now 4 years later.
Was the smell nice when she blew your dick^
Nigga looks like a Dr Seuss character
>fucked up hormones
>fucked up values
>fucked up self-image, both males and females.
It's the other way around. Their ugliness and bad health makes them communists.
How does the military hurt knees lad?
Overuse or something?
Eat you fucki commie queer.
That dude has Marfan syndrome, he can't help it.
probably running with a heavy pack on
Do you think this has happened to someone else before? If they made it, you can.
how do you know? his pectum looks fine, his teeth don't look crowded and his finger aren't abornamlly long. he just looks like a skinny cunt not a marfan
Even if true, hes still posing like an absolute faggot.
Because roughly half of them are Jews.
>check, and check
I was 6' 110lbs back when I was a nihilistic lefty.
Now I'm 5'7" 280lbs of lean, mean, commie fighting machine.
Either a shit roll with the genetic lottery at conception or raised on ideas which don't promote masculine identity and associated physical development. These are the kind of people who die as virgins or have their pick of the hambeasts and psychotic bitches better men know to avoid.
And these days with antifa running around, they think that by putting on that mask and swinging a bike lock, no one can see their physical failures... just their mental ones.
the difference between glucose for fuel and fat for fuel individuals
Fuck i sit on my ass all day for work and put no effort into exercising period, but compared to him.. I'm fucking John cena.
Theyre commies because they are that way. Dont make the mistake of assuming the tail wags the dog. They are too weak in mind, body, and charecter so they cling to an ideology that blames others for thier shortcomings and promises to reward them with free effortless success.
Reading books and studying.
people today are quite ugly. also ugly people see virtue signalling as compensation for their being unattractive and/or having no other good qualities
These weak men are leftists and communists due to being unable to compete against better men on an open playing field. They use the power of Marx and the state to achieve what they alone cannot. See also: male feminist, transgender.
>I was 6'
>Now I'm 5'7"
We're all gonna make it brah
>the difference between glucose for fuel and fat for fuel individuals
Went from 300lbs NEET to 180lbs Chad with qt3.14 gfs on Keto, glucosefags get on my level.
That’s very unfortunate. I wish I had a positive twist I could give you, but that’s just shitty.
Carrying around 100 pounds of gear.
Generations of (((immunization shots))) has degenerated their genetics.
nice job
>jews invented vaccines
they really did everything wow
Girls will always outweigh a guy isn't obese or doesn't lift you stupid fucking jackass. What do you think tits and asses are made of?
Jews didn't create Hollywood and yet they control it today. Jews didn't create CNN, but it's controlled and run by Jews today. Could literally go on to about everything Jews operate today including our health institutions.
Who let this little monster out of ark survival?
dare to share your training schedule? cardio?
yeah gains come back faster once made previously, its science look it up
More like a playing video games and fapping. Books, my ass! The average antifa reddit bitch wouldn't read a book even if it pissed off daddy.
the fuck is wrong with his arms
Lower testosterone. I'm not even kidding.
People on the right tend to have higher T levels.
Somebody uploaded their survivor off of the ark
t. manlet
>How does the military hurt knees, lad?
How much time you got?
Even one four foot jump down from a truck with a bunch of shit can fuck up your knees. It's just too much weight.
I prefer my men husky, European ( not Jewish , not brown ) and centre of the political compass, with a good personality and an above average IQ , because i want to have children who are healthy , intelligent and the same racial make up as myself .
that dude has golum arms
>Cut a deal with the devil
>Exchange height for gains
You chose wrong bruh.
Fuck off. I'm 200 lbs and not fat, don't lift. Try being over 6 foot you filthy manlet.
marfan syndrome
Guys, this is not funny.
This is actually a photoshopped image of my grandfather in a Nazi death camp shortly before being gassed. You almost exterminated every last one of us, and still here we are getting persecuted to this day...
im not sure why this is but cleanliness and order seem to be something valued by right wingers. whether it be their home, neighborhood or society.
9/10 times a clean freak is right wing. every cops house ive ever been to was spotless and orderly. my parents taught me cleanliness was next to godliness etc. i used to get nitpicked over my nails being dirty or long, having hangnails, brushing my teeth, keeping my hair short and kempt, making my bed, matching colors with clothes and so on. so ive always been a freak when it comes to that type of shit.
however, these peoples parents being disgusting liberals never taught them any of that shit, hence why theyre dirty and disgusting.
>tfw mom used to use the kitchen lights and look at the counter from different angles to see if there were any rings from cups on the counter
confirmation bias + echo chambers
here, the_donald, tumblr, reddit, etc
internet makes it very easy to have your feelings reinforced and never challenged
Kek manlet
100kg 195cm weightlifting masterrace with 60kg cute weightlifting gf here.
Stay pleb
>128 lb
>6.5 inch wrist
>Extremely conservative
What's going on here
kneeling to suck jew dick
The common denominator here is mental disorders. Mental disorders cause eating disorders and other physical disorders. It also causes people to be drawn to communism, clearly because those who are unable to fend for themselves want a government to provide for them.
The strong will always oppose communism, and the weak will always support it.
*Bocks your path*
Wat do?
6'2" 124 lb here lol
Marfan man reporting in, he 100% has Marfans.
Bad angles and marfans syndrome.
In what universe does that look like a normal human being?
Ride The Lightning
>no furniture
>giant hands
oh there are no more seats???
that's ok ill just sit on my hands
meatless soy sausages.
That's not even funny.. I'm 6'1" 180. Eat bro
Lefties love cats.
Look up toxoplasmosis.
Its literally the answer why lefties dont see the danger of islam and why they go out of their way to conform lgbt wordsalad.
The best thing?It can be cured.
>Jews didn't create Hollywood
Actually, they kind of did.
I mean, fuck Jews but the story goes that European Jews with money wanted to invest in Thomas Edison's film companies in NY, but he said no. So they went out west.
Canadian people are not of this earth - mutants from space - Die with your hands!
Hello brother, 6'1 125lbs.
Fear my rattles meat scum.
Shoot the terrorist.
They didn't create facebook either...
>turning yourself into a manlet
Rhett Berwick
Manlets naturally gravitate towards political ideologies that promise to take care of them.
he needs to be shot
I guess I am the exception to the rule. Extremely conservative politically, but aside from shaving I can be pretty disgusting. Whether due to depression or mental illness I often go days without bathing. House is never filthy but blankets often go unfolded, be unmade.
However I am also left handed so I blame that for my quirkyness