Its origins are from a bloody peasant revolt 400 years ago that lasted two decades (thus the scythe, it's not of communist origin)
Much better than the non-existant Spanish one, at least.
Its origins are from a bloody peasant revolt 400 years ago that lasted two decades (thus the scythe, it's not of communist origin)
Much better than the non-existant Spanish one, at least.
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>yfw the anthem is likely to be their screams of mercy as they get slaughtered for being the communists they are.
¿Catalonia? There's no such thing.
You have one of the worse flags on Earth though, I honestly oppose to Catalan independence based on how ugly the flag is alone.
The anthem is 400 years old.
Our flag is this one, not the one with the star which only represents the independentist movement.
You are not an independentist?
What is the Crown of Aragon? Are you going to deny that from us?
Do I have to remember you how it was formed? What origin their kings had? What language was spoken? What banner was used? With what ethnicity were the repopulations of the reconquered lands? How was it called the most famous Almogavar company?
I never was, but I'm tempted towards independence.
Spain is a lost cause, I believe.
Are we ever going to get Catalonia flags?
it's an american band, what retards
On monday.
That's the heavy metal version, the singer of which descends from Catalans who emigrated to the USA during Franco dictatorship, that's why they did this anthem version.
Primitive and anti-aristocratic mentality that ultimately achieves the contrary of what they expect.
In Spain 9 heads charge and only 1 thinks.
TBQH it's beautiful - top5 anime national anthems I think
You know independence can't win, right?
It's pretty meaningless, specially considering it doesn't exist anymore ever since it got jointed to the Crown of Castille. No one except Catalans speak the language either.
Inside Spain, the region itself is not best performing one either, nor the one made with the smartest or hardest working people. That would go to Madrid/C& La mancha. Exactly what's so great about Catalonia?
>Exactly what's so great about Catalonia?
It's ours.
Well yes, it is pretty good that Catalonia belongs to us Spaniards. I agree fellow compatriot.
1st song is fucking meme tier, automatically made me think about catalonia as a meme non-country
2nd one is alright but 2commie4me
Of course it's ours, it's an important part of Spain. Well, not too important anymore that you don't have any banks and all that, but still.
Are there people willing to kill and die for the independence? I don't really see how the separation would happen without an army to back it up. I know Israel is pretty much involved in this, so we'll see.
It has no commie origins, but a farmer and popular revolt from 400 years ago.
>Madrid and Vaque country literally shown in the map to being more productive than Catalonia
>Tries so say that ''Non-Catalan speaking'' score higher on PISA scores, when those are actually illigal immigrants. Real pisa scores by region show Catalonia to be below Madrid, castille & la mancha and the basque country.
>Forgets to mention out of the 140% national debt Spain has to the EU central bank, 40% of that is owned by Catalonia alone
Wew, son.
By what means? Are you going to throw butifarras at us?
Yes, and as you can see in the image I posted before, if we separate the ones who are catalan speakers with the ones who are spanish speakers in Catalonia, well, if we had only catalan speakers Catalonia we would be the 1st in that list, you basically send us the worst of your southern regions and you expect us to not be dragged down?
Anthems with lyrics are designed to oppress the people like necessarily singing in schools or army for everytime reminding what a shithole you living in and what rights you have. In free 90's Russia we don't even have lyrics because no one really cares about contained meaning, but when commies returned it was one of first things that they made.
There's subhumans in every part of Spain, so field is already leveled. Or are you saying there's no subhumans in Madrid, the fucking capital??
Seriously could you go debate this on another board - i mean spain is kindof irrelevant to the world. Maybe duke it out in /trv/
No one is forcing to post here, you attention whoring piece of shit. Lose some weight, faggot.
eat dinner at a sensible hour, Pedro
Ah, I see. You plan to win the war with memes. Too bad I dislike Rajoy, as much as I dislike Puigdemont and all independentists.
Stop getting shot, Jonh
Who do we support again? spain or commietolians?
We in the U.S. have your back.
Fuck Madrid, fuck Castile and fuck Spain.
No you don't, Trump has already stated his support for Spain. Some irrelevant civilian means fuck all.
This. The price of freedom is blood.
Trump is mostly unpopular here. He doesn't speak for the majority of us
kek stay mad faggot
Catalonia will be free
>He doesn't speak for the majority of us
Yes, yes he does. What's why he democratically won the FUCKING ELECTIONS.
What are you even going to do showing your support to Catalonia, you fucking retarded piece of shit? Channel your moral support over the fucking Atlantic so it materializes into a n AK47??? GOD, WHY DON'T YOU GET SHOT ALREADY?
I'll make sure to bathe my bullets in pig fat, just for you. I hope someone nukes the fucking Mecca already.
I don't like Rajoy at all but... Rajoy is Galician and speaks Galician. And now Pudgememe is shitting his pants. So much for being a Chad.
Southern Americans are bred with mothers milk to approve of secession movements. The idea of a small culturally distinct province defying a central authority has huge resonance in the USA culturally.
That said though the last thing the US wants or needs is for Spain to be thrown into civil war.
Will a free Catalonia still be part of the EU? Or will it be free of Spain AND the E.U.?
Puigdemont insists Catalonia will join the EU, but the EU has stated it will not, and it will have to wait on the back of the line like everyone else.
Are there people willing to kill and die for the independence? I don't really see how the separation would happen without an army to back it up. I know Israel is pretty much involved in this, so we'll see.
i love anything which invokes a sense of national pride. give em hell.
break free of the globalist chains.
The Spanish side, I think definitely would be willing to kill Independentists to defend their nation. We have a lot of right wing people, both civies and in the military. From the Catalan side, I find it hard to believe that they would pick up the weapons, perhaps some the most nationalistic Catalan Police force would.
I guess time will tell, but it is very hard to believe that a people that lets gif related represent them in one of their most important causes of the last 40 years...
They are EU cocksuckers. This is exactly what the EU wants.
>Pretend to be with spain
>weaken boths countries
>eventually let Catalonia into the EU
>Spain or Catalonia no longer have that much power to influence the EU
>Other countries try to become independent because of catalonia
>EU insist in not helping
>eventually let them join
>soon EU is surrounded by weak countries with no power inside the EU
No they are not. Pudgememe the dude pushing for the independence in backing down and asking for dailog and Rajoy said no no. Probably going to jail for breaking Catalan law and accepting mob rule.
the globalists are supporting the independence tho.
Face it, you're living in hell and there's no way out.
You fuckers will start WW3, I just know it. Build that wall, Europe. Spain is nothing but a world of trouble and faggotry
>You fuckers will start WW3
And they wonder why Gibralter wants to stay with Britain.
Says the revolted colony. You have even less reason to exist than them.
You mean a french-spanish war. It even says you took Louis XIII as your king.
help me
They have an army, unlike you.
>tfw come monday there'll be a warfare between LEOPARDS 2E tanks and agriculture tractors.
They are as "right-wing" as shlomo, Spain has the most progressive laws in Europe regarding faggotry and you can literally buy the citizenship with money. Also one of the countries where racemixing is more accepted.
As I said many other times: I have no reason to live so I don't care, kill me if you hate me so much fuckers.
Sounds like trap, they want to remove the Police Force to declare unilateral independence and gain time. I am sure of it.
Stay out of the way of the army, and no civilian will die. Pick up the weapons to resist, and we will be forced to.
Spain has a heart too big to hold hatred towards their own people, the Spanish state's hand will always be ready to grab you and help you come to side that respect the rule of law.
The latests events in Catalonia has sparked the fire in the Spaniards heart's. I predict an immense collapse of Podemos and a raise in PP/Ciudadanos and Vox for the next elections.
The fuck are they singing about, enemy, death, raise up your weapons and cut Spaniards in pieces. It differs from what I read on Wikipedia.
Fat american slob of a singer suffered to lose her weight:
translate to please give me immunity for the years of collecting political bribes and I will stop this circus.
PP has tolerated gay marriage and state funded transgenderism with an absolute majority and passed the law to buy citizenship. Ciutadanos literally attended the pro-refugee rally. Your country is as fucked as mine if not more.
Yes he does Trump was voted in by the majority of America you shareblue commie
For lack of interventionism Spain is basically free to stomp catalans in the ground. Revoke autonomy, send more police.
I agree.
There'll be no negotiations with terrorists. PP and the King already came out to state as such. It's too late for the Catalan government.
And also as I said kill me, you will be making me a favour. I'm tired of seeing niggers and degenerates all over the place and the future looks even worst.
So monday's when we get Tanks through las Ramblas. Exciting!
Yes, yes it is. Which is why I am a Vox voter. I hope the entire EU collapses and burns, but as the world goes to hell, I can guarantee I'll rather die fighting for the unity of my country than shit idly by as secessionists break the country apart.
Cheer up, cunt. Somenthing is gotta give out sooner or later. If right wing parties are truly on the rise in Europe, Spain will, as always be the last crystal to catch the resonating sound waves.
Give it time, and get some military training to survive by your means. It'll also give some meaning to your chaotic and meaningless life without structure and discipline.
Well, then I hope we see each other on the battlefield, you sound like a good lad.
>Trump is mostly unpopular here. He doesn't speak for the majority of us.
I thought you hillshills were done, guess CTR is still paying your salaries
That's more like it, chin up compatriot.
No, in Europe fake right is on the rise. They are literally PP trier only saying immigration needs to be controled, not even stopped, let alone deporting niggers.
The only reason to support Catalonian independencia is that it will really fuck up the EU.
It's a start. It would be impossible to break into politics with by saying ''We are going to deport all fucking niggers out of the country, vote for me''.
im very ignorant to euro politics so i mainly just have one question for spanish; has anyone allied with catalans?
t. Doesnt know LUMPF
And even saying this soft shit they lose, get almost no support and are treated like nazis. I think real change is impossible at this point.
Shillblue post.
>has anyone allied with catalans?
Not that I know of. Puigdemont says he has international support, but he hasn't come out to state who they are. It's likely to be some irrelevant country like Venezuela or something. EU is against, US is against and the Spanish King is against.
I think it's pretty obvious that if he had any relevant international support, Puigdemont would have already declared independence...
its funny when you grow up and see that even the craziest of people end up in serious positions, this is absolutely insane, cartoonish even
>imagine being so bluepilled that you believe modern Spain is worth salvaging
Hopefully, the rest of Spain needs your companies and banks. Spain will be great again. Thanks so much.
Yeah well, I don't plan on sitting idly by crying myself to death.
Same goes for you
Our President Rajoy is mentally challenged. He has a green card by the King, EU and US to use the article 155 on the Catalan government, and he is doing nothing...
He did nothing and he is winning. A genius.
I think genius might be stretching it too far, user. Let's not make a ''4D chess master'' meme out of Rajoy.
Nuke barcelona
I dont know what 155 is but if its violence will that trigger any euro hippy sperging? or will they more or less understand the situation given?
La pela esta huyendo de Cataluña, la UE se pone inequivocamente de lado del gobierno de España, los independentistas balbucean que no pasa nada por quedarse sin sus bancos y compañías más importantes.
Solo la CUP mantiene la compostura porque quiere establecer una dictadura al estilo sovietico, el resto que estaba con la independencia esta empezando a comprender que todo lo que les contaron era mentira.
Cuando menos hace Rajoy mejor van las cosas, siempre ha sido así.
They must cleanse the language from their cultural identity first and foremost
The anthem is the perfect start.
I say this as someone who's been affected by spanish rule in our past, a victim of it. Cleanse it at all cost, do it and keep doing it forever. You have no choice
spain is a terminal disease
The article 155 basically allows to use the military to stop all of this, remove the autonomy of the Catalan government and replace them with functionaries of the Spanish state.
I think it's more than justified, no one has to die if civilians cooperate.