Does anyone recall the collective praising of Kek which ultimately led to Trump's election? Well it's time to praise at that same intensity once more. This time we will be asking Kek to give Trump strength in navigating and executing the world-saving maneuvers he is presently attempting. Trump needs Kek and Kek needs our prasie. Let's save the world again, Faggots.
It's time to call on Kek once again
Praise be.
I still pray to kek ery day at 7 hours and 77 minutes. (8:17am)
inb4 trump is the first president to enact a gun registry thats federal.
best president!
did what both obama and bush failed to do!!
Post will end in 77
You will die before that happens.
sorry grandpa, it isn't 2016 anymore
allahu akbar
Kek oh mighty Lord of Chaos, may thy grace imbue these digits with the best chance to heal the people with the knowledge of the motives of the shooter. Praise Kek!
This is not a drill. Kek will rise but first we must battle.
hardly, im in australia, no-ones shooting me here.
Praise Kek and the synchronicity that he brings!
Shadilay, brother, shadilay.
>time to call on kek
>no digits
im out.
Praise Kek, benevalent God of Chaos. Please help guide and protect our daddy, our shitposter in chief.
There won't be a worldwide apocalypse but that's not how it works, kiddo. Big sacrifices are going to be made.
Trump might as well have shouted "Praise Kek" tonight with his remarks to the press.
He Who Croaks has taken direct control of the reins of power and has set us on our final course towards the chaos that is his soul and essence.
He has forsaken you. Sup Forums is full of Feds and children. Kek has moved on
If you verify, HE will come.
It was God. Try praying user.
Kek is god you christcuck.
Openly praising isnt even necessary. Kek is Sup Forums.
You've lost your chance. This is the call before the storm
Yup and as normalized as the meme has become it was real and worked. The memes that were created just before the election are still some of the best. Our collective consciousness willed trump into the presidency.
kek is always here, friend
you're my chance
Usually I would agree but the numbers honestly mean nothing. Kek was powerful before we started assigning numbers on Sup Forums.
Not in that hall of lies
Praise Kek
Praise thoth!
Gigantic, if fact
Stop pretending. You're a normie trying to dissect meme-magic. It's not going to happen. It's a mass psychological effect that can only be channeled when unaware of its outcome and purpose--similar to how the wave in quantum physics changed when observed.
Can we get some memepriests in here? I think he is demanding fresh dankness.
Give it up. You're going to lose your court case. Pepe is intellectual property and you're a thief.
Checked. Shadilay
Praise kek
Recently kek guided me to Mr Bond on youtube...vertigo politic Eric dubay as well... Kek kek kek let the Race War begin
may the lord of chaos unleashes the storm upon us
praise Kek
He heard you
There will be no storm. Frogs cook better when boiled
Checking your digits
Kek bring us a mighty storm
about fucking time. Praise Kek
It begins
I for one, welcome a new meme magic. One that will cleanse the earth of it wretchedness.
the numbers are important, on and off Sup Forums. remember to always watch for them, they're everywhere
shadilay day at the mandalay bay.
Tell me what KEK thinks of Peterson, disciple or something else?
Praise Kek
Get on it! I’m barely a thin shitstain above a normie in his eyes. Yet the great KEK SMILES UPON ME1
checketh. witnesseth
chaos stirs
Next habbening? I'm thinking NYC
This thread is pathetic. Only a couple gets and this many comments? So pathetic, here's a smug anime girl to prove there is no kek
Nov 11th is the day of the rope.
I'll buy that. I work in healthcare. When I take a patient to be admitted, we weigh them. 20minutes before the LV happening the other weighed 77.7 kg. With other smookyness that night. Nothing happened after the blasting
Kek doesnt grant wishes. In fact, he only had Trump elected due to all the chaos that was going to ensue. Take a look, the US has been restless since Trump was inaugarated.
bring chaos to these calm times
*the patient
No he hides, .....please come kek and fuck the shit up and slam the Jew down
KEK will praise me after this
Tee hee. U guise fanneh. I tole my Mommy I go on scary Alt Right bord n she SCARE lol.
Can I be pulitikul with U guise to? Been pulitikul SOOO FANNEH lol.
hopefully meme magik will start a war on Nov 4
Praise kek
Witnessed as well friend.
praise kek.
checked, friend. have a rarepepe.
Kek be praised, may you all find shelter, brothers and sisters.
>call before the storm
It's going to definitively come out in the coming days that, at the very least, this guy in Las Vegas was a leftist nut job shooting up a country music concert to kill conservatives.
My trips wills it for Trump
See guys, kek blessed this thread
>false gods are false.
at the end of the movie you always lose.
It rises!!!11!!1
Have a comp, kek
This ones on me