Hey Sup Forums, i was wondering about this for a time...

hey Sup Forums, i was wondering about this for a time, but what would you think about punish weapon corporations for having illegal weapons of their making found on crimes in and out of the original country? i mean im not talking about weapon ownership (in wich im on favor of) but about companies not taking care of where their product ends on, people hated BP for oil spilling on the gulf, why not hating the maker of ak's that are being sell on the middle east or a4's that are being used on mexico and sold on the black market? as a responsable weapons user you should be mad at companies not making good use of weapons

typical dumbass spic that's the stupidest thing I've read in a while

No thanks.

Americans feel that Corporations are innocent little lambs that deserve no punishment for the crimes they commit.

Because Americans are all gentrified fucking slaves.

Fuck off Muhhamed punishing a corporation that legally sells firearms because someone illegally had their firearms is fucking moronic.

>Wanting a corporation to stand accountable for it's product usage is now moronic

It is literally only Americans I have seen that will literally defend every single shitty action corporations will do.

> but im not talking about someone illegally had their firearms, im talking about the huge blackmarket quantities of new weapons that are being sold on another countrys or in yours, i mean, is dificult to think that a company cant find weapons on their own stock, or that dont know where their products end on

No, holding a corporation that legally sells it's product accountable for people illegally obtaining them is moronic. They arent the police you tea sucking faggot. As long as they abide by the law there is no way in hell you can ever blame a corporation for what an individual does with ILLEGALLY obtained guns. How can your stupid money brain not understand that?
As I said they aren't the police. Once the product is LEGALLY sold it is no longer their concern or moral responsibility. How hard is that to understand?

People were wrong to hate BP. Every endeavor has a risk of failure.

So you expect weapons manufacturers to also serve as a police that would need to be many times more intrusive than our current police.

Good thinking, idiot.

>Almost elected a Venezuelan style commie
>What's wrong with Americans and corporate freedom?

You oughta be ashamed of yourself.

I you sell someone a apple and they go shove it up someone asshole, do you get in trouble for selling it to them?
Fuck no.

but im not talking about legal sold weapons, im talking about illegal sold weapons that are being sold in mass quantitys by weapons comporation, i mean i know that 25 year old weapons are on circulation on the black market, even older, but what about the new weapons that are being sold illegaly? those are coming from weapon companies or subsidiarys, those illealy sold weapons are the responsability of the company for not investigating if the "store" is even real, again im not against legal distribution of weapons, but i really think that it should be done much more care

Why not hate the governments, for having so much power that lobbyists and shadow groups can literally buy it?
>inb4 ancap

First of all can you fucking please learn how to type coherently and second of all the fuck do you mean? Are you saying we should make it illegal to sell weapons illegally?

Show me an AK-47 deep well and I'll start pumping them out. We can be gorillionaires.

A good example is OP's own country. The government has so much corruption, it might as well be the Sinaloa and Co. running the place.
At least with guns, the government is wary of your ability to overthrow tyranny.

>Why don't we outlaw behavior that's already illegal

You're going to have to be much more specific to improve upon our existing laws.

im not talking about making things ileal, i havent said anything like that, what im taliking about is why no one here or on the goberment denounces weapon companies that flood the black market, i mean here people promote the correct use of weapons, why not its distribution, crime at least in this continent wouldnt be so dominant if weapon companies faced public shame at least

weapons are a serious matter, how is that a company that sells weapons not face public outcry when they sell them illegaly? here of al places, a place that promotes the right use of weapons not saying anything against companies that distribute weapons on the black marquet

The objective being... to encourage more lobbying?

Why not do something about all the stressors that cause people to become mass murderers instead? Like absurd alimony, discarding paternity investigation results, and so on... Its almost as though current legislation just wants to stress us out. thinkyface.jpg

im not against companies doing good business, im talking about companies that actually flood balck markets with its weapons, in any part of mexico you can find new weapons, how can that be done without the companies help, here of all places i would spect some outcry but no, gun distribution by companies should be watched by the public, not overlook just to spite lefters

im not talking about mass murders, becuse we know that a different problem, if some one wants to kill in mass they will do it with a car, or a plane in absens of a weapon, im talking about black markets that sells new weapons to narcos and jihadists and that are being feed by weapon companies or distributors, i know it is a crime already, but no one here feels agraviated by this situation or even talks about it, the swamp in washington is being paid by these companies, and no one here hate them