Did blacks build America?
Did blacks build America?
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America isnt made of cotton
I'd argue the Chinese actually contributed more.
Blacks weren't trusted to do much and basically were owned by less than 1 percent of (((Americans)))
did blacks build all the buildings?
Nope. Most of them were picking cotton not building bridges and roads.
No you didn't nigger, your ancestors did. And they only picked the cotton and tobacco.
Forgot to add that slavery was abolished before manifest destiny even began and we conquered the western part of the country.
yes, everyone knows the south was the industrial powerhouse of america
Do tools build cities, or the men who use them?
Let's give horses the right to vote since they carried us westward.
If picking cotton is the same as building America. Yes, they built America.
yes they helped which is why they have legitimate claim to it.
a few more generations of slavery and who knows, they might have graduated into civilization.
>they do it
>for free
No, they were literally just maids and farm equipment
They formed the backbone of the southern slave economy, which completely collapsed over 150 years ago as has no impact on the current economy in the south or anywhere else.
what do (((they))) have to do with this though?
>For free
So it was not slavery... you just did it for free.
Look at fucking Liberia and see what blacks do when left on their own.
Protip, civil war and cannibalism is involved
she's talking about a joint filled with weed.
Nigger.shut the fuck up.we built special houses for you niggers.guess where?
Do these retards actually think that blacks weren't taught how to build literally everything they worked to """""""build"""""""""?
Actually many slaves were involved in construction projects both public and private
75% of every bill is made out of cotton.
Share that link anytime some idiot says that "slaves built America".
How come no one ever gives credit to the horse and oxen that built this country?
They pulled more weight that black folks.
There was an interesting study done by people interested in pushing the reparations meme that traced the lineage of slave owners at the time.
It was found that less than 1 percent of Americans owned slaves and the majority of them were Jewish. Jews played a huge part in the slave trade.
A lazy dumb nigger needs to be forced to work, supervised at all times, directed and corrected in order to be close to productive. Slavery is the only way a nigger will work, they need to be force. Now they want to act like they built anything, and on their own too. When you leave a nigger to its own devices - the only thing they build are mudhuts in Africa, if that.
no, they didn't come up with the US constitution, they didn't build the entire infrastructure of the US, they didn't create the armed forces, they did not singlehandedly build anything.
when they say "WE BUILDZ THIS KUNTRY N SHHHIIEEET" its just a meme bro.
They built nothing. They weren't the builders.
They weren't the organizers. Same with the
chinese. Their contribution was insignificant.
They we not the engineers.
If west africans built america, why didn't they build america in west africa?
They "built America" (politically loaded subjective term) in the sense that they did some percentage of the manual laboring to build some infrastructure. But seeing as you could say the same about any and every group as long as long as at least one member of a race was in America and did anything at all.
much better than a nigger
Immigrants from Ireland and China built the railroads, real infrastructure...
meanwhile, blacks picked cotton and tobacco
They built the South, and the South's a shithole.
I give credit to horses.
I don't give credit to oxen.
Oxen just pulled crap around because they are dumb.
Niggers want credit for everything that has ever happened. next.
I built America
This, Horses are the reason why the IE won
Niggers can't build shit because they are the laziest race on this fucking rock.
Horses are wonderful animals, a lot more intelligent, loyal and kind animals than niggers.
>Worthless paper
You done goofed, you retard.
fuck no.
they were farm equipment.
they were and still are too damn stupid to buld anything, let alone a nation.
native Americans did more for this country than any nigger.
Yeah, pretty much by definition. Why do you think the South was so hard to keep them? They were the bedrock of their economy.
And the more I hear them talk like that, the more I'm convinced that living with blacks is a mistake.
If this were the Oregon Trail though, do you go horse or oxen?
I live in Oregon, and what are blacks?
No. They were a minority in numbers back than, and they still just 13% of population now. So no, they did not build shit.
Holy shit that's crazy. Do you have any links?
lol what a dumbass. Slaves were bought and sold, it wasn't free you twat
Another thing I'm surprised no one has brought up yet is that America had just broken even after the Civil War. Any value generated by labor, slavery or otherwise was lost.
post sauce then fagot
Funny how some of the farthest left faggots in the country push all the blacks out of the city so they don't have to live among them
>did some percentage of the manual laboring
Statistically insignificant amount of the labour.
They have to go back.
No. Some groups of immigrants did help build America later. Chinese railroads, Italians stone masonry etc.But not them
The white man built America
Niggers picked cotton
>risk your life for a shitty photo
wew lad. you could give me the entire world and i still wouldn't climb one of those things.
Literally, yes. Nobody disputes this.
They built the agricultural base of the south but had nothing to do with the north and the west. That was poor whites.
they had stones
They built the wealth, they built the White House and Capital, the built the infastructure.
>be her
>be like 75% white
They built it as the builders and laborers and skilled craftspeople.
Not anytime recently. What have their black asses done for us lately?
No. They picked some cotton in the south the caused untold crime for generations.
And I hope it's never taught in schools!
>Literally, yes. Nobody disputes this.
Read a book. The places where blacks were concentrated were the agricultural south until the great migration. The infrastructure of the rest of the country was built by poor whites and Europoor migrants, a third to half of whom went back to their countries cause of how shit the US was.
>be Swedish
It's a 1991 book called The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Written by the research division for Nation of Islam so it is super PC and highly shareable with liberals.
Wealth begins in the mind. See this
they built cotton and that was it
To say that blacks did nothing would be wrong. But to say that it was only because of the black man, America is successful would be spitting in the face of every white blue collar man that overwhelmingly built this country.
are you so asinine that you really don't believe white men didn't preform blue collar labor?
The fucking majority of blue collar jobs today are still filled by mostly whites.
"Built Cotton"????
forgot my picture
good link
Look at Liberia. They can't even _maintain_ a country built for and given to them, let alone build one on in the first place.
One day these kids are gonna learn about a thing called the Civil War. And how slavery nearly destroyed this country.
field niggers contributed little to this country, and what little they did was thanks to the white man with a whip
Is so funny how blacks claim to have built every civilization they live next to.
Nubians "built Egypt"
Caribbean blacks say they were the real natives.
South African blacks say they made the country grew.
And this, cotton pickers claiming the whole USA.
But somehow, they can never ever built a thing in their own countries. They must always be living next or in another civilization.
Can somebody tell me what was the idea behind bringing niggers to the continent? Like what was the original plan? That they would be eternally slaves or somehow vanished from the country?
No one in Europe wanted to leave their homes and get on a boat for 66 days across the ocean to farm on a continent, where if disease and the weather didn't kill them off, wild native savages would.
>Sup Forums "all the people that made and ran major companies in America's history were Jews
>Sup Forums "all the slave owners were also Jews"
>Sup Forums "white people built America"
It was very short sighted.
A lot of the founding fathers talk about the evils of slavery, despite owning slaves, but they were perplexed at its solution. The idea of negroes being judges and integrating into society was very frightening for them and basically prevented them from ending slavery.
Eventually Lincoln settled on the idea of mandatory colonization of a place in Africa to be named Liberia. After his assassination, the plan turned to an optional relocation instead of being mandatory.
I guess America and Egypt are the only countries that black people built and both of them became shit
Why not enslave the natives like the Spanish did?
Not of their own volition.
Before history revisionism started slavery traditionally ended up with the slaves integrating into the society.
Over several generations of manual labor slavery they were upgraded to skilled labor/servant type slavery and one day were so integrated and homogenized into the society they stopped being slaves. By this time other races had been enslaved.
(((someone))) fucked that all up though for political gain.
Implying that the end of slavery marked the end of the blatant exploitation of blacks in America.
The US has long exploited extremely cheap labor. It's what made America profitable in the first place. It was black slaves, then it was defacto black slaves, now it's illegal immigrants. Those in power are always trying to apply downward pressure on wages in any way they can. Hiring illegals is the modern version. Pay them as little as you can possibly get away with, and when they're injured on the job, just buy them a bus ticket home. Not as good as slavery, but much better than paying a living wage to an American.
You know Jews don't actually build or design shit, right?
and anything made from cotton was wasted in the war.
oh jesus christ no lol. Only 1% of any americans owned any slaves. They were the richest one percent of course. But they didn't build infrastructure, they worked for their private owners on their big farms. They made 1% of the country richer. Just 1%. Well, 1.6%, Ill give you that. But the people they made richer, were already rich enough to buy slaves to work their huge farms..., they didn't MAKE them rich.