Can Millennials ever redeem themselves?
Can Millennials ever redeem themselves?
Can you redeem yourself, shill?
the boomers could have redeemed themselves but that just isnt the way it works. It needs to get so bad the next generation recoils entirely (X)
Yes but it has to be a team effort.
No, born in 1993, my generation is filled with drug addicts, narcissistics, and retards.
It's our parents fault mostly as many were too caught up making money or getting dicked to raise a proper child.
Reap what you sow faggots
Will baby boomers ever recover?
Calm down Burgertown
I think they can. There are shitloads of normal millennials they just aren't put infront of you in the media. I have a bunch of material on how it was in fact the millennials that were the surprise x-factor in the 2016 election. To this day, nobody has talked about this.
>pic 1 - millennial turnout rose significantly over the last election
That was the gayest thing I have ever seen.
At least you're young, just have fun.
No one gave a shit when i was a kid, the only news what what happened in your town, didnt even know what Iraq was, didnt even care
hillary clinton LOST white youth. Remember the completely blue """"electoral map"""" of only young voters? it was a total lie.
I'm 32.
I've been trying the past few years. Hard going, but fighting the good fight.
Definitely need to improve myself more.
The people who think that certain millennials really need to be redeemed understand nothing.
you've never seen US marines train?
Millennials are underrated. They've had the most depressing future and were pummeled with lefty ideology as soon as they entered grade school. Based millennials
my jaw dropped when i saw this piece, hours into the vote before all the votes had been cast. A crowd of milleneals for Hillary signs. FIRST TIME EVER that milleneals were targeted in the 2016 campaign. But it was too little too late. Hillary also mentioned young women in her concession speech. After that, nothing. THEY DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT MILLENEALS HAVE A TON OF DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL POWER. THEY ARE HIDING THIS FROM YOU.
I'm litter picking
9% Other
to tie it all together, here is evidence of the POWER of the milleneal voter. We will make up 40 FUCKING PERCENT of the votes going forward. What milleneals want, they will get, starting pretty much 2020.
Fuck you gen x and boomers.
We make up most of the worlds ‘boots on ground’ military fighting force. We are the ones doing your fucking bidding. We dont need to fix shit unless that involves culling all you old cunts
Poor cunts. But at least you're young.
But mark my words you will get old too, if you're lucky
God bless Millennials, I have faith.
milleneals are a "greatest generation" archetype according to Strauss-Howe generational theory. I hear so much shit flung at milleneals but I still believe they are a great generation struggling to thrive amidst all the bullshit. Our time will come soon though.
I wish this was still the case, growing up with the internet is a blessing and a curse, I'm aware of so much yet it distracts me from the world directly around me .
Calm down Bogan, criminality is in your DNA so i'll let you off.
I'm 29 though
millennials don't need to redeem themselves. they're not the ones who destroyed everything in this world.
fite me irl cunt
god damn right. we've been through the darkness. first major memories are 9/11, iraq, then financial crisis right as i'm heading to college. indoctrinated as a leftist in high school (thought bush was the devil, summer camp teachers taught me literal marxist dogma), then obama got me wrapped up in democratic politics.
seeing the left implode after donald trump won has freed me from my illusions. for the past few years i styled myself as a conservative democrat, and honestly i figured it didn't really matter who won in 2016. voted hillary but when trump won I said, "welp I guess that's it, he won fair and square so he's the president, i hope he succeeds and it should at least be entertaining."
then to see leftist forces try to destroy a freely-elected PRESIDENT blew my mind. totally shattered my world view. realized I had been lied to. when I realized so much of what i "knew" about donald trump was total BULLSHIT lies sold by leftist propagandists, it all came tumbling down. Now I am a card-carrying trump supporter and would do anything to defend this man against the commie hordes. I swear to god i will NEVER trust leftists ever again.
this is all 100% true, every single bit of it. the future is bright, my brothers. we survived this much, we are all going to make it.
The men definitely can be saved its the women we should focusing on. I dont think shit will change unless we seriously curb womens suffrage.
Every cunt is a smart ass now
I remember when you had to seek people out for wisdom, or read up and fully understand
now arguments are 140 chars and reaction pics/memes and affirmed by likes, fucking petitions etc
poor cunts, no wonder they are larping, cant do it in real life, no more frontiers to climb, no fog of war, no veil, no ' i wonder whats behind this hill' curiosity and approach with a stick
I want to live in the Tudor period, even if its to work as a serf digging a hole, i would be a gud hole digger.
Reward me with food, a good woman and a fine ale and i'm sported
I dont need pixels changings colour and shape to amuse me, i want real shit, but im addicated to these dam pixels.,so bright....
we are likes moths.