>this is what civnats want
This is what civnats want
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That chick is badass though
hell fucking yeah
She's right, why don't dumb fuck liberals listen to someone that experienced Communism?
She seems pretty based desu. I don't consider myself a civnat but this is someone who's most likely experienced the horrors of totalitarian rule firsthand.
fuck off comie scum
>if you're not racist you're from reddit
you should really go back yourself, nigger.
Tian An Men square massacre was actually slaughter of socialists protesting Dengist capitalist reforms.
>She seems pretty based desu
She can go be based in China, I'd prefer not having to import some cunt just to tell me what I already know about the 2nd amendment. Yeah, no thanks.
This is a good message to spread. Someone who has been through a communist regime and can tell of the horrors first hand. We need more like her.
Actual explosives like dynamite were not regulated under Mao. People occasionally used them to blow up rivals or enemies, but never to stage an insurrection against the Chinese Communist Party. It would have been the same with firearms - the students at Tienanmen would have gotten mowed down all the same, but some of the people mowing them down would have been armed civvies, and not just the military.
Fuck Deng Xiaoping, though.
The absolute state of America is that we have to import chinks to tell us communism is shit.
Both my macro and micro-econ profs were born and raised in China, and as a result teach ultra-capitalism and shit on minimum wage.
I'd take that redpilled Asian woman over a limpdick pansy ass liberal any day of the year
I'd be her rooftop husbando
>you wouldn't
>doing anything against a tank
Did nothing wrong
>implying they'd use tanks
>implying the Viet Cong didn't do more with less
>implying the Taliban didn't hold up well for as long as they did
>implying China and Russia wouldn't supply American rebels with TOW missiles
Maybe we should just breed with brown people so the left can't call us racist anymore too. We should let the Commies destroy America so in 100 years when everyone's brown and Communism has failed we can finally slow immigration and return to actual free-market economics.
Clearly the best solution is to remove the leftists, deport the muslims and spics, sell the niggers to Chinese mines in Africa, and give Asians "resident alien" status.
VC and Taliban have access to vast stocks of cold war weaponry including AA guns and anti tank weapons. The only way you could effectively mount resistance is with foreign aid, lol.
>Clearly the best solution is to remove the leftists, deport the muslims and spics, sell the niggers to Chinese mines in Africa, and give Asians "resident alien" status.
agreed, no reason not to shoot for the best possible goal
Yeah, I acknowledged foreign aid because it's pragmatic. Then once Russia tries to settle the mainland we'll just 1776 them with the weapons they gave us.
The American way is to be chaotic and violent.
[saves China internally]
You can't use a tank everywhere.
This is utterly false. They were protesting the slow pace of the transition to a freer and more democratic system. Fuck off, commie scum.
>if you're not racist you're from reddit
Yup, go the fuck back.
[turns China into a capitalist state wearing red]
Well now she has a gun, so it seems the most pragmatic choice to allow assimilation rather than... ? Mass gassings? Do you have an actual solution mr 1 post?
Asians are fine by me
fuck spics and niggers though
They were actually protesting niggers from Africa raping their women.
>AnCom flag
I never been to redit, what's it like?
>thinking there wouldn't be mass defections if the military was ordered to fire on civilians
Hate to break it to you, sport, but the American military would fall the fuck apart in the event of a civil war, and everyone who left would take hardware with them.
I doubt that, unless somehow, when I wasn't looking, American military became not massively classcucked and unwilling to kill for their corporate overlords.
literally this. They are probably smart enough to see the pendulum swinging back so they feel the need to virtue signal to the right.
>remove commie
>don't trust govt
Wish we got that instead of pic related
This is what i want
>need an elderly Chinese women to remind you what nationalism looks like
Unironically Soviet brainwashing: youtube.com
All those poor Hebrews whose religion keeps getting oh-so-unjustly persecuted and their benign philosophy of "Goyim are just cattle". Look into that Senator McCarthy some, his bad rep is entirely unjustified.
Stupid white nigger. One of these ladies making a post like that does more for conservatism and even white advocacy than 300 whities with man tits screaming for Jews not to take their hot dog jobs away.
Nah. You wouldn't be firing on civilians. You'd be firing on agitators, terrorists, lawless bandits. All they have to do is wait for the rebels to kill a civilian to justify it.