Give up your guns already.
Give up your guns already
go back to the man show and find your fucking balls.
What scares me is that your average politically illiterate normie will see this shit and think "omg this shooting made my favorite manufactured celebrity icon cry!!!" and it'll drive them to make a totally reckless and ill-informed decision on an extremely important topic that could have disastrous consequences for the rest of the country.
More and more I'm starting to realize that democracy was a fucking mistake. People are too fucking stupid to think for themselves.
>More and more I'm starting to realize that democracy was a fucking mistake. People are too fucking stupid to think for themselves.
The founding fathers told us this, explicitly. That's why they framed a republic, not a democracy.
Too bad the two party system came along and ruined everything.
Why do you have this saved, leaf?
Emotional appeal fallacy.
Literal leftist tears
kek, good thread.
Me is the exact opposite of OP pic as a gun company I work for has 5,000 bump fire stocks on backorder
kek, good thread.
Tomorrow I'm going to go out and buy another AR and a few hundred more rounds of ammo just to make that faggot manchild cry.
Liberal tears are so delicious.
Problematic fave alert
How did the fat guy from the Man Show turn into a lactating bitchboy?
Buy a gun for me too. My name is Jahbull and I live in North Texas. Say, 'This is for Jahbull.'
Because fat secretes a chemical that forces your body to metabolize estrogen, watched a whole youtube ad on it
When boomers have kids they get all sentimental and weird
I like how this myth persists that if only all """assault""" rilfes were banned then paddock couldn't have killed 58 people.
He could have easily, with a Lee Enfield rifle and scope, killed 50 people in the 10 minutes he was shooting with a 3D printed banana magazine, and practice firing quickly.
He could have also just bought rural property with his assloads of money, and used it to obtain legal explosives like Breivik did. Fact is there was nothing that could have stopped a guy with a few million dollars from murdering a bunch of people.
*sniff sniff*
just like...
give up your rights, maaaaan...
*breaks down*
>some dude shot a couple of people
>better buy more gun stuff then
Kinda ironic how shootings actually benefit your weapon industry
Schekel schekel
aren't these people just fucking actors? why can none of them show any genuine emotion? this nigger didn't even shed an actual tear.
Remember when being a man and openly crying over some shit that happened on the news would get you ridiculed as a gigantic faggot? Anyone remember that?
Do these boring cucks even have a audience?
I'll try and post pics - no promises. I have a job and family and only have so much time for fucking around on the internet.
penis penis penis penis penis
If this happens then by the time the legislation goes through, the cops will end up with 600 million firearms to confiscate
Ill fucking kill the first person who comes for my guns then die in a blaze of glory
It's funny how whenever we have an armed robbery, home invasion or shooting people always comment "I wish we had gun laws like the United States".
Save us, Dixie-kun.
>surrounded by armed security
Wanna know why I think he's full of shit?
Come over to my place to get them desu. I live in south east Texas.
*starts shaking*
*eyes get a little misty*
whats it gonna take man...
*checks the monitor to see how long til commercial break*
just... fuck drumph and fuck white people
*wipes eyes with pizza map hanky*
k we'll be right back in 15 minutes after a word from our sponsor
*canned applause*
You make me sad
He could have just bought some fertilizer and diesel fuel and pulled a McVeigh. Would have killed many more with much less effort.
Obama did the same fucking thing for Sandy Hook.
Fucking crocodile tears for gun control. No, you know what? That's an insult to crocs. Fucking liberal tears. Fuckers probably didn't give a shit about the victims either.
will somebody JUST this motherfucker already
Sarah Silverman
Also I think it's worth bringing to light the time he tried to end women's suffrage
Yet leftists aren't responsible for people killed in terrorist attacks despite constantly covering for them
We'll give up our guns when you remove all the locks and alarms from your house.
It's also completely unbecoming of a president. Everyone likes to get upset over Trump's shitposting on twitter, but Obama crying in front of the world sends out a crystal clear and extremely dangerous message that he's got no balls.
I smell a new meme forming
>Republicans should be praying for god to forgive them
>Vast majority of mass shooters in the US have been Democrats
What did he mean by this?
I unironically stopped supporting democracy after I realized that Sausage Party made a ton of money and that the people who gave it that money are allowed to vote.
If you look at history, the conclusion of democracy is thus: "Democracy is a form of government where everyone has a civil debate about who gets to genocide whom."
cold dead hands faggot
F-fuck drumpf! All republican have to answer for this attack! Oh theres been a muslim shooting, dont be racist it was a radical extremist who doesn't represnt muslims.
celebrity worship needs to die NOW
Yes. It's called today. We laugh at this fucking literal no-talent manufactured political mouthpiece. He is a nobody.
So if ALL guns are gone, what's to stop the right from beating the complete shit out of leftists on site without fear of being shot by police.
Wasn't expecting a reference to him here.
this. pathetic show of phoney emotions. 0/10 performance .
Definitely a mistake. Simon Bolivar knew it'd never work out in the US. Its also why we have an electoral collage. Our forefathers knew the normie couldnt think.
>when reality has a conservative bias
*deep exhale*
like, man...
*pretends to blubber*
i just don't understand
*flexes tear glands*
like... whats its gonna take man
*peeks over to make sure the cameras are on so as to not waste this tear*
you go- i mean guys should p-pray to mo- i mean GOD
*makes awkward hand gesture*
how many more have to die?
*sacrifices child to cut the segment short and get to the commercials*
just give up your guns man
*feels the adrenachrome kick in*
ahhhh thats the shit right there alright we're gonna go to commercial wubba dubba dub
*signals for applause but accidentally hits the boo button*
fuck drumph and fuck white people goodnight america!
>People are too fucking stupid to think for themselves.
You have taken the monarchy pill. Good for you. A strong, wise ruler is what the masses need, bolstered by an aristocracy of the learned. Democracy is nothing but barbarism. I would gladly serve a good king, but I will never trust an elected official.
lets find out just how much jimmy really cares about gun control. i'll give up exactly one of my guns for a night alone with his wife. she deserves at least one healthy kid and sure won't be getting one out of that faggot.
Reality having a liberal bias don't help much when you're not actually a liberal, but some sort of dictatorial authoritarian communist.
Why is Ben stiller in every thread now what is this meme
>when Trump wins
also does anyone here have the full image of pic related? I thought I saved it, but there was another expansion where it said "Trump ice cream factory" with Colbert crying in the sky.
>wanting to have a Kim jun un "king"
Your forefathers died by the thousands to liberate themselves from the graphs of king & queens who fought for 10 decades
>when Trump gets as many scoops as there are genders
If only the 58 dead and nearly 600 injured were in one of those emmy or oscar awards
somebody have a link to the video?
i want to see this kike's crocodile tears
>Starting to realize
Democracy was a mistake, the founding fathers even knew this and expressed their distaste for the system. That's why they tried to set up a republic, rather than a democracy. Then the 2 party system fucked everything.
so much this. The fuck happened to this guy?
The Founding Fathers despised democracy. Democracy is a rule of the mob, and well, just look at them. Republic is supposed to protect an individual from the tyranny of the said unwashed mob.
It fits him too well
Peak cuckage
There are bad kings. There are good kings. Thus why he specified "good king"
If there's a bad king, you can always revolt.
How do you revolt when said king commands the armies? Better idea is to have no king,then there is no need for a revolt
Giving power to a single man is a dumb idea,unless its the emperor of mankind
His Jew-Bosses must be really putting the screws to him?
He should just do a Chimp-Out on his show and be done with them?
> when said king commands the armies
Most of a king's army comes from his levies, which are people subject to his rule. The rest are mercenaries. The same argument about a revolution in the USA leading to a mass defection of the army applies here to the monarch. Unless you think the US military would, in lockstep, slaughter their own people trying to disarm them in a mass uprising?
The power is only centralized in that, as long as the people more or less approve, he can do anything. Unlike in modern politics where even if the people approve 99% he has to consult and compromise with hundreds of bought off politicians to get their votes on his propositions. If the people are mostly unhappy with a decree that affects their very way of life, there is going to be revolt as there always has been.
Jimmy Drivel
How are you gentlemen !!
All your guns belong to us.
Based leaf.
Kimmel gets horrible ratings. He is nobodies favorite anything.
I-Is that Jimmy Kimmel in blackface?