This is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He was a Turkish ethno-nationalist atheist...

This is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He was a Turkish ethno-nationalist atheist, responsible for the creation of the modern state of Turkey. He is responsible for a significant amount of modernization, as well as adopting Roman legal law, and the latin script for Turkish. He is the reason Turkish was established a secular democratic republic. He died at the age of 57 in 1938, from cirrhosis of the liver, primarily by drinking an entire bottle of rum daily and 50-60 cigarettes daily, and only sleeping 3-4 hours a night.

Up to his death, and for the majority of WW2, Turkey was economically allied with the Axis, and Ataturk was remarkably fond of the idea of autarky, and benevolent republican dictatorship, but against anti-democratic measures. Today, Turkey is a emerging islamist shithole, moving away from Europe, and more into the sphere of the middle east, against the wishes of Ataturk, and all of his best efforts.

Today we remember Ataturk, and hope that one day Turkey will remember what once made it a great country, and not continue its trail to neo-ottomanism, and islamism

Don't you mean Constantinople?

>a great country as a secular state

It was at its highest as the Ottoman Empire, even in decline.

>primarily by drinking an entire bottle of rum daily and 50-60 cigarettes daily, and only sleeping 3-4 hours a night.

one of us

Ataturk is the greatest Turk. Literally a hero.

Atatürk is a freemason jew though and he was a civnat not a ethnonat. You can clearly see it by his explanation of his "Ne Mutlu Türk'üm diyene" (How glad am I to call myself a Türk) which he himself says that kurds etc. can also call themselves Türks. He also contributed in the genocides of Pontic Greeks.

He was a descendant of Sabbatai Zevi: Ben-Avi describes two meetings with Mustafa Kemal, who had not yet taken the name of Ataturk, 'Father of the Turks.' Both were conducted in French, were largely devoted to Ottoman politics, and were doused with large amounts of arrack. In the first of these, Kemal confided:

"I'm a descendant of Sabbetai Zevi - not indeed a Jew any more, but an ardent admirer of this prophet of yours. My opinion is that every Jew in this country would do well to join his camp."

During their second meeting, held 10 days later in the same hotel, Mustafa Kemal said at one point:

" 'I have at home a Hebrew Bible printed in Venice. It's rather old, and I remember my father bringing me to a Karaite teacher who taught me to read it. I can still remember a few words of it, such as --' "

And Ben-Avi continues:
"He paused for a moment, his eyes searching for something in space. Then he recalled:
" 'Shema Yisra'el, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Ehad!'
" 'That's our most important prayer, Captain.'
" 'And my secret prayer too, cher monsieur,' he replied, refilling our glasses."

Oh the final nail on the coffin is that he was also a homosexual, this is a excerpt from Orga diaries:

"He felt at home with the prostitutes and the homosexuals because they were so much worse off than he. The underlying sadism of his nature came out. He never credited people with feelings since he had none himself save the fundamental urge to conquer and see others submit to his will. He had to be at the top."
Besides, Dictator Mustafa Kemal's biographers, Irfan and Margaret Orga, wrote in his biography that he spent time with Prostitutes and young boys.

How's it going China? Learning to respect finders keepers yet?

Look at this man, he is pure European. I wonder how he turned out to be in roachland.

watch your tongue, your speaking to Mustafa Kemal, true high father of the Turks

>Pure european

LMAO its epic how people say "Jews are not white" and then they say "Look at this jew he is so white"

makes sense since he dismantled islamic turkey

Freemasonic crypto kike who even spoke with Herzl.

Isn't it funny how the Young Turks whom were the crypto-rulers of the Empire turned out to be Dönme? (Aka crypto jews)
Isn't it funny that Turkey was founded by a Homosexual Freemason jew?
Isn't if funny that the current president, Erdawg is a Georgian Jew?

I wish I was making this shit up but this is all well known

whats neo-ottoman? is erdogan going to crown himself sultan?

Proofs on Erdogan? Not doubting you, just want to save info

>t. gray wolf

He is clearly part central asian/turkic

the thing is that turks are the larpers of Turkic people. Majority are mostly or great plurality greek/slav

You will just claim that anyone it a jew doesn't it?

After all the blood it's so diluted that anyone in the ME fills the bill.

Its documented in a book called "Musa'nın Çocukları" (Musa's Kids) by Ergün Poyraz, unfortunately its Turkish so you have to trust me on this one. However it basically shows that Erdoğan is just another piece in the jewish puzzle.

You mean pro nationalist "turks" that are led by a 60 year old politician that has no wife? No, grey wolves are for low IQ subhumans. Turks have no right to be nationalist.

Not an argument Pinoshit. Its well known that Young Turks were Crypto Jews and Atatürk himself admits he is a descendant of a jewish """prophet"""

I can also bake a beautiful delicious cake but let it sit on the counter long enough and the bakery will be full of roaches.

Yea ataturk was pretty based for a turk


> mfw Ataturk was a Jew
> mfw Seljuk was a Jew
> mfw Turks are literally Jewish puppets

> Roman legal law

Stupid cunty cunt

why is this amerimutt recreating the same thread

Retarded amerimutt. You don't know anything about genetics. Let alone our genetics.
Go be a subhuman sperm cocktail somewhere else. 56%

Amerimutts are subhumans
imagine being a subhuman mutt of 60 peoples with no culture and identity. that's what you are.

>look mom, I said the factually incorrect 56% meme again

silence, subhuman mutt. of course 56% is wrong. in reality you're 10% white. others are mutt.

yoou are slav get used to it