Take test, post results, pic related.
Improved Political Compass Thread
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Apparently I'm retarded, here's a link.
Surprisingly only moderately authoritarian. Probably because I prefer isolationism to interventionism.
further left than I expected desu
And totally conservative.
George Wallace dindu nuffin.
"Higher tax rate." No mention of net or percent.
Its still really bad but an improvement over the last one.
What the fuck?
Here's a better one.
p. good quiz
Odd. Different results from the other one
The other test takes capitalism and private property for granted.
>Centrist Libertarian
First one that's ever got me right.
Just a little bit farther and I'll be full on molyneux
Thought I was more right leaning
>tfw no guns
Cuckservative aparently
it's not me that's crazy it's everyone else.
i feel like my graph was heavily influenced by my support of abortion. this is purely because of the realisation i made that niggers and other minorities are the most likely to get abortions.
Sup Forums allows us to think outside the box.
Why would ANYONE want to be a box INSIDE another box?
Fuck you, slide thread.
>Apparently I'm retarded
That would be because you are a transgender lesbian, nu-male wannabe that likes to LARP as a Nazi - GTFO with this Baby Boomer IQ garbage!
Die with your sage
Someone needs to set this up as you're answering from within your Reich. Because yeah abortion is terrible but for niggers yes. Shit like that. Yes the free market while jews are aroind is terrible but otherwise let the markets decide... min wage... Yes for me and my neighbors but not for paco and tyrese.
Imagine being one square under neutral in social scale and thinking your a libertarian OP you bootlicking faggot
This is wrong btw it assumed a capitalist praxis, I'm a moderate socially libertarian socialist/communist or leftcom
Fucking gay test OP run a fishing knife down your wrists
If an SS officer saw that my results were in the middle I would most likely be taken out back to have a talk with good old Walter p38.
>Im 17 and feel good
Stupid test.
I believe in hierarchy and tradition. Also niggers and other cultures are inferior to the west. I am by no means a communist.
Nice spooks user
Now go read a fucking book or accept forced labour re education camp railway journey
I think it's because of this Or it might be to the "How much does this issue matter" slider. I was neutral most of the time, besides the culture questions.
How did you get so far down? I actually answered the questions honestly to tell the truth for the trolls out there.
Back to /leftypol/ you go dundee.
The test is more or less bullshit.
f.e. I'm pro abortion, because I don't want certain people to reproduce.
I'm pro transition because this way degenerates remove their genes from the pool voluntarily.
Burgerlards will never change
I'm okay with this
This thing is shit. I hold tabooed ultra-reactionary views and it puts me in the center like some septic good goy. Probably useful only for those who mindless enough to be still caught within multiple false dichotomies that people call "politics".
I think it gave me this because I'm a protectionist there were a lot of questions on that.
Of course you are leaf
Also look at the averages.. Texas and California are almost on the same place lmao
Is this a different test to the original? Sendlink
My Political Views
I am a far-right social libertarian
Right: 7.92, Libertarian: 5.1
Political Spectrum Quiz
I don't understand are you trolling or serious?
Exactly where i thought I should have been on the last one
here yo go mate
Cheers user (Y)
Sup Forums is a right wing space for the fascist soul. And soon will be the rest of the world. No place for catfags
>Holding radical beliefs
Haha, losers
Another quiz from the same website
>tfw never been in the US
is my result good?
like always i got pretty much right in the middle. my neutrality remains strong.
Hello friend
The fuck
Translates pretty good
underage b&
Me compared to other Aussie males in my age group. Doesn't exactly correlate but meh.
I did it guys!
A non cuck leaf!!!!
You bunch of slack jawed faggots
Center Right
I guess I am on the authoritarian side because I believe the government should regulate the morality of the country by going after degeneracy and making a good example. The government should regulate kike Hollywood for example. People are in general too weak to govern themselves. At least now.
I believe people should be allowed freedom to choose to be moral or not, but certain things should be made illegal because they destroy society. It is not about forcing people to be religious but preserving the very sanity and stability of the nation.
On the economic side I am more libertarian but not totally. Anarcho Capitalism is a pipe dream. There must be some reasonable regulation.
I am non-interventioalist through. Screw the neocons. We should use our military only in self defense.
This is me.
Got isolationist (-3.45) on foreign policy and conservative (5.33) on culture.
Ah yes
You mean like racial equality?
I am the only fucking right winger in this entire thread
>submitting to labels created by """"liberals"""" during the French Revolution
Reactionary here, desu. The industrial revolution was a mistake
No it's just a shitty test
Stalin was right.
This but unironically. He purged the State of Jews and dirty Trotskyites.
>tfw you realize the soviet union under stalin was more trad than modern america
Stalin impeded the socialist cause by structural centralisation and continuance of commodity production under a red banner. Sure there is nothing wrong with bringing cultural values and groups together but the economic model of the soviets was far from achieving socialist collectivization of means of production into the proleteriats hands. In fact the centralisation model allowed for red liberals to smear the soviets and revisistionists like Gorbachev to engage in Soviet imperialism
Read bread book you T-34 Cuck
You wear the flag of a traitor and dare call yourself American
American sons and daughters died because of your un willingness to follow the rule of law throughout the country you now pretend care about its values
Anybody got the meme of this compass with the different types of hands in each area? (Jew on top left, beggar in bottom left, trumps ok sign top right, and the ancap thumbs up in bottom right)
Wow Nazi Hans
Back to re educationment liberal program starting tomorrow