How do French feel about Le Pen losing?

earlier this Year, in May, the Final Battle and last chance for saving France, was fought between Marine Le Pen, the Nationalist who wanted Frexit, (France out of EUSSR) no more so-called "Immigrants/"Migrants"/"Refugees"/"Asylum Seekers", Sovereignity and Freedom, and to save France from Globalism and degenracy... vs (((Emmanuel Macron))), the pro-open Borders, full Globalist, Granny banger, (his Wife, who was his teacher) who worked at a Rothschild owned Bank, and who will give up all French sovereignity to (((Merkel))), and has a suspiciously huge Nose, as pic related shows.

unfortunately, Le Pen lost, (((Macron))) won, and further Kalergization (search the Kalergi Plan) will continue and France will become 0% French in one generation.

this could have been prevented if Le Pen's Party, Front National, which won 33% of the Votes, would have won 90% of the Votes instead. now that FN lost France is doomed to more Terror Attacks by wild sandniggers, and (((Macron))) will let this happen since he said that Terrorism will become a part of French daily life.

how do Frenchmen feel about Le Pen losing? where did it go so wrong and why? not to be rude, but you are FUCKED, and Saleel al Sawarim will be your new Anthem. i lost all my respect for France because of (((Macron))) winning. honestly, France is DEAD to me because of so many Cucks Voting him.

>inb4 SAGE

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>implying Macron isn’t bogpilled

stop falling for this Copypasta meme, i wanted serious talking.


macron has a jew nose.

Macron has like 12% approval or something low. If he really fucks up FN could make big gains the next election. They're very popular with youth too and white french youth are waking up because Arabs are becoming the majority youth

>unfortunately, Le Pen lost
>it's bad that a mossad communist lost.
Amerilards should stick to their own Jewish theatre "politics" they aren't intelligent enough to understand the situation in France.



which is why i posted my Pic. maybe he is a jew? that's the only way to explain that Big Nose.

Imo Le Pen would have probably done nothing. Probably just another corrupt politician. Still would have made some laws that would have made Sup Forums scream that it is happening.

Electing her would have been a good "fuck you" though. With Macron we prepped the bull

Rich people want Macron so things don't change and they keep their money
Poor people are divised between cuck and non-cuck.

That's why she lost

France will be steered by a woman - Merkel or ME'

unfortunately, (((Merkel))) won.

the real scoop on that meeting

Marcon is are boi

>Imo Le Pen would have probably done nothing. Probably just another corrupt politician. Still would have made some laws that would have made Sup Forums scream that it is happening.

maybe, but that would have been a good start.

>Electing her would have been a good "fuck you" though. With Macron we prepped the bull


>Rich people want Macron so things don't change and they keep their money
Poor people are divised between cuck and non-cuck.

and sadly 9 out of 10 French are cucks, while the 10th French is a (((Banker))), explaining why (((Macron))) won in the first place.

>9 out of 10 French are cucks

are you sure he really licks her Feet and not her Cheney?

>implying theres going to be a next election

>12% approval

>FN could make big gains the next election.
FN is either controlled opposition or cucks that want to stay in the opposition. They will continue to look like evil nazis to people since they're so retarded

2022 is way too far

sadly that wasn't enough to Win. though the Votes Map did look a bit like REEEEEING Pepe, like others said. pic related.

>he really licks her Feet and not her Cheney?

if he was lucky, bet that ass tastes like a fine cut of beef compared to her feet
not even going to talk about her fish oil hands
Trump and Honda robot know whats up. dont touch that bitch ever

especially since France will cease to exist as a Political entity and become a part of the Caliphate.

>round 1

a-at least the left was btfo

I remember reading he was really unpopular a while ago.

Have they actually said anything that bad or are people just offended by anything anti-immigration? What have they done that seems controlled op? I don't know French so I just go by shit I read on here or english news mostly.

Shit it's 28% not 12%. Still pretty low

Macron was born to be a Stooge and Cuck. he is perfect for being Merkel's puppet.

Macron = Vader

Merkel = Palpatine

somebody draw this.

maybe I have enough KEK in me to do this great honor

maybe 28% of "very good", it's more like 35-40% witht the rest

anyway well people thought he was jesus or something and suddenly they discover he's a con man

I was thinking more along the line of a massive false flag terrorist attack that "justified" the indefinite suspension of elections

>FN is either controlled opposition or cucks that want to stay in the opposition. They will continue to look like evil nazis to people since they're so retarded

AYO HOL UP, are you saying Le Pen is controlled opposition like John McCain was? and Macron vs Le Pen in 2017 was like Obama vs McCain in 2008? a rigged scam that all People could not figure out until a decade later?

i am already too Blackpilled on France and Western Europe, but this "FN is Controlled Opposition" is too hard to swallow.

never change Sup Forums

they can't do that

it's better for them to just wait for the numbers of shitskin to grow

ok, just do it already!

Well, they're either dumb or controlled opposition, or as I said, maybe they just want to stay in the opposition themselves (as you just get some stuff without having to do anything)

When you see the last debate, the never-ending mistakes they do...

even simple things as "let's record us telling the bmw is the car of the german master race XDD"

>now that FN lost France is doomed to more Terror Attacks by wild sandniggers
Please tell me how the FN would have stop terrorist attacks

and while doing so, more "Refugees" will be welcomed, to Rape and Kill Europeans, under the #NotAllMuslims mantra.


by not letting muslims or anyother Shitskins in France anymore, and kick out all Shitskins already there, since Frexit would very likely happen and Merkel would not rule France in order to bring Shitskin Terrorists.

do you really think another Bataclan/Nice-tier Jihad would happen under Le Pen? just wait and see what horror will be under Macron.

Well anyway we are openly talking of civil war, I swear the attitude toward muslims in private but also especially in public (talk shows,politics, books) has worsened drastically in less than three years. It's kind of funny considering that we have real "fuck white pyopo" and SJWs in the gov and the Parliement too for the first time. Both sides are radicalizing and it will end soon in a shitstorm, I feel it, my parents feel it, everyone feels it.
We either lose that fight or we win it but one thing is for sure the charade won't last very long anymore

>even simple things as "let's record us telling the bmw is the car of the german master race XDD"

when did that happen? sauce?


"Mercedes, the car of the fuhrer" with a german accent

>by not letting muslims or anyother Shitskins in France anymore, and kick out all Shitskins already there
You do understand at no point in their program over the years they have proposed that ?

You're just projecting.

some recent protest, like the 21 or 23 september, or 12/13 september, RT stream

The FN was always controlled opposition, the french president Mitterrand admitted it as much. It's a tool to fracture the right wing electorate and it probably is also a scapegoat to point at for right wing voters getting the wrong ideas so they coulf go back to the herd peacefully.
The night Le Pen lost she went to a club dancing to negro music all night's long, tells you how much she cares about France


soon the Barrel will blow up. i feel Macron will be the Last French President, because either France will have a Caliph after him, or a new Martel-esque King.

so FN would have done nothing too? is that what you really think?

>Well anyway we are openly talking of civil war
Yep, by having a strong stance on doing nothing at all.

Macron doesn't even bring large crowds in the streets while proposing outrageous "reforms" copied from EU directives. So a civil war ? Don't let me laugh.

Yes. Those clowns just wanted power and exist as a party. That's their job and how they view politics. They exist only to be the whiny bitchy voice in the political spectrum but would do absolutly nothing once in power.

I don't mean frenchmen starting a civil war, I mean people recognizes we are in a state of civil war or close to it because of muslims. Of course it's a one sided war since no one fights them back, but it's a war nonetheless

Well, that's some kind of top-tier retardness here.

still working here is your dinner salad

Look at what Trump is able to do with a republican majority, now imagine what it woild be like if had even less support. That would have been Lepen. And to put salt to the wound, she would have to appoint a prime minister the Parliement would approve, so a cuck gov doing all the work while she pass the time dancing to african music

You know, Hollande was powerless and had to go with anything Merkel said.

Macron is in a much more powerful position since he actually can bring France below the 3% deficit (making him credible inside the union) and defeat the extreme right while Merkel made it grow.

While Macron probably has worse ideas than Merkel, he doesn't have to follow her.

as much as you French still mock Hitler and are in Love with De Gaulle, (i imagine all French Nationalists having Waifu Pillows of him) you will wish Hitler would have won the War (like anyone truly Redpilled) and be ruled by Petain instead. at least France would not be the Afro-Arab shithole it is today. not to mention there even was the French SS Division Charlemagne that defended the Fuhrerbunker in the last days of the War, so some at least some French fought on the good side too.

Merci, but why no Video?

Good fuck France bunch of cowards.

so if FN really is ConOp, is there any serious Party in France?

>is there any serious Party in France?
With a Sup Forums program ? No.


i said Merkel would be Palpatine and Macron would be Vader, but nice pic anyways...

and Politically speaking, you are truly lost? great, no Guns and no Political Party. i guess there wont be a REAL French Revolution now and likely no Martel 2.0 either...

France isn't even a serious country

sadly UK is FUCKED too, London has a Shitskin Mayor for some time, Paris will have one too.

ya not to many good pick of palpatine other than the gay 1-3 series. sorry my meme magic is lacking

they aren't one since 1789, (got Cucked by Proto-Communists) or 1871 either. (Napoleon III got BTFO by Bismarck and French lost their balls for good)

I hope a part of the right wing starts making overt alliances with FN members and thus destroying the evil Mitterrand plan forever but I don't hold my breath, so far I've seen a lot of cucks (some encouraging too).
I find solace in the fact that it will be over soon, one way or another

well, i still think of Merkel as Palpy and EU as the Galactic Empire. but you have to admit Merkel could really be a Palpy-tier Sith...

I would like to see one of you big mouthed american on the field of the battle of the Somme or Verdun

>I find solace in the fact that it will be over soon, one way or another

the way you said, makes it look like you want to Die or something. i really hope for France to still be saved, i dont want Paris to become Baghdad-on-the-Seine.

I want the opportunity to resist and then accept the end result. We either prevail or die as a country, but I would rather that than a very slow death by cuckholding

pretty much all the Tough and Alpha French died in the Trenches of Verdun or Somme or Ypres during WW1. today all French are cowardly Pussies who would rather bow their Asses to Allah 5 times a day than to fight like Men. and speaking of WW1, did you even know that Ottoman Turkey was on Germany's side? looks like all Europe, including both France and Germany, will have to fight the Caliphate again (like in 732 or 1683) though. and this War will be bloodier than the 30 Years War, Napoleonic Wars, World War 1, and World War 2 put together.

exactly, this War is a War for either Life or Death. there's no alternative, and everyone knows this.

It's common knowledge but not that surprizing considering the ottomans always played a role in Europe geopolitics, see France relation with them starting from François I and Louis XIV, or even Napoopan III
I agree with the rest, assuming the war ever happens (and by that I mean european taking a stand against muslim invasion, not the one sided war we have currently)

>It's common knowledge but not that surprizing considering the ottomans always played a role in Europe geopolitics

they did Play, in a very, very bad way...

>I agree with the rest, assuming the war ever happens (and by that I mean european taking a stand against muslim invasion, not the one sided war we have currently)

yes, either united we Live, or divided we Die. all Shitskins will be united against us, so we must unite against them too.

>far-left rises from 11.1% to 19.58%
l-lefties b-btfo

>he thinks Le Pen is one of us

She wasted her pure Gallic genes on...

Just google her husband


even if she really isn't /ourgal/, she could have been a good middle finger to Merkel. see: for it.

just google her husband my man and all of your questions will be answered.

Do it. right now

A better middle finger would be if the retarded hermans would not reelect her

>no Guns
We have the most gun per capita of europe.
And most have been "lost".
Hunters are absentminded, you see. And there's som many theft...

>i imagine all French Nationalists having Waifu Pillows of him
You coudn't be more wrong.
He's liked by our cuckservative who conserve nothing. The far right oscillate between open hate for the algerian capitulation when we had destroyed them militirally, and simply despising because he was at least well intended if stupid.

well, i guess thats why some dont like her. because of having a LITERAL Rat as her Husband. maybe thats why some Frenchmen here said that FN is ConOp...

the few Guns you have will be taken away from you by Macron.

thats why he deserved to be hated. it's all his fault that France is more Algerian than Algeria being French these days.

yeah fuck her. also almost all of the "alt right" seems to me like controlled op

Frexit would have been a disaster and she had no plans to get rid of the millions of legal sandniggers living in the country anyway.


corporate france never looked so good

Terror attacks are the least of my concerns, it's typical cuckservative talking point for restricting even more liberties and switching toward a police state à l'anglaise.
The biggest issue is the great replacement and absorption of native french people.

Also Le Pen was a shit candidate, I'm not happy she lost because of course she was better than Macron but at the same time I hope it will sign the end of her political career, she is a mediocre politician combined with an uncultured and unlikable woman and you vastly overestimate how things would have changed under her presidency, she already caved on a lot of topics during the last 5 years because of one of her advisor named Philippot.

Finally I don't think anything can be changed through elections, it's valid for americans, british, germans and everyone else, politics have close to no power these days if you compare them to their equivalents 100 years ago, all the decision power is concentrated in the hands few of extremely powerful corporations (medias, banking and militaro industrial complex) and people will want change only when their comfort will be threatened but by that time the only way to do it will be through violence and most likely war.
Btw reminder that globalists are lusting for a third world war to establish their world government so we are obviously preparing for it right now and I'm convinced there will be one massive conflict in our lifetime both in Europe and the USA.

For any aussies here le pen is pauline hanson tier except if she had lineage instead of a fish and chips store. No doubt a good portion of FN and one nation supporters are well meaning and have their hearts in the right place, but this alone will not make the establishment roll over and play dead.

America and trump is different. They are shitting their pants and had to let trump win.

would have been much better with pic related

Big noses are also a typical French phenomenon.

Trump is a conman, maybe he is /ourconman/ but he still is one, just look to whom he has married his children and what kind of people are in his entourage, at best he will delay the inevitable balkanization of his country by a decade but the USA are still a time with increasing racial, religious, cultural and economic tensions, no amount of military parade, tweets or good catchphrase will fix that, even deporting all the illegals and reducing immigration to 0 wouldn't fix it because the well is already poisoned.

The establishment isn't that mad about Trump being Trump, it's mad about the backlash from an increasing amount of americans who are beginning to express a form tribalism that is socially forbidden to them and only allowed to non-whites, it happens that those people use (naively) Trump as a banner to organize and sympathize, what they really fear is what could come AFTER him.

The only reason the place didn't already blew up is because it is incredibly rich (massive amount of space, fertile lands, natural resources and ports + a network of rivers in a mostly flat country sheltered by two oceans from the nearest foreign threat + the heritage of post WW2 prosperity + a white middle class carrying the nation on its back), basically they are economically on easy mode but once this prosperity will dwindle a bit it will turn ugly.

France isn't any better but we have an history of resilience as a nation and the republic can easily be thrown away in the bin at the profit on another regime, something that americans can't because being an american is very intimately linked with democratic principles, principles that have been used and subverted to result in the current situation, that's why I say there is no happy peaceful ending.

Macron is Trump without the low iq appeal and with the backbone to fulfill his program.

Hello Russia.