Am I mentally ill?

I am irrationally scared of many things. Around dogs I can not relax. If I walk beside a road I get tense as cars drive by. I also get tense if birds fly close to me, especially seaguls. I am afraid of strangers at night if they are drunk or talk with a non-Swedish accent. I can not relax if there are black people or muslim looking people on a train or bus. I will not take a seat where I don't have them in line of sight. I am afraid of phone calls and social situations with everyone except my two only friends. If the phone rings and it's anyone but my friends I get nervous or angry. I want to be a good son and call my dad every week but I can not do it. I can't bring myself to call anyone. If I really have to call someone it takes me at least an hour to build up the courage and during that hour I think about what I am going to say over and over. What makes this so crazy is that I am not awkward. The phone calls never go bad. The social situations never get awkward. I used to be a popular kid. I just get more and more introverted and suspicious the older I get. I know my grand mother was schizophrenic and I am starting to get worried. Is there something seriously wrong with me Sup Forums?

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the tism

You're just a pussy don't worry about it.

you're an adult now

Grow some balls amana koyim

Sounds like PTSD/anxiety desu

Sounds more like anxiety than anything. It borders on paranoia, but isn't full-blown or anything. If it's been getting more pronounced as you're getting older, it might be an issue, or you might just be in your own head making the problems worse.

This is probably stupid copypasta that I'm replying to, but are you on an anti-anxiety medication or anything?

The sitting next to black or Muslims on a bus is a very legitimate fear, though.

General anxiety disorder go see a shrink

Also pic not related

Welcome to having an anxiety disorder. There are many of us and there are many treatments, but the best is to just force yourself.

Just fucking force yourself out of it.
It is doable.

I'm the same way, it's anxiety or ptsd like said. I was mangled physically when some drunk faggot crashed into my house, pinning me between some furniture. I get super tense and anxious whenever, really, anything happens, even if I know logically everything is fine.

Unfortunately no anti-stress meds have ever worked for me, nor therapy, I'm entirely aware how illogical my fear is, but it still persists. I would advise you to just try and talk it out with someone, perhaps it's something deeper seated that you haven't figured out is the cause.

Yep, you are raving mad friend. Dogs and birds are harmless.

Seconded. Don't see a shrink unless you have literally nobody else to talk to. Avoid taking unnecessary medication. Get plenty of water, sun, and sleep. That's all you have to do!

I'm afraid of doing that because I am not sad. I don't want to go on medication.

Also, if it makes you feel any better, I developed debilitating OCD in my mid-twenties and medication completely returned me to normal. It really does help, if you're the type of person that's supposed to be taking it.

Sound like you can have "tvangstanker" user, you know compulsive obsessive disorder?

Think that stuff can have many forms, yet I am not a shrink

Nah he just has to get out more and find a job where he meets/talkts to people. Socializing helps af. And maybe lose som weight. Or get a vacation. Thats about it. Locking your door, hanging a blanket over your window and shutting the lights while playing pc and jerk off to anime etc etc, leads exactly to that. Its a very common thang in /pol. I love how many here talk big but never even has the courage to go outside. But bro, atleast ur not living in Rinkeby anymore.


you're normal, if you start getting heart palpitations go talk to your doctor. You're just a normal neurotic person (pretty common, ~20% of the population), most people keep it to themselves, we each have our own crosses to carry. I recommend reading, great books that really activate your almonds, and writing will help you sort out your thoughts and give you more confidence.

Fucking autists, all of you. Jesus, fucking plebbits. When did /pol get this sad..

>Is there something seriously wrong with me Sup Forums?
Yes, you are swedish, this I can answer correctly and confidently

Trust me hes not

funny because what you're describing is exactly what I think of when I think of a Swedish man

a socialphobic cuck

It's like these anons said:
It is anxiety/ptsd. my gf has has been diagnosed with both from being beaten by father before (kebab family gonna kebab). she does most the stuff you say (tense around cars, loud noises, stress making calls, etc.)

I have a special delivery addressed to you OP.

I rely on my intelligence and katana skills to get me out of any hairy situation I may ever find myself in (which is quite rare, considering I'm smart enough to avoid these situations in the first place). I've watched enough anime and liveleak to develop a weaboo sense far greater than you mere mortals on this board. I've started to look black people in the eyes when I walk by rather than blinking fast than looking away like I used to do.

You're so full of shit, user. NOBODY can make eye contact with black people without being jumped, it's a sign of aggression to them.

says the guy posting on an mesopotamian cuneiform message tablet

have you tried meditating?

Well, unlike you sorry faggot ass bitches, i have a life. I cant sit infront of a pc and tickle my belly all day long. Damn i swear to God you guys are pathetic af. Cant even talk to people in real life. Damn, ur like autistic 5 year old kids. Stop jerking off everyday and grow some testo you stupid pussies.

You are spot on my friend. I do sit in my office 90% of the time and I play poker for a living. I grew up in a Rinkeby-style suburb. I moved to a small town when I got some money. I don't jerk it to Anime tho but I do fap at least once a day.
I will try to find some way to socialize with people more oftenly. I've been thinking of joining a shooting club. Then I could get a gun licence as well.

Not really political, but if you drink a lot of Caffeine lay off it for a while.

Used to drink 4 energy drinks a day and had similar issues with random jumpiness. Now nothing phases me.

no need to be ass-tickled. we all have a touch of the tism here.

It is schizophrenia symptoms op, but it gets better as your brain adapts to the chemical imbalances. If you feel like you cant cope or adapt there are medication therapy you can turn to. I personally do not suggest treatment, as it is something you can live with if you take the steps to know your triggers and work with them or avoid them. As far as communication is concerned, that part is the hardest to cope with. I still have trouble actively opening dialogue with my wife when i need to discuss something, even simple -
and fumble for hours trying to pin down the correct way to communicate it, for the desired emotional response.

Tread lightly, you know you.

>my grandmother was schizophrenic
Uh, oh. I think you just answered your own question.

ADHD to be honest with you, I was the same. I was diagnosed with social phobia, but really it turned out the problem was undiagnosed ADHD.

Its literally not schizophrenia

First post on here, was just lurking to see any info on the vegas shooting and saw this and I felt compelled to post.

Im not afraid of dogs or birds but I fear things out of my control, and talking on the phone.

Im autistic, aspergers syndrome. Multiple anxiety disorders, ptsd, and bipolar.

So idk if youre autismo or have major anxiety disorders. Or both like me. You can go see psych docs and find out whats up in the noggin. I wasnt diagnosed asperger until I was an adult. It was great finally understanding why I think differently and go against the grain.

>I know my grand mother was schizophrenic and I am starting to get worried. Is there something seriously wrong with me Sup Forums?

i have schizophrenia and i started feeling like you do before having my first psychotic episode and being diagnosed with it. good luck op, enjoy your schizophrenia. on the other hand it could just be social anxiety thats troubling you.

>scitzo here
sounds like you're developing paraniod schizophrenia. dont take the meds they give you. try overcome it as best as you can

it sucks but you most likely wont start hearing voices or start having episodes in public. accept it a move on

Sounds a bit like agoraphobia buddy. Regardless talk to a professional, expousure thearpy is the right moce i am guessing.

/R9K/ is in the other direction you fucking pleb.

But I wanted some real answers not faggy /r9k/ answers about taking meds. I will not fall for jewish tricks. I will not take pills.

You have to do exposure therapy where you put yourself in maybe slightly more situations that make you feel awkward.

I started going out to eat alone at restaurant bars and at first it was terrifying and now Im still anxious and have anxiety but its slightly easier than it used to be. I used to drive to a restaurant and just drive by unable to do it.

I also do the phone thing. Its easier than years ago but I still have to write what im going to say down and write the key points and start sweating.

>Around dogs I can not relax.
>I can not relax if there are black people or muslim looking people on a train or bus.
Why do you have to repeat yourself, Swede-bro?
Jokes aside, I feel your pain. I've always had a very strong inner monologue and mental visualization, and sometimes cannot discern between what I am visualizing and real life. Like hallucinations, but I can control them most of the time.
Freaks me the fuck out when I see something I'm scared of suddenly pop around the corner where my bathroom door is.

>I will not take pills.

if you schitz it you might have to or be separated from reality.

First thing, Sweden is not like how /pol likes to describe it. Sure, we have lots of repfugees who are rapists. But the good thing is, those who get raped are leftists & liberals, literal cum dumpsters, so id say its a good thing. Cuz they get redpilled. We also do have alot of shootings, murders etc but 90% of the time its immigrants killing other immigrants. This also redpills the swedes.

The middle-worker class in Sweden is based af. Almost all are redpilled, both immigrants and swedes chat together and hates on the government. These are the people who is out working/socializing with all kinds of people in everyday to day life. Pretty much normal people with actual friends and collegues, goes for an ocational drink, gets pussy every now and then etc. These people are the majority of sweden and are smart enough to see whats happening but also smart enough to not talk about it. But if an immigrant middle class worker, as myself, opens upna topic bour how fucked sweden is, then its just ohboy.

The autistic swedes are those who lives on the countryside - farmers etc, uni students and single 30+ fat & ugly women with too much money. Also guys whos 20+, has never worked a day in their life and has never had a girlfriend. Now, these people are the ones we do see the most of, because theyre the only ones with enough time to sit and shitpost all day. So, these people also makes up most of the /polsters.. Plebbits and 9fags get bored, finds /pol, gets a taste of the redpill, and evnetually they overdose.

Truth is, /pol is yet another controlled opposition. Left/right, white/black etc, its all controlled. In reality, its humans against tay sachs. Since beginning of life, it has always been about us against them. They cant live amongst themselves, they need pureblooded healthy humans, they are paraistes. They are pizzagate, they are elsagate, they are the government, pretty much blood libel. They are in war with God. And they have fooled almost everyone. These people, are an outcome of their jewery.

Turks, Serbs, Bosnaks, Iranians, Persians and some turkic kurds are based af tho. Redpilled since birth with 50+ cousins and tradition/religion well in place. Succesful small/big businesses, they cash out the money and hates on jews. Only Kurds and liberal swedes defends Jews. And their way of behaviour reeks of brainswash and they have no basic knowledge of how life is. They live their bubble. Same goes for most africans and some arabs. There are pretty based africans too tho. Blackpilled, redpilled beyond you guys imagination. /Pol is mainly autist swallowing the false pills, literally anything that is supposedly red.

Pic related.

Stay clean bro, meds wont do you anything good. I have a cuz who thought he had some personality disorder. Actually, he was fine, but somehow he convinced himself and the stupid docs. So he got diagnosed with adhd, doc prescribed some pills, then later i found out that he supposedly also has some borderline disorder etc etc and eat pills for that shit too. He eats like 3 different pills. If he has some disorder, i say its cuz of the pills. I was a weed smoker for 5 years, almost everyday. Even tho it made me lazy and hungry af all the time, it helped me realize some truths. I could sit on a mountain, all by myself and smoke hit that weed. Also deep in the woods, all alone, maybe some close friend u can sync with etc. But those days are over. It also takes time to master the high. Some people go batshit crazy, some people blacks out/passes out, and others you wont even realize if their high. I was high in most of my classes, always high eating lunch in school with them friends etc.. Ah those were good times. Now im working fulltime, ima get engaged next month, hit that pussey and spread my genes.

But most important thing of all, actually, to all you autists, get a fucking girlfriend. Most important thing for a man to be a man, is to know what loving a girl like a man feels like, and being loved back, defending her like a man etc, it lets one get familiar with those feelings, its a permanent 10lv + testo upgrade. Theres a BIG difference on guys who knows what being loved af and not being feels like.

You guys gotta break some hearts and have your own hearts broken sometimes too. Otherwise youll always remain as autistic fags. But swedebro, stay off meds. Annars, tradolan or benzo, occasionally, not more than 400mg/day a week straight. Self medication is the way. Fuck jewctors.

Watch this and self reflect afterwards how mentally ill you are

...I didn't realize who that was at first. Before it started talking, I thought it was one of those 60-something heavy smoker gypsy ladies. The Sonichu confirmed it. Wow.

what a shitty meme picture

Constant war cultivated Europeans for world domination. Stable periods of peace trough history lead to decadence, corruption and stagnation

You've just got a bad case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy works go take advantage of your socialized healthcare and talk to a therapist.

Bruh, christinaity has been compromised since the church killed people for not paying taxes, sold tickets to heaven etc etc.. Atleast for most christians who thinks their bible(s) is truth. Even the fucking popes has all almost been boylovers.. Also, trinity is a lie, amongst many other things.

OMG!Pedo logo detected,top left,MODS.

My favorite ice cream

It draws its power from your constant attention.
Ignore it and it will go away.

I don't really know why this is on Sup Forums but it sounds like you have GAD, buddy. Trust me. Takes one to know one.

>Is there something seriously wrong with me Sup Forums?
hmm... It's hard to tell


You're just a neurotic type. Provided you don't have psychosis or something like that. I'm sure you could find something in the DSM that would qualify you with a mental illness, but that's the point.