How much do you think Hiroyuki Nishimura would settle for? Everyone has their price and I doubt he'd say no to half a billion dollars. George Soros could easily buy this place and then shut it down. It's completely in his interest to do so since Sup Forums is his biggest political opponent and the central hub where everyone that opposes him communicates. Sup Forums had a huge impact on the presidential election in 2016, perhaps the biggest influence over the whole thing. So why wouldn't Soros try to buy it from Nishimura? And would you say no to $500 million?
George Soros Will Inevitably Buy Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
this place is barely worth 50 grand and that's the only reason it's still around
If your sole purpose for buying it was shutting it down, thereby silencing your political opponents, how much would you pay?
Its perfect.
He will keep Sup Forums alive and it will act as a containment site for redditors and normies.
We're already migrating away, a lot of the planning isn't actually done here, pol is just used as a distribution channel.
Give pol a complete and undeniable reason to leave I.e soros owning the site, then everyone will leave.
You can't kill an idea :^)
Sup Forums is a containment board.
if we're all shitposting about Soros here it means we arent spending our time doing it where it matters: social media which normies actually use
george soros is a sociopath, he probably thinks their's no fun in that. otherwise he would have already done so years ago.
Soros has stock in everything. Netflix, NFL, Hillary Clinton.
You retards act like Sup Forums has some meaning outside of this shithole.
Really, is your worldview that fucked beyond recognition?
I honestly hope that George does. It's about time that Sup Forums stood for some positive, constructive social principles, such as open democracy. The nihilism and hopeless pessimism of this site has gone on for too long.
Why? Just pay hiro to shit down Sup Forums. No need to bit the entire site
There are other chans. And there will be more other chans if he shuts this one down.
>Soros buys Sup Forums
>we redpill him
>he joins our side as GlobalistAnon and tries to take down the kikes around the world
You can't kill an idea. You ruin our watering hole and the nomads flood the plains looking for a new one.
then gook moot would just make a duplicate. or someone else would. there are already many others, if this one goes down another chan will replace it.
thank you for the fattest red pill
praise kek doe
this was first seen on Sup Forums
prove me wrong
>implying hiro isn't already being paid off by (((them))) to run this site
It's left alone because it is the last true outpost. A symphony of chaos where the truth is always lurking. It's like how they have to tell you what they're going to do before they do it. They'll brigade it to death but they have to leave the rails in place for us if we choose to use them. How high?
>Sup Forums is his biggest political opponent and the central hub where everyone that opposes him communicates
Stop, stop right there. You couldnt be more obvious in the fact that your some idolizing newfag. Literally the only way Sup Forums itself is an actual threat is online. You also seem to underestimate how incompetent old people are with stuff regarding the internet. If it's not one of the normalfag websites then old people are usually horribly incompetent when it comes to recognizing and dealing with them. Even our gov are total fuck ups when it comes to that shit.
so? to make difference you would've to pay all user
how many visitors go through Sup Forums erryday?
How many chans would need to be shut down before people gave up the fight? When your opposition becomes so powerful that they're able to silence you online in every form or buy out any opponent, then what?
assuming that Soros doesn't already own Sup Forums
>>Being this new
Plenty. This is why I said "Inevitably". This place is part of the new counter culture and it's only going to get more popular as censorship increases.
>how much would you pay?
Hopefully he has enough sense to ask for a billion. It is still cheaper and more effective than Hillary's campaign.
I'm not idolizing anything. This place has seen a gigantic rise in users over the past 2 years and as the anti-censorship counter culture grows, where the hell do you think people are going to go?
An unlimited number. People gather at this place and places like it to share ideas, and ideas do not have a price. They can try to buy and close down every single place but a new one will pop up. What I am most interested to see is if tptb develop a thoughtcrime AI which interfaces with the net in the future. It would monitor and build profiles for individuals and provides their information to the authorities based on whether that person is a threat or not.
Soros would do far worse things with Sup Forums than just "shut it down"
Then we go to 8 chan or some other chan. If he buys that then we move to the next chan. It's not that difficult faggot.
This. If he bought it it would make the manipulation more explicit than it already is.
thats fucking pathetic. he'd rather buy off cloudflare and take this place down for good.
Sup Forums is the center. have fun fighting among yourselves deciding which of the billion+ competing chans is the best place for you to turn into your echo chamber.
Not all people are motivated by money. Nishi might be one of those people. Can't buy it if it's not for sale. Let's hope anyway.
>be hiro
>sell Sup Forums to soros for 1 billion
>make another exact clone with a different name
LOL time to invest in image boards like Sup Forums then. I will be a billionaire if Georgy tries to buy is it
Inb4 you faggots convert him after he browses for a bit
Good. I hate you faggots.
Yeah! Post more threads about how spics are great and based conservatives! I really love that shit! I really love whites merging with a race of primitive retards who are "based" because they only commit murder at like 5x the white rate instead of 10x like blacks.
Why don't we just gofundme and buy it ourselves. Thens sell it to him and turn this place into myspace as we move on with the cash.
Hiroyuki Nishimura will take the money and create 5chan.
If Sup Forums is sold, the chaos gods will simply set up somewhere else. It can't be stopped.
Moot wouldn't let that happen
Bro, this is a containment board, If they shut this down swarms of trolls assualt the world
Maybe he can afford good moderation
You fags seem to be under the impression that anyone aside from click bait shit gives a fuck about Sup Forums.
Oh man fucking kek
>he closes the site
we disperse and market forces determine a new superior communication platform
>he keeps the site running
this place continues to work as a general shithole ocean of piss and shill containment zone
he's not buying Sup Forums
That would be kekest of keks
>implying there are not numerous other chans out there that people could easily move to
The fire has already been started OP, we would just spread out to all the corners of the internet and continue on. This place is not the be all end all of the counterculture movement.
B-but Sup Forums said we're the most influential political force on the internet!
And I get banned for shittalking hapas instantly. What a world.
>we all end up with money somehow
i like the cut of your jib
he will have to buy 2x4chan too
>You fags seem to be under the impression that anyone aside from click bait shit gives a fuck about Sup Forums.
You would think that wouldn't you
>buy this place and then shut it down
Sup Forums is ideal for spread misinformation how already is happening, will never be shutted down.
You clearly know nothing of how Georgy boy operates.
Sure he has a socio-political agenda but money is paramount. He has no concern for Sup Forums, Sup Forums is of no consequence or relevance in the real world (despite your delusions) and it is of no value for him.
He can buy Sup Forums but he can't really buy its users. He can hire mods to delete threads and shill all they want, but good luck with that. He has a better chance of having his paid shills socially engineered into natsoc defenders than trying to convert one of us. He can shut down "problem" boards but we'll just move to /po. He can shut down the whole thing and we'll just create something new and better.
Migrating to where?
He's been spamming one of those threads every 15 mins for the last 5 years and has never been banned.
People would just go to 8 chan. After that, 7 chan.
After that.... The unthinkable would be Reddit or even a revival of Ebaumsworld
The fact is, we will always exist. If not here, then elsewhere.
I've gotten banned for replying to a roll okay. Tf why on tv too?
Kill them all. Fucking pedos
You are a fucking retard.
I always assumed that guy was banned a lot but came back.
I dont go on Sup Forums as much anymore but is the cuckposting as bad too? That had to have been a bot.
>Sup Forums is his biggest political opponent
you must be 18 or older to post here
I got banned off Sup Forums for reporting Masha Siberian mouse child porn on a fucking film board. The pedo shit is officially out of hand there
This. Just imagine the disappointment of that Palpatine-looking motherfucker when Sup Forums just relocates to a different chan.
If I was the owner I'd never sell it. Not everyone has their price.
No. Putin will. He can't miss such an opportunity to push propaganda on unsuspecting westerners.
If 4 chan goes down then yotsuba r34 will be cool
Why would he need to own it for that purpose when he already uses facebook to do that?
>implying pol isnt just failed weponized autism
>implying we arent a mk ultra, sociological testground
>implying anyone actually gives a fuck about this place
Better keep us contained on one board
nailed it
He’s 87 now. How much time does he mentally have left, be honest. He doesn’t exercise. When he goes his family is going to fight for all the money between each other & the Soros family will no longer be as powerful.
because he wont offer 500 million, are you stupid or what?
Wow even worse gets have spoken
kikes attempt to silence every corner of dissent.
so long as he has a fresh supply of child's blood to vampirically siphon and flood into his body, he has another 20 years in him judging from Rothschild precedent.
There are rumors that Soros is on his 9th heart transplant.
If Sup Forums was actually destroyed what sprung up after it would be huge. infinity chan was reasonably big and in the greater context of the site that was a tiny exodus.
its easier to fight a centralized opponent. they already own the mods. They extensivly datamine the shit out of this place. The reason why we continue to come here is because they cant afford to not. Imagine if all of this autism spread out everywhere else, the redpills are hard to not see. The thing is....for them, its over. They tried the Kalgeri plan, they tried Vegas, the tried the whole "4th of november antifa" and its all been stopped. The truth is coming, and they are afraid. It goes beyond the so called jews. It will expose the very top of our society as the most rotten element, and they are terrified.
I thought all the slav fb pages like slavorum were made for that?!
That was Rockefeller.
How would you know if he hadn't already bought hero out directly?
the internal civil war is on. At the moment its bloodless, but, well, its going to get interesting. The NSA grew beyond their control, and became an agnostic weapon usable against everyone. Now trump has it, and you cant fight metrics and hard data. Even servers that are deleted, if it goes over the internet, it was intercepted.
An old man like that wouldnt be able to survive a surgery like that, dont be stupid
he might be able to afford 1-3chan but definitely not Sup Forums
He doesn't own facebook. They can shut him down there.
George Soros is DEAD.
He has not been seen alive since October 2016. Prove me wrong.
if he bought Sup Forums and shut it down 5chan would open up within hours
>buy and SHUT IT DOWN
>more chans pop up the same day
>thousands real autists screeching and preparing to kill you for real
It's not very smart move however you look at it.
he should sell Sup Forums for $1Billion and then open up 5chan without a financial care ever again.
he can buy the site but not the users
Sup Forums isnt moot or hiro,its you and me
whereever me or you go,so too does Sup Forums
WE make the memes WE make the bantz WE make it is what it is not hiro
it would quickly be abandoned for a new platform and service would resume as normal.
>buy Sup Forums for $500 mil solely to shut down pol
>all the pollacks migrate to 8ch or make a new site to shitpost on
>in the process piss a lot of people off, further radicalizing them, and drawing more attention to your shady activities
No they can't, unless they force people to use social security and bank account/credit card numbers to register, then they would just shut themselves down.