Israelis are really good at building walls.
I assume it'll have a back door for Mexicans to easily walk through.
a bunch of firms were chosen to build prototypes
So whats the point of building a wall when Mexicans can just land in PR and become a citizen?
Good news. They know how to build the best modern walls.
They currently have the best.
top kike
These Israelis are starting to grow on me...
They do have experience in keeping the hordes out tbqh.
You won't find another group of people who love walls as much as they do.
Bro the heebs are gonna install secret trap doors that open for the illegal spics, controlled by a command console in Tel Aviv. Screenpic this post.
if that wall needs a chimney, they could always ask the russians.. they are great chimneybuilders
>jews control the world
>jews mind control trump
>wall does nothing, trump looks retarded, dems win
The real 4d chess
Awesome. Hope our walls will keep the spics out. They sure as hell helped us with our nigger-rapefugees problem.
well it make sense, Israel companies built the walls in all of Israel's borders, and internaly in the west bank, furthermore the wall on the austro-italian border is Israeli as the wall in hungary
Jews are really good at building walls to keep people out. Good move.
The jews always win.
It'll be filled with spying devices and holes.
They are good at building walls, they have a fence tech that uses laser and predator drones you can unironically drop bombs on the people who cross the fence
I mean Israels walls are good keeping out the sand niggers out.
Israel has a pretty good wall, though.
Good choice - can't think of a better one. There's a small chance you'll get jewed (check concrete mixes) and it won't be built to best global standards - but the combination of experience, deployment, economics and testing is unbeatable.
>anyone against building the wall is now an anti-semite
>they build good walls
Because they don't want Islamist in their Zion. They DO however want division in this country and this illegal immigrants thing aids in that.
They won't build us a wall as good as theirs because it doesn't benefit them to help fix our social problems. It'll be filled with tons of "weak points" the illegals will somehow just know about or designed to fall apart in less than a decade to make a fool out of this administration and the party they don't like.
They're good walls, Brent.
greatest ally :DD
the left collum is the number of illigals who arrived in Israel from Africa, the wall was completed in 2012
>Nobody wants wall
>Trump gets Jews to build wall
>All of a sudden everyone wants to build multiple walls
How does he do it?
You sure showed us giving the Jews our money money
Are we gonna be spared for serving our greatest ally?
what are the other two collums?
We’re doomed. At least we know where the terrorists will be entering from now.
Captured/killed maybe?
it's the breakdown of where they found the migrants and how they know that they entered the country, the collum that ends with 0's is at the border, the other one is migrants that were found elsewhere in Israel
>my wall stops dumb niggers
Your walls will not stop libertarian multi nation corporation.
If the wall get to hard, then the eternal weakness of human nature will be used to get stuff across
Guess who's wall is getting a bunch of drug and sex slave smuggling weak points :D
I wanted Mexico to build the wall!
this one would be much cheaper ... would keep all the wandering jews from working for other countries and concentrate their efforts in one district for their own needs to be fulfilled.
not like the current state of palestine couldnt use a break from them either
tel aviv for me would you
it's ok, my wall doesn't care if it's a regular nigger or a tortilla nigger
Man... I want one of those... we probably gonna need it by 2030....
We want the same thing for our country that you guys have for yours; a locked down militarized, hermetically sealed border.
Really beaners as just as much a threat as Muslims.
my father is actually a manager at the local G4S contraction division, apart from from walls they don't really do much
Advice from experts
Their design didn't get picked? Pic related did.
top kek
your wall is meant to stop muscum faggot fighting for some shitty idealism, your wall is no prepared to face a para-military multi-national corporation whos profits you are infringing.
Muslims, don't care if they are caught cause it for muh allah. The corporation is all about moving good without getting caught,you wall is meaningless.
Remember to thank your greatest ally itt, fellow burgers
proof that the jews are more superior.
pretty sure this is the illustration of the (((chosen))) design
Orthodox jews are bro-tier
you know nothing son
that is small time
The wall is to stop human and drug trafficking.
We're less concerned with people trying to sneak in to have babies as we are the guys leaving a trail of dead bodies across the border
Im ok with this. Jews know how to keep out shitskins.
What you guys don't get is that Israel had to build a wall to keep suicide bombers out. No one is better qualified.
> those giant rollers from takeshi's castle
8 firms, according to the subheader
>among eight
literally nothing, fuck off
We're less concerned with people trying to sneak in to have babies
i like Ben Shapiro
What this is is Israel welfare, money laundering, the usual. There will be cost overruns, delays the usual. Lotsa $$$$ but it will never be completed but lotsa $$$$
check out dennis prager
a more powerful solution would be to end welfare and public school and univeristy
then not need wall
anyone come here work or starve or exported with fine back to originating country if criminal
>wtf i love kikes now
ist simple really
just boto em and disabr judges n lawyers who disagree, hek hang few judges
ban private law firms
and law schools
pay judges n lawyers like post office
Israelis are good at walls. Terrorism plummeted after the Jerusalem wall went up. After ISIS took Iraq, they put up another wall bordering Jordan. It went up in a day or so.
Isreal gets all the profits,and share some with the works very little of course, they could done it cheaper, but they lied. They will need some proprietary Israeli bs. The wall will be built, status-quo remains, but not American have a peace of mind, while drugs still get, and now the government has a new project to waste money on to secure vote via jobs,and gibs by special interest groups to senators,and congressmen.
Maybe more drugs come from Canada, since now the letter agencies need a bigger threat for budgets
For the love of christ you stormfaggots are annoying with your kike fetish. Leftist Jews HATE Israel. I don't give a fuck about Israel but having a flow chart that always leads to Jews makes you look retarded.
>tfw Jews are still praying to something Masons built 3+k years ago.
Not sure who is jewing who...
what does Israel do with illegals? send them back or send them to the gulag?
Jew D chess
>tfw America is Zion and the kikes will expand they're hegemony by murdering your shitskins too
Looks expensive, but would be a hell of a lot more effective than just a simple wall.
I think you mean Mark Levin
Sup Forums a year and a half ago
Sup Forums today
The Israeli company will make a very good margin on it, but the actual construction will obviously be subcontracted out to US firms.
I don't like this Pepe. Delet this
put them in concentration camp untill they decide to hop on a plane and ply to eritrea
lel. I like how within the space of a few days people go from "where's the wall?" to " you know Jews are building your wall"
the reality is starting to come home
>jews are not title nation of america
Why does nu-Sup Forums love to suck big nosed dick? I thought Jews were the cause of the Wests downfall
come on Israel keep out the darkies, come on israel keep out the darkies
Israel is the biggest exporter of drones. Drones are obviously a good tool for patrolling the border.
>how does he do it?
He asks Kushner what he thinks he should do and Kushner gives him a ((( name)))