Why do liberals hate whites? When will this anti-white shit stop?
Why do liberals hate whites? When will this anti-white shit stop?
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because they are tyrants in disguise but too weak of leaders or individual personalities to influence other white people (their actual peers) but they if they parade under the guise of moral superiority they can gather small followings of minority pet slaves who worship their, entirely hollow, ideological trends. they accidentally subscribe to "the white man's burden" and want to be intellectual slave owners. they are also invincible to insult in the current political climate which makes it so enthralling.
at least by omission they admit Muslim Foreigners are, indeed, a threat
When you realize that all they know how to do is talk.
They don't have the nuts to actually go through with any of what they're saying, they just want attention.
Nov.4 is going to put that on full display, they are going to get their collective shit pushed in if they are actually going to follow through with their little "revolution".
This is a fetish apparently
What do you mean they're impossible to insult? South Park and George Carlin made a living doing just that for decades. Myth busted, leftists are the real underdogs when it comes to political discussion.
she is very punchable
The target IS the motive, and Whites were the target. Global Marxism can never win as long as there is a White America. America is the SOLE remaining obstacle to the L.I.M.P. World Order
Would not be surprised if raped.
> be me
> think Hijaberi is unnecessary
> get diddled
> "bu why!?!??"
do you think the vegas shooter was a marxist?
>what is it you want us to do?
Because we haven't imported as many terrorists like Europe?
>County College of Morris
Jersey Gurls amirite?
Do they honestly believe that America would be safer and better if it were 52% Muslim instead of 52% white? Because I'm pretty sure it would be a lot shittier for everybody, Muslim-Americans included.
Because they're the manufactured proletariat.
They hate Red Tribe who are mostly non-Universalist whites, Blue Tribe has an insane mental parasite virus descended from Universalist christianity which makes them believe that their soul/spirit is their "true" form and their race is superficial and meaningless so that all humans of different colours are essentially interchangeable because they all have the same "soul" and they have used this virus to enter into a pact with non-whites whereby they support non-whites through welfare and in exchange non-whites murder and slaughter their Red Tribe enemies. Blue Tribers (who are mostly white themselves) do not understand that their virus's claims about equality are just an illusion and that their actions are causing them to genocide themselves because from the parasite virus's perspective it is successfully replicating itself and stamping out its competitors and if the host dies it does not matter.
lol fuck that bitch
I get your used, stretched out, diseased worn cunt only after you've had your fun?
you miss the point. those types of insults only pander to the people who are not the types of people who are being insulted in said insults.
any liberal can walk behind the shield or bullet proof vest of tolerance or the cheat code of personal invincibility of opinions against anyone who may hold an opinion that disagrees with an invented belief system. racism/bigot/sexist/anti fucking whatever is an immediate immolation of individuality and retrieval to the safety of hurt feelings but the person you are talking to has no hurt feelings; it's in the defense of their intellectual slaves, of which, will worship them if they see this God-like superior being defend their, helpless and peasant, existence.
Women were a mistake
>When will this anti-white shit stop?
When we become a nation and no sooner.
which is the idea, by the way. this is the ideology. like i said before, these people are tactlessness and failed tyrants who, by modern medicine, were able to survive past the age of two; against all natural law which should have killed these abominations. only one in a few million should have made it through and now there are millions of these burden personalities.
“You’re an insane cunt” is the only correct reply. Don’t be a cuck.
... no wonder every religion and political ideology chained women up for thousands of years.
>Why do liberals hate whites?
>muslims kill 3000 americans in one day
>liberals say but that one doesn't count
ok then
>white men are a bigger threat!! look at the chart I posted!!
>"people here are a bigger threat than people there"
>"so we need to bring those people over here"
>Muslim foreigners
Way to limit comparisons. It's as bad as "terrorist attacks since 9/11" or only comparing kills of attacks rather than all casualties.
It will stop when whites on mass stand up for themselves and tell them to go fuck themselves. Unfortunately for everyone that usually means destructive war.
Why are all white mass shooters democrats and or far left liberals?
Whites did Ok City, Vegas, and many more.
Okay, that might be the dumbest thing I have seen all week.
>U-u-unless they're Muslim
What are you rattling on about?
America is the #1 goy in the world
The white American is the problem, though, as he is no longer needed. The infustructure is all built; now whites are nothing but a threat to the American government.
Says the deluded faggot.
Its called a pogrom. Look it up.
well said
So did 9/11 not happen then?
Source? I don't believe they're this retarded.
Help Sup Forums, should I marry my half black gf of 4 years? She's redpilled to an extent but idk how I feel about having quadroon kids fuck with my aryan genetics. Otherwise she is perfect and has a phat ass. Plus quadroons have a better chance of surviving in the inevitable brown-out of America. Wat do?
At least she's open about trying to make you her beta male orbiter she keeps in a chastity belt and keeps the keys to yours and like 8 other guys on her keychain. Who's to blame women for being disgusting or men for enabling this en masse? If every man MGTOWed for 1 year we'd break the roasty cult on our knee like a dried faggot.
What kind of 7th dimensional bait is this?
>I don't want to fuck up my aryan genetics.
>Lol America is doomed only half ape babies will survive anyways.
Fuck you buddy.
>Brown the fuck out
>Fuck the brown out
Like, if you're absolutely sure about her and you, I'd say go ahead. But if I were you I'd simply honestly bring up that you would like your kids to look like you. Most women respect that; you could adopt or shop around for a surrogate mom. Or just do that -and- have a few quadroons as well. Up to the number of mouths you expect to be able to feed and not much else, really.
But if you are conflicted now things will likely get ugly for you (and her) somewhere down the road as you keep revisiting the past and questioning your decisions. No child regardless of color should live with being the "trigger", as it were, for that. So I recommend you two sit down and talk this over; after four years she will most likely understand that this is not you hating her all of a sudden. Good luck.
I can't tell you how many times this attitude as benefited me.
>put on my best face for job interview
>get the job
>month 1
>show up, work hard, be nice
>month 2
>gradually up the "cry white guy loner" angle
>bosses clearly dislike me, but too scared to fire me because I fit the mass shooter profile to a T.
Thank God for anti-white male hysteria.
>When will this anti-white shit stop?
when you are dead or when they are dead
Because the Jews own your media and they want to see you exterminated
shooting white people i'd say it's possible explains why nobody will release his motive
They're not anti-white, they're using facts you fucking ridiculous pussy. You're just butt-blasted because you droll about Jews/Niggers/Spics/Women/Chinks and most likely when there's a boot on your neck and a bullet in your head, and yout wife gets raped it will be a white man.
Because the USA is 80% White, and you're dumb as shit.
or one of you who wanted to create some OC for a thread.....wouldn't surprise me at this point.
I'm being semi-facetious but come on man. We're not getting another Rhodesia. I can sit around and wait for it or just marry the girl that's proven better than any other girl I've dated.
Thanks for the kind advice, user
The Las Vegas shooter wasn't a terrorist.
This is complete horseshit and you are a racist.
People like you are making up articles saying old white men mass kill because of genetics then cast the net wider in the same articles including all white men.
You are what you bitch about you fruity nigger cuck.
Nothing to do with liberals you dumb dumb. do your research, white guys have committed more terrorism than any other demographic.
Eat shit you fucking faggot. Kill yourself now before I do it for you you piece of garbage.
Why not? how do you define a terrorist?
Carlin insulted leftists all the time
Except arabs and blacks. They do it every day.
You wouldn't do shit you fucking coward.
Well you know she'll be doing porn in the near future.
Fuck off you fucking pathetic cuck. You people are absolute scum of the earth. You are a scum fucking piece of fucking filth.
Neither would you bitch boy.
Sorry, i should have clarified, I meant terrorism in the US. Domestic terrorism.
I smell your fear soyboy. Give it up
Who said I would?
This nigga mad
Last terrorist attacks
Gay club was a muslim
Boston muslims
Fort hood muslim
9/11 muslim
And so on.
why you gotta bring soy into this?
There was also that smaller one at the workers party again muslim.
There's a lot more terrorist attacks than that.
More like poundable.
>2001 september 12 - 2017
Jealously and insecurity, imagine knowing that you and your ancestors had nothing to do with anything involving the modern society you live in. Not the language you speak or the clothes you wear. Nothing, Just completely irrelevent would You feel. It might even anger you.
can paddock really be defined as a terrorist though? he obviously just wanted to cause some fucking mayhem before he topped himself, he didn't give a fuck if people were scared about it afterwards.
>fucked 60 guys in 2 semesters
>I don't fuck around though
u fuckin w0t cunt
would you be saying the same if he was brown? white, ring terror get's swept under the rug because of this attitude right here
Because these people are used to whites not standing up for themselves.
I think with the Trump election you are starting to see more individual whites start to realize what is at stake and begin to start standing up for themselves.
MSM has never had as big of anti-white agenda as they have now in the status quo. They have turned up the dial by 10 since some whites started standing up for themselves again.
It's called findom or something like that, financial domination, the girl verbally abuses and berates the guys and they give her fuck tons of money. I knew a red pilled girl who stocked a fuckton of cash this way. But she was also severely mentally scarred by past experiences, and fucked in the head.
remove jews and all this goes away
people seem to forget this
no, i don't think I'd say any black shooter in the USA was a terrorist, except possibly the Ugandan who shot up that church recently.
Brown man kills >50 people; NOT ALL BROWNS
White man kills >50 people; FUCK WHITE MEN
Are you joking? During the obamy admin they were reluctant to even call muslim terrorism terrorism.
The we cant find a motive meme. Thats why people are suspicious of Paddock.
>minorities always chose the losing side
2 false flags by CIA. what else ya got skippy?
nobody has forgotten.
It never stops
Secular Jews dont give a fuck about Israel.
On nov.4th antifa plans to protest on mass all across the US.
You're giving them less credit than you ought to, never underestimate your adversary, you're in your own way acting like Marie Antoinette. These people would happily execute you with a bullet to the back of the dome. Whats more they believe that this fate awaits them if they don't carry out such an execution. They are incredibly dangerous by indirect means. You are correct that they are spineless and will likely falter immediately when faced with an equal retaliatory force but that is not what makes them so dangerous. The problem is is that the police are a very thin black line, one that cannot possibly stand against the masses and hold them back. They operate on an illusory level, they are more bark than bite, they are only as mighty as you believe them to be. What it will come down to if they actually carry this out is the deployment of the national guard, and that would; if my understanding of US law is somewhat on the mark, require martial law.
That martial law will be used to stop the anti fa terrorists sure, but it will also be used to come collect those firearms they've been going after for oh so long. Their little insurrections will likely be the trigger that enables the establishment to become tyrannical. So will they take them from your cold dead hands, or will you lack the constitution to die for the second amendment and hand them over? Either way you end up losing, unless you believe in Trudeau's little diatribe "if they kill you, you win!".
>making a simple reality check for the mouth breathers who buy into the hype means that you hate white people
>When will this anti-white shit stop?
On the Day of the Rope.