> Be Feminist Unattractive Land-whale that no one likes

> Go and browse /pol

> Turn into a Traditional Aryan Valkyrie qts and defend your people and children

I believe that when you leave the left and go to the right, your whole lifestyle changes
You want to become /fit/ and be the best that you can be

Lesson here is that you have not reached your full potential and it is your job as a White Man or White Woman to achieve your ultimate Aryan forms, both spiritual and physical.

Stop being fucking in/fit/ NEET's and start working out and living a better lifestyle

I was a 250 pound obese lard revolting white human male waste.
I went to /pol and decided that enough is enough
I started working out and doing weights at the gym
I have lost close to 40 pounds and feel good and look fucking better, I just needed to get rid of fat around my face and start molding my body into it's chad final form

My point is to not be Nu-pol tier human waste.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice blogpost faggot.

>implying a females body can recover from that size/weight


Wait, I don't get it, are you a male and the image is you as well? Also I'm sorry, if you were ever fat it means you've failed as a human being. Getting in shape is commendable, but you've already shown your absolute lack of willpower that never truly goes away

I'm 120 pounds and look like a faggot. I used to go to the gym but I don't have time anymore (stemcuck). I got girls when I went to the gym, but I still looked skinny as fuck. Now, I'm skinny with no muscle and lost my chiseled jawline. Any workouts I can do quickly and efficiently when I can't make it to a gym?

That's a man, baby.

kek that is her in both pictures user

Do a bodyweight routine in your room in the mornings for like half an hour. Burpees, push ups, situps, push ups, etc.

if you think you're going to convert a female to the Sup Forumsack hivemind you're fucked.

Her stomach is a mess but throw a tshirt on her and its fine
tshirt sex is hot af anyway

auwww how cute...
come to pol and become a gymprince
and you became magically a redhead too?
ugh.. a brainless one i guess?

Lol no i'm not the girl in pic related .
I was just trying to prove a point to our people that you can always make the change and become a better white man or woman
Have you seen our people in far-right rallies?
We look disgusting af and subhuman
If we all looked like Chads then our movement would be taken seriously.
The left is supposed to look like weak emasculated human garbage while the right is supposed to look like Greek Gods and Human Perfection.
Also it's healthy for you to be healthy and you won't die of obesity by the time you reach fucking 50 like modern day burgers.

I'm a little overweight right now and I gotta lose it again fucking sucks.

Congratz user

who /left/ here?

fucking kek
Make your own gym at your house user, do pushups and situps.
buy bulking protein from gnc so you can bulk up
Eat a lot of protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids
You will see result in about 3 months.

same, I lost 30 lbs then gained 15 back. I'm now 30lbs away from my goal. 160 is my goal if you're curious, I'm 5'10.

how much are you off by?

t. landwhale

Probably around 20 pounds I got to the correct weight like a year ago and since I've slowly gone back to being overweight.

Start working out user and become a chadbrah.
Don't let tomorrow come, always do it today.
Do it right now. do 100 pushups and 100 situps right now on the floor.
Di it everyday and increase week after week.

I dunno, left still isn't that bad if she was into some kinky shit and held conservative beliefs. 20 more pounds and she would be.

If I recall correctly, that girl was an SAGoon. Not sure what pol has to do with that.

Tits or gtfo

Left would be "alright" if she had boobs twice as big.
Landwhales with small boobs = disgusting
But the right is what white woman should be aiming for.

> LASAGNA!!!!!

iktfb, I hurt my back then rested for a week, a week turned to two, and you know how it goes.

at the gym i just use the tread mill for 20 minutes(switching between 8.5 and 3.5 every minute) and it works great for losing the fat


Do you like to get your hair pull and butt slapped^
Look at these little toes too

Who are you Quoting faggot


show manly bobs

Damn, before looks pretty nice. I find this post offensive.

what I did is use one of those black garbage bags.
I cut a hole ontop to put my head through and two holes on the side to put my arms through.
I ran for 30 minutes and when I untucked the garbage bag, a huge pool of sweat splashed on the floor.
This shit will burn your fat fast af
But make sure to drink a lot of water to replenish the water/fat you've lost.

i'm not girl in pic related you kek

Good job on your weight loss so far. Keep lifting.

>things that never happened

lol i'm quoting you indian autists with your literal rape comments at women online

Why are you poos so fucking autistic when it comes to interacting with women?

thanks chadbrah

>mfw the right one is the 'before'
>mfw she actually lost weight and decided to start taking pictures in bikinis with stiletto heals showing off her roast beef to niggers on instagram
it's a lose/lose
drop it, faggot

> things that did

> things that did.

> you are one of those MGTOW faggot Nu-Males

>Make your own gym at your house user
This. Get a bench with a squat rack and some free weights. Do Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5X5. I'd go with Starting Strength because 5X5 might be a little much for a beginner.

Idk, never really thought about that I've dated a few girls but they were willing to overlook the austim

>Used to be 100lbs 5'11 lanklet
>Now 170lbs 5'11 manlet with a 195 bench max, 250 squat max, and 305 deadlift max
>Goal is to get to 185
>225 bench
>315 squat
>405 deadlift
I'm getting there my dudes. Also fuck ohp.

>be me before Sup Forums
> fat fuck who defends Muslims by saying "the name literally means peace bigot"

After Sup Forums
> speak to grandmother and learn more about my great uncles who both served in the SS Waffen .
> get redpilled by her and my nazi mother
> finally decide that I'm a national capitalist becuz fuck socialism
> lose weight , gain, muscle
> ask out girl who is younger then me but a perfect redpilled future child bearer
> she says yes
> red pill her
> join BAF
> have kids
> serve in Iraq and Afghanistan
> get medals

Now I spend my days waiting for the second Reconquista , but for all of Europe (except based Poland and Hungary )


> die with your rage

Your sister begs to differ.

Looks terrible, those tits are 90% loose skin. Trust.

Do you ever tell your countrymen why they are fucking creepy towards women?
Also you seem to be an intelligent poo, you live in the north or something?

> 5'11 is manlet
You are literally taller than about 90% of the global population.

> 90% of the global population is nonwhite btw


>that no one likes
hey man fuck you. she still a qt and prob will work 10x as hard for the dick

Boervolk are always fucking based af and you guys know how to rek niggers.

Don't forget that God has not abandoned you, you guys made a holy covenant with God and he helped you rek the invading nigger hordes.

> landwhale is qt
> will become a big whore in order to land some dick


chubby girls tend to be good at fucking and are good to snuggle after.

pic has nothing to do with pol
once again op is a huge faggot

That's so silly man

silly .. but it worked user

I put my work clothes OVER the bag though

I'd root them both

It's possible if she's young and loses the weight naturally and not too fast.
Her tits are probably sad looking without a bra though.

>I believe that when you leave the left and go to the right, your whole lifestyle changes

I believe that you are a huge faggot

My grandmother went from 200 to 120 from dieting and playing Tennis and she's 83. I'm not even shitting you.

Stop giving landwhales excuses. There are none.

IF this is the same girl, which I doubt, it's more like After/Before Haagen Dazs

No red head girls are like if rabies had sex with a new form of mental illness and it manifested into a person

>red head girl = demons

this tread is a joke
i do actually know people who lived during that beautifull era, family and friends, my grand papa was a gebirgsjager, some of my family where SS, far away family and friends of family and later on personel friends where wehrmacht and SS besides civilians. and another side of my family where partisans, passive and agressive.
you people are a joke, they laugh with with you, we all laugh with you, beeing fit is a good intention, but you guys larp as notsies and being chad like it's an insult
the point is, push tomorrow further what you have pushed today, be one with nature outside, give all you have in EVERYTHING, never quit, be the best and for you, for your next generation, for the world, be the inspiration to become better and not be one with the climatiser in your gympalace while popping pils and cheatjuices. you people are an insult and a joke to us.
national socialism isn't left or wright and it never will be, it's about the betterment of us all, it's about the most important thing in the world and not about little petty things as chad

It's much easier than that. Just get good shoes and walk.
Walk 10km every weekday.
Free indoor exercises on saturday.
Rest and read books on sunday.
Walking activates over half your muscle tissue.

I can't even tell if this is someone trying to bait or a shill trying to spray leftist shit all over the place in the hopes that it changes someone.

that's why we hunt you in your dreams, you know where nightmares comes from?
those cold sweat nightmares? those where wet dreams, nice and hot, but when we come and hunt your dreams we erase them from your memories and turn them into cold sweaty dreams.. because we have no soals, because it hurt, so we sold our souls to become numb to all the bullies and shitheads that attack us constantly
next time you bully a redhead, think of this:
(((we might come hunt you in your dreams)))


we have an old flemish expression about walking.
"ne man da lupt"
"men walk"
you could trow some swimming in between yur walks though, it's great for the rest of those muscles

No matter how hot she is, I would never trust a girl who had looked like that before to not look like that again.