I work in intel in the US military. Branch doesn't matter. Some shit is going down soon...

I work in intel in the US military. Branch doesn't matter. Some shit is going down soon, all I can say is please make sure you have plenty of ammo, food, water, candles, medical supplies, etc. Trump isn't lying about this one.

Not everyone is fucked but if you're on a coast or a major city in general, try and make arrangements to either get out or protect yourself.

True if big

hows california?

Let's rock and roll.

I live in la. I hope we get nuked faggot

Oh hey, another shitty LARP thread. Yawn.

>trusting POGs ever

somebody makes this thread every day. alex jones has been saying this every day for 10 years. what makes you different?

>nonchalant branch doesn't matter to make you seem casually reliable

Why would you live in the metro? Go live in some suburbs inland ffs

whew good thing we are safe here in Japan where nothing bad ever happens


if its going down then how come theres no skyking or flightpath autism going on at all on the site?

Fake and gay

Yea, but my dads' friends' wifes' son works for the cia and he said it's nothing.

I don't have a gun user...

I could spit on a shipyard from my roof on a windy enough day. I figure I'll just wait the end out with you fags since the highway bottlenecks would prevent me from evacuating unless I left a day in advance.

A lot of posters have asked this already: what the fuck makes your claim more genuine than the other million other posts like this? Give us a legit reason or go back to trying to find Jesus by fingering your butthole


>Trump isnt lying about this one

god you are such a worthless larping faggot

haha haha remember 70-80 years ago?

How's Guam gonna do?

no, I'm not that old, get off the Internet grandpa

ZX111ZX 3 ZX111ZX 3

Live in LA, am fully willing to sacrifice my life to wipe this catastrophe off the earth.

I...I...is great britannica safe? OP?

What about mexico and Canada?

Slid, skykang went off around 6pm est

No Skykangz, not sure I believe it. Those autists monitor everything.

These insider threads are getting really out of hand. This one isn’t even fun. Just some faggot languishing in vagueries with no hooks to continue the banter. Boo this man!

Intelligence officer here. Can confirm, this is the big one

Unfortunately it's too irrelevant to be in danger except from Muslim Rape Gangs™

Japan is so comfy

>Low effort LARPing thread


>still larping




>Aqua sees a Mexican

Because OP has autism. He might as well have said "my dad works at Nintendo, it's definitely happening".


>fingering your butthole

:( .... I love you Japan. Stay safe

That's something a San Franciscan abomination would say. LA's not the problem, SF is!

No need to LARP in this timeline.


Calm down you overdramatic pansy leaf.

use pig latin to crypto explain whats going down mr military mon

>Satania sees a Mexican

I have a friend that's in the military as well, he tells me that we're going to war with North Korea in February!
Great news, everyone!
Now time to dig deep, deep down, to create a Nuclear Bomb Shelter!


quit LARPING fag. past your bedtime.

>tfw on a boat in NYC right now. My porthole is screwed down tight. EMP blast off a nuke can't take out diesel engines with an air start.

better buy one while you can

I love you too USA

what did OP mean by this?

As a centrist this doesn't concern me

(btw im not joking this is actually what I was told by someone involved in intel as well. [brb FBI]) President Trump wasn't the harmless comedian we were thinking! Man the harpoons!

Prove it

fukushima blues

Proof ?

Parking Lot if we're lucky

L A R P I N G btw

Grande if verdad.

My uncle is nintendo

Can confirm

Oh shit.

This isn’t good lads.

I shall pray Kim Jung Un slaughters mountain piles of yanks and then purges whats left of yous in the south and nukes the shit out of Guam

High touch

femanon here from the antifa headquarter. dont go to san francisco tomorrow. you guys are ok

Live 10,000 years!

I welcome death and have given my soul over to Jesus. I couldn't care less tbvqhrnn

That was a rough couple weeks

Large if in charge


My nigga kek

So basically you're saying a civil war would just spring up all of a sudden in front of us? Are you this fucking stupid?

True big if

Just stay toward the center of the building you're in when it goes down, and hopefully u won't go down with the building as it i going down



>hmm I didn't get enough replies to this one

>maybe me smashing my keyboard will look like a more believable code

fuckin kek


Why the fuck would I go to San Francisco? I prefer being HIV negative.

Nah you all need to go


op is sounds like your average boot anyway

lots of talk in my department down here in aus. can confirm. the birds are flying away and the fish are leaving the streams. it's happening.

God you're all fucking cancer. Your ilk should have been permabanned ages ago.

Public key?

private key?

Not sure what to do with these senpai

CIA here, can confirm it's really happening soon, sometime this month. if there's any kind of strange light in the sky, do not look at it or you will be permanently blinded. wear the strongest earmuffs/ear plugs you can at all times, day and night. remember that sound outside of your hearing range can still deafen you. don't use the internet or phones for the next few months at least, as soon as you read this unplug your ethernet and phone cables immediately. don't drink tap water or let it touch your skin. gather supplies to last a few months in a bunker like OP said, and don't go outside unless your life depends on it. buy lots of tinfoil and faraday cage material to shield yourself and your consumables from the storm if you can't afford to live in a bunker like the elites. don't trust any other humans or living creatures and don't let them in your bunker, they could be imposters. kill any bug you see, they might not really be bugs. do not keep any dairy products in your bunker, they are likely infected already even if you bought them months ago. cook everything thoroughly before touching it. don't masturbate, your semen may be toxic. recycle your urine three times, it's good for three harvests until you need to drink water again. you may need to do the same with your poopies if you're starving but only as a last resort because eating poopoo will make you sick unless you're a veteran scat fetishest who has built up an immunity. remember that God doesn't exist and praying to him is a waste of energy. meditation will help pass the time and reduce the urge to masturbate. if you wake up and find cummies in your undies from a wet dream you must wash 100% of the cummies off your crotch, and cook all the cummies thoroughly including your cum-soaked undies and then eat them. make sure most of your food is stored in resealable containers so you can store your poopies and unrecyclable urine in there. do not come out of your bunker until you are near death from starvation.

I'll enjoy watching half this country die, I hate most of you anyways, go fuck yourselves in the ass, faggots.

I'm a yuuuge fagget, this is what i deserve.

USMC retired 0311 here. Go fuck yourself POG faggot. Go get diagnosed with sateside-rotation PTSD then get drunk at your parents house and kill yourself.
>intel in the US military. Branch doesn't matter.
only thing you got right. you're all incredibly retarded faggots.


Digits confirm OP bored while 2 Alpha reviews his PowerPoint for battalion staff meeting

>Are you this fucking stupid?
He's a LARPing happeningfag, of course he is.

i'll buy some more ammo - if things get lawless I don't want to be rationing

Fuck yeah.

Fuck, this one is actually believable. I’m scared guys.

Trump here, just wanted to confirm it's definitely happening.

If you live in California, well, let's just say you won't be living much longer...


>don't masturbate, your semen may be toxic

Kek, answer me.

Is it happening?

This doesn't concern Canadians