I want to study Bible in English, but KJV is too hard for me, a non-native speaker, right now. Which one is the next Sup Forums-approved version after KJV?
I want to study Bible in English, but KJV is too hard for me, a non-native speaker, right now...
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What part of "KING JAMES BIBLE ONLY" don't you understand?
Learn Ancient Greek instead. Read the original. Translation is bullshit.
Hawaiian Pidgin only ok?!?!
Check my flag.
I barely learned English dude
if you want to read in english, get english standard version (ESV)
if your want to read in ukrainian or whatever then get ukrainian bible (UKR)
NIV is fine
NABRE hardcover study edition with in page notation
it's either KJV or nothing, kurwa
study the KJV with a dictionary
just don't forget that its jew propaganda to destroy the pagan hierarchy by manufacturing a creation myth of an egalitarian jew-loving deity
let's start a khokhlosrach instead, it's more funny
Better learn Japanese to get all these hentai games.
Seconded. Just read the NIV, user. God bless.
None of them. Learn the King's English, faggot.
*shits on katsap's head*
Here (you) go.
ESV or NASB for best translation
NIV for easy reading
There are modern translations that use much older manuscripts than the KJV did. The KJV old testament, for instance, is mostly from the Septuagint, which itself is a Greek translation of the original Hebrew. Modern translations use the original Hebrew.
I bet the people, who shit on me because I can't appreciate KJV, know approximately zero foreign languages.
ESV looks like the best easily-accessible choice for me, though.
Luke 11:2-4 King James Bible:
And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be thy name. THY kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN EARTH. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL."
Same passage in ESV:
And he said to them, “When you pray, say:
“Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation.”
When we say King James ONLY we are 100% serious.
None KJV only, all other Bibles change either the plan of salvation, the name of God or attack the deity of Jesus Christ in some way.
KJV only, how hard is it for you to change thous to yous and thy to your?
Obsessed with the 50s much, faggo?
>reading a bible that promotes works based salvation, fornication and removes 16 whole verses
Sounds like your just making excuses like a lazy fucking degenerate.
You know approximately ZERO bible.
Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Same verse in ESV:
That's really fascinating. KJV prayer seems closer to the classic Orthodox prayer we know here.
Hail Ukraine, Greeting from Florida.
Why are protestants so spergy and excitable?
>And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Someone's fucked.
They are not older, they were found in the 18th century, God promised to always preserve his word, so if these transcripts were inspired (at least more so than the KJV) then why did God have his people go so long without it? He didn't so the transcripts are de facto satanic. Also 2 Corinthians 2:15 reading "being saved" as opposed to "are saved", 100% works based salvation heresy. Saved by Grace through Faith, faith only, not of works lest any man should boast.
And rightfully so, because of these people who changed the Bible many will be damned, they sowed damnation, why wouldn't they reap it?
Try the Jerusalem Bible if you can get your hands on it.
What are some meme radio or tv evangelist worth watching? I know only about Swaggart guy that got caught with prostitutes and Billy something. Didn't actually listen to either of them.
Convert me to something.
bandera bro,
dont listen to southern baptist fags and protestant queers
Why would you not post this on /lit/ instead?
I got the KJV and I don't feel it's that difficult, if you know English then you'll be able to read it, English has barely changed at all since Shakespeare.
Isn't New KJV using a more modern English? If so, why not get NKJV?
Why can't you just do that in what ever they speak in the Ukraine?
Don't you fucking convert to Protestantism. They're spiritually and intellectually dead, and completely without mysticism, sola scriptura will do that to a man.
Wrong it's better than orthodox or catholic.
Honestly it doesn't matter what english translation you read. They're all equally shit. Old hebrew cannot be reasonably translated into english.
>classic Orthodox prayer
That's because KJV is authentic but all the modern English versions are crap.
Luke 4:4 "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD OF GOD."
1 Peter 2:2 "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk OF THE WORD, that ye may grow thereby"
I could do this all night, verse after verse after verse.
We are being 100% serious, you need to stick to the King James Bible, all the rest contain satanic deletions and corruptions.
Koine Greek you pleb
You do know vargs real name is Christian, right?
Good idea, I'll try ESV, KJV and NKJV in that order.
That's how I prefer to learn anything that is not originally in Russian or Ukrainian.
New King James Version is basically just the same as KJV but the rhetoric is simpler. Its a good read.
If you're not going to read KJV you're wasting
your time
Dont bother or you will probably end up racemixing or being a faggot.
Fear not, I don't have anyone to racemix here in Ukraine anyway, unless I finally migrate to some first world place.
>why not get NKJV?
Like Chinese selling "New Volvo" - it's a scam.
Thee/Thou/Thine are singular and You/Ye/Your are plural in the King James - that makes it more clear and is an improvement over modern English.
>to racemix with
>Good idea, I'll try ESV, KJV and NKJV in that order.
lel, are you planning on buying them all? Why not read excerpts from them on the internet before you decide?
Also you could get a study bible like "The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha" or something.
Or this one
it uses KJV though
You do know the King James Bible is inferior to the Vulgate, right?
People like are shitting on you the genuine hardcore KJV people believe that the KJV is the only English Bible one should use not that all other bibles are false.
For Ukrainians the recommend one is Kulisch version
Its better to read the bible in your own language than a bad English translation.
As far as Non KJV versions in English go
NIV - hippy protestants
RSV/NRSV - Catholic and liberal Catholic translations
Douay Rheims - Ultra hardliner Catholic
ESV- moderate to hippy protestants.
NKJV -East Orthodox and some conservative baptists I think.
Of course all of this is if you just want to understand it from a Christian point of view and not a literary or cultural one
You Swedes are funny. All of them are freely available online. And I'd pirate them if they weren't anyway.
Why would we though? It seems you're speaking out of necessity rather than pleasure, otherwise feel free to speak in your native tongue.
The KJV is for understanding the Bible from the Anglican perspective (and that only).
The Vulgate for the Roman perspective.
If you want the actual Bible you'll need to learn Hebrew, Koine Greek, and some Aramaic, and pour over the original manuscripts.
>reading non-physical books
Confirmed for not gonna make it
>Koine Greek
You know nothing.
There are no original manuscripts, only copies. Those copies are substantially the same and agree with the KJV with slight variations - but 3 particular ones have a great number of differences - called Sinaticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus.
All modern versions rely heavily upon those 3 corrupt manuscripts to ignore the majority of manuscripts in many key passages. Majority is also called Byzantine or Textus Receptus and that is what you read in a KING JAMES ONLY.
>I'll try ESV
>finds out ESV has corrupted Lord's Prayer, decides to "try" it anyhow
Very well then, and now we know why God allowed Satan put out the ESV counterfeit, so that the tares who hate the truth would be ensnared and blinded and go into oblivion. Light rejected becomes lightning.
You're missing a few books when you read King James, bud.
>w King James Version is basically just the same as KJV
WRONG. You are a mindless parrot repeating what somebody told you. When words are changed, meaning is changed. That's why ONE set of words is correct (KJV), and the rest are INCORRECT.
Geneva Bible > KJV
Which Vulgate, dumbo? Don't say Jerome's because his was inferior to the old Latin. Admit you know nothing.
But KJV was translated with heavy political undertones. It's part of James I's project to solidify his version of Anglicanism.
If you want a precursor to KJV, still in English, without the politics, try Geneva. Though that's not as accurate as KJV at places.
Jerome's Vulgate had its errors, but it's an inspired work by a saint.
>Bible one should use
We don't "USE" a Bible, you ignorant dumbass, we BELIEVE the Bible, and that Bible is in print and available for all the world to read and it's called the King James Bible.
I work in a cathedral and in the past have asked all of the priests what the best modern translation into English is. The consensus is that the Revised English Bible is the one.
Yeah but he asked about english. Of course you need to read it in vulgate, koine, modern hebrew, 1545 luther bibel.
STOP reading non european religion
Don't read the bible unless for literary interest. It's all Jewish propoganda.
New English Translation
I Dont get the KJV meme, its a poor translation
>James I's project to solidify his version of Anglicanism.
So much ignorant propaganda. It was not Anglican only, the translation committee had many Puritans, and the AV supplanted all the prior English Bibles as the standard used by ALL protestant Christians, conforming and non-conforming.
The Book is a divine production:
"If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret." 1 Cor. 14:27
Only ONE because God doesn't sow confusion.
>We don't "USE" a Bible,
Was answering the OPs question rather than discussing what Christian is chill out.
>It was not Anglican only, the translation committee had many Puritans
Confirmed for now knowing history.
The Puritans considered themselves to be Anglicans as well.
James I himself was a learned man, even giving theological speeches at Parliament (which bored the MPs to death), though he himself was more of the "Beauty of Holiness" of what-we-call-now High Anglicanism type.
>and the AV supplanted all the prior English Bibles as the standard used by ALL protestant Christians, conforming and non-conforming.
Yes, by a Parliamentary Act. As I said, politics, not theology, was the main motivator.
I'm not saying that the KJV was a great translation of course. It's doubtlessly superior to all the modern corruptions we have now. Though it's definitely not the only text you should read if you want to understand the Biblia Sacra fully.
>now knowing
meant "not knowing"
>best modern translation
Of course, Because everything "modern" is so overwhelmingly pure and holy and dignified and respectable, the newer the "bible" (fag-trans-fem-pedo-friendly version) the better.
NIV or Catholic RSV
Jokes aside, i read ESV and find it nuch easier to follow. My advice is read mulitple and find what speaks to you most.
The New Jerome Catholic one or Haydock's Catholic Commentary Bible for high rollers
Wuts rong with studying in ur mother tongue nigga
I will eat your soul.
>The Puritans considered themselves to be Anglicans as well.
You are a bone ignorant moron, you snide Hong Kong nigger, dishonestly changing how you now want to define "Anglican". You're a fool.
And, no, the AV wasn't "authorized" because of any Act by Parliament either. You prove well that those who pick up a smattering of misinformation are worse than the blank slates.
>find what speaks to you most.
Right, and maybe the TV or some pornography or the Book of Mormon, just read it all and find out what "speaks to you most".
Absolutely degenerate.
Study the Bible in your own language, it's better than another language to please weebs on the Internet.
KJV isn't Sup Forums approved, it's Judeo-Masonic-Anglo-Protestant trash. Get a Catholic bible if you can, they probably have a Ukrainian translation since Ukraine has a decent number of Catholics. I prefer the Jerusalem Bible in both French and English, but I don't know if they have a Ukrainian translation of it, for what it's worth
Bible is bullshit, read a book about critical thinking or on Existentialism (Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, etc.)
Catholicism is double-bullshit. Their "version" of Bible is bullshit and their organization is bullshit.
>when you're too much of a fedora to allow yourself to read such a major part of the western canon
What about this user?biblegateway.com
>critical thinking
>not knowing that God is knowable through unaided reason and has been since the time of Aristotle
Yes, that's what Christianity is. It's not true, learn critical thinking.
bc god does not exist and we want to study the bible as intellectuals w/ the most accurate source.
You can read it to understand cult tactics that have brainwashed people to believe bullshit.
>You are a bone ignorant moron, you snide Hong Kong nigger, dishonestly changing how you now want to define "Anglican". You're a fool.
You can't just change history and claim the others are wrong.
The Puritans sent James I the Millenary Petition, significant in the sense that the Puritans argued as part of the Anglican ekklesia, not as a separate body.
This Petition would then lead to the Hampton Court Conference, which resulted in the commissioning of the Authorised Version (KJV).
Ok, let's test your critical thinking: how do you go from nothing to something?
>not knowing that God is knowable through unaided reason and has been since the time of Aristotle
Deist God or Spinoza's "God" is also bullshit.
Read douay Rheims. If you have trouble with that, you might just be retarded
>I Dont get the KJV meme, its a poor translation
You don't understand because you've never investigated it for yourself. Go through this document line by line and compare:
Uh, except I was endorsing God as understood by Aristotle. You even quoted that part of my post