Yeah you
Hey you
Our there in the cold, getting lonely getting old, can you feel me?
Not in this life nigglet
>Athiests are niggers
makes sense
>.African kid
>being linked with scientific advancements in any way
Top kek
Whose wheelchair did you steal
Stem cells come from a human life. Why should your healthcare come at the cost of human lives?
> African niglet gifted a wheelchair by some church
> thinks he will be able to afford the stem cells required to get him walking again
Out there on the road sitting naked by the phone can you touch me?
>Black people
>Scientific advancements
>Any advancements whatsoever
They didn't even evolve properly.
he need mo money fo dem programs
And I need you to fucking die.
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
I don't care about your life.
Hey you don't help them to carry the sto, owe, one.
Don't give in . . .
he'd find religion if he'd build a clock and pray to it for a cure.
That wheelchair is more advanced than anything his kind has ever produced, fucking greedy cunt
I don't care about your life
No, you need Jesus.
Every time i see a nigger on a wheelchair.
Go bang some sticks together negrito
>Everything I don't like is reddit
This is the true face of /nu/pol
That nigger needs a gas chamber
go play in traffic little nigger
>when your country's most important problem throughout August is that the government must reconcile it's muh lebensraum lombic baby program with the churches
listen kid, I will push you out the backdoor into the parking lot and leave you.
Ew. What a retard.
You're a faggot
>parents doubtless on welfaqre
>has certainly cost tax payers millions already
>wants more
nah wheel out there and pick me some cotton, boy, you owe America for not aborting you
Wow, a lot of black people are religious so I guess that makes you racist.
>he thinks he can afford healthcare if it was there for him
We need money for (D)em programs.
Also, he looks like someone who could benefit from the use of a bump-stock rifle as a disabled person. Why are Democrats so cruel, denying him the same rights as all Americans?
Hows you aids going you pathetic fagot?
Shut the fuck up you filthy little shitskin crippled ape nigger.
>not even a cure for cripples yet
>black crips are already demanding gibs
I can't remember what entry it was, but I swear there is a Wikipedia article that talks about how blacks in Africa needed white Europeans to show up to teach them the advanced technology that is the wheel.
This is black propaganda, associating scientific progress with smug nigger children
Also song threads are reddit
couldnt have obongo done all that shit?
Did he also speak out against him? ;)
>Not knowing pink Floyd
Just fucking kys underage faggot
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your goyfriend
Too bad faggot.