long before North American smokers go insane? Also where the hell does one get a pack now?
Menthol Ban 2K17
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>Ban menthol's
This hurts actual people how?
The one thing keeping niggers from going full PotA and they want to ban them
Niggers are gonna have a fucking chimpout over this shit.
Menthol is for faggots
i've never even met someone who smokes menthol
I used to smoke them
why ban them?
yall have no taste
Has a ban on menthol cigs curbed usage in any country?
I just bought a pack of menthols 20 minutes ago when does this go in effect? Are you serious?
I'm so tired of kikes telling me what I can and can't do and how much it's going to cost me .
wtf did i miss? menthol banned? niggers btfo
>menthol ban
butt y
All I'm seeing is the cucked EU banning them:
Menthols are literally for niggers.
i used to smoke newports and everyone called them nigcigs lol which worked out because they never wanted to bum one from me
This so fucking bad. I am so glad I quit that stupid cashier job where I sold more newport and kools to nigs and fat white women. There are going to be some clerks beaten to death.
>be obama
>smoke but never buy, rather bum cigs your entire life
>make taxes increase on cigarettes over the years
>make them all fire safe, fsc have some glue and carbon and weird shit that tastes awful
>before leaving office make sure menthols are banned in the usa
Fuck obama.
Because of your rat diasporia.
menthols are fucking disgusting
black teen girls like them
It's fake, it's just the EU
You seriously blindly believe this?
I'd like a source too. If it's true then rip my sides. They're planning to make Finland as the first fully smokeless country in the world by 2030 but the government still hasn't banned menthols.
fuck off fgt, literally just burned a camel crush and i'm a white polack
Cigs are degenerate.
Make your own. I used to smoke Camels. I make mine at a fifth the cost now.
You're a nigger. Might as well start snacking on some chicken wangs and kool aid
It's getting rediculous. I live in Cali and every spic subhuman I know voted for the cigarette 2$ tax increase last year. Why? Because spics don't spoke cigarettes.
People who don't do something taxing me for doing it because they don't do it, that type of shit makes my blood boil.
If this menthol ban goes through I'm going to flip. It's not about the fucking cigarettes, it's about others fucking me over and slowly taking away everything I like, while flooding my neighborhood with spic monkies
In california a pack of cigarettes went from around $6.25 to almost $12. And now theyre talking about a tobacco free california. They're not even gonna sell cigarettes in california anymore. I think its gonna happen to all the costal states. Because the arguement is its polluting the oceans. Only people in the midwest will be able to smoke. And thats racist. Have you seen the commercials saying tobacco companies are racist for selling in minority neighborhoods? Everything just has to involve race. So if you smoke youre basically fucking hitler and fund the fourth reich. I hate liberals.
>and listen to rap music and emulate nig culture
You what? I just bought a carton of menthols last week and I'm certain they're still on shelves.
Apparently smoking is an SJW issues now.
The reasons include the companies selling menthol packs to black communities.
>at a fifth of the cost
Why should I downgrade my smoking experience because some Jew made it expensive?
In Eastern Europe I buy cigarettes for 2 dollars a pack, good shit too. The 9$ a pack jewery here is completely artificial.
I buy a pack and smoke it for a while. Quality over quantity
haha, get owned racist cancerfaggot
Used to smoke newps
Learned my lesson
Spics don't smoke and they're subhuman leeches who vote for any tax increase they can (more welfare money)
Cali is fucked for smokers , we are going to pay 90$ a pack before this is all over
i literally just walked back in from smoking a couple menthols. I prefer them because they make for a good deep drag. idc if nigcig 'cause its still best. they got one thing right
go away nigger
Go die you Mexican subhuman insect.
Well it's true that tobacco is marketed more in low income neighborhoods. Just look around and you see more signs selling cigarettes.
How am I fucked? I can afford the price increase , but it's not about that, it's about spic subhumans and Jew rats putting more and more rules every day.
They've demonized a group of people who use a non-Jewish made product (tobacco) and are using spic subhumans to vote in mass tax increases on them
menthols are alright. prefer toasty marlboro blends tho. why ban menthols in particular?
>Canada banned them for the children
>Murica bans them for niggers
>he still thinks cigarettes cause cancer
wow i thought i was serious
just a bunch of fags and jews that want to attack tobacco(non jew industry), backed with spic votes
>why ban them?
They banned every flavored cigarette except menthol.
Protip: Obama smoked menthol.
Who owns that "Truth" bullshit campaign?
Betting it's a jew
Not where I live
Where: EU
Ironic that you post a Michigan source, thats where im at, and ill tell you straight up, they ban menthol and youll have the detroit riots 2.0 on your hands here. I smoke menthol because my throat fucking sucks, and every black around here smokes newports, so that will definitely cause a race war. Either that or the niggers will just start making their own. I remember when they were talking about banning vape juice, every vape and smoke shop said they would just go speak easy style with it, and a LOT of the bars around here and in the surrounding states did that with smoking. Knock a special way on the back door and HEY, you can smoke while you drink!
the question is why put all these bans on cigarettes?
why is the left so anti-tobacco? they dont care about peoples lives and health, as shown by them flooding us with sick 3rd world scum
Only blacks smoke menthol.
Do you have tax free cigs on Indian reservations where you live? In New York, the rez sells 25 dollar cartons of Indian brand cigarettes. They taste bad but it'll do. It's better than paying 95-110 dollars a carton.
Man they banned those when I was too young. I wish I could get my hands on those Camel flavors that came in the tin.
It attracts children and low iq immature people.
In a 2002 editorial in the Columbia Spectator, commentator Jaime Sneider contended that "truth" attempts "to create the illusion of a racist conspiracy perpetrated by 'Big Tobacco'."[23] Sneider notes that some "truth" commercials claim that "tobacco gives black males 50% more lung cancer than white males." Sneider argues, "obviously, tobacco itself hasn't been engineered to increase the health risk for blacks; therefore, the sentence would more accurately read, 'Black males are 50% more likely than white males to contract lung cancer from tobacco.'"[23]
kek, they've been pushing this lie since 2002
Just about every bodega has sold drops that you can put on cigs or joints or whatever. They taste just the same as the original shit did.
Niggers btfo
Menthols are goat when you are drunk.
>why put all these bans on cigarettes?
Easy money for them. We arent talkin $0.25 tax. We are talkin $2 for a pack of cigarettes and the rest being taxes of $5+.
Godly when yer on speed or pain killers.
>non-flavored e-liquid.
kek, I wonder if they are banning tobacco flavored e-liquid.
>Camel flavors that came in the tin.
I enjoyed the flavor of the izmir stinger. It was light and crisp. I have piles of them tins and odd boxes. Thankfully I quit smoking. best decision ever.
>giving money to the tobacco jew
You were outvoted. Quit whining, life isn't fair.
I find that hard to believe. Kids are going to smoke whatever. I would smoke whatever I can get when I was a kid.
Mate it's nearly 30 bucks a pack here.
And fuck heads are still crying that smokers are a burden. Are you fucking kidding me do you realise how much tax I pay.
Nicotine Kills Estrogen, they want you to quit smoking so you turn into a SOY BOI. The glycerin in vape juice creates estrogen so the nicotine is cancelled out. Also nicotine gum works well for this.
>The glycerin in vape juice creates estrogen
>Leaf thinks they are an actual person.
Toppest of keks.
If you're not fresh on the outside; you're fresh on the inside. Spirits love mint.
Kids smoke weed not cigarettes.
In fact they don't even smoke they vape.
You are all old grumpy farts.
Smoking is degenerate. Fact.
You were a neglected kid though.
How was your dad?
I recently got some pure menthol crystals to clear my lungs of toxic mold particles. I would break a tiny piece off and mix it with hot water and inhale the steam.
The weird thing I noticed is a dramatic reduction in my (usually high) anxiety levels, which I normally take benzos for daily. While using the menthol I felt no need for anxiety meds and reduced to a minimal dose.
Once my lungs were cleared and I stopped use, I had periods of EXTREME irritability and seething anger. I can't imagine what this will do to nogs who are suddenly cut off after years of menthol.
It's called Vicks vapor rub.
Use it.
(((they))) are very clever
You live on a fucking island so far away half the time you don't show up on maps, I live in a country founded on tobacco. I feel sorry for you, but fuck off
what!?!?!?!?! no minty awesome smokes??? how do americans put up with this shit??? i thought you guys were tough!!! fuck this shit! praise the lord and pass the ammunition!
Outvoted by people who rushed my land illegally by the millions. Yes, it's not fair. I can't wait for a real leader to murder and expell these leeches
Leaf, menthol is both a weak local anesthetic and a KOR agonist. Literally opioid-esque.
They're becoming banned here too.
You already have to pay $25 - $30 dollarydoos ($20US) for a pack of 25.
I smoke RYO tobacco pouches but they're increasing the tax on that too now.
I guess it's fair enough though since we have universal healthcare and a significant portion of everyones taxes are going towards plebs who can't control themselves from smoking the tobacco jew.
Smokers pay way more than they get back in the hospital. Besides all the scare tactics are way over the top, smoking isn't as bad as it's made out to be
That kid gives the best "nigs gonna nig" look at her.
Then just shuffles away like a boss.
Menthol in cigs boost nicotine metabolism/high.
It's the smokers paying tax to pay back for everyone else tax that goes towards their health care.
Smoking is all that bad, it is literally one of the most carcinogenic substances you could possibly use on a daily basis.
30 a pack of what?
that's insane.
It's popular among American blacks. I'm surprised people aren't crying racism over it.
Peasants, i make my own based cigarettes.
>Only people in the midwest will be able to smoke. And thats racist.
Please stream your suicide.
not only american blacks
all my white friends smoke menthols too
Don't fuck with my American Spirits, nigga. Although, I genuinely feel they started burning faster about 8 months ago.
Duty-free at the airport, I get Marlboro Ice blast and Double Burst, they're the strongest menthols I've ever tasted. It's like inhaling a cough drop mixed with toothpaste. Heavenly.
I noticed that also. they usually burn in about 10 minutes which is great because thats how long my breaks are.
they better not start jewing me. I swear to god, I'll quit.
Help bros my dad used to smoke when I was a kid and now every time I smell cog smoke I get real nostalgic. I've been going through some shitty times lately. Would it be bad to buy just one pack of what he smoked? Will it ease my pain?
They're from Hong Kong if anyone's interested. If you like menthol you will thanks me for this.
>It's the smokers paying tax to pay back for everyone else tax that goes towards their health care.
>paying tax to pay back for everyone else tax
Just stop
Smokers pay way more tax than they get back. The tax isn't there to subsidise smoking related healthcare.
>smoking is carcinogenic
Who fucking knew inhaling smoke would be carcinogenic. The health issues are still massively overblown
I know I'm an hour late but no
The best first step in the Denigging of America
>Smokers cost more
You are wrong.
When smokers (or obese people), get sick from cancer they typically die rapidly in a year or two. Smoking is unhealthy yes?
But non-smokers, they get health problems and linger on, typically for over 20 years more than smokers. They are the ones that soak up all the healthcare money while the smokers dropping dead provide far more than their fair share.