What would have been Sup Forums reaction to 9/11 if Sup Forums existed back then?

What would have been Sup Forums reaction to 9/11 if Sup Forums existed back then?
Literally the biggest happening of all time. Changed the world. Resulted in two wars and the global economic crash. Even resulted in the building blocks for Islamic State and the current Migration of shitskins to Europe.

Could our Memes and Autistic investigators have changed anything if Sup Forums was around back then?

Other urls found in this thread:


Most people here don't wake up that early.

will there ever be another happening as big as 9/11?

I would have said 'big if true' or something


The people who did this, are still around.

internet forums existed back then

one can look it up what was going on

NK actually nuking something?
Civil war in an European country or US?

A thread from 2001:

wow. i'm old. i feel like Sup Forums has been around for a lot longer than 2003. fuck my life.



Those threads are not Sup Forums though. Just a 2001 version of Reddit.


The small pieces on the ground are human flesh.

Never forget, who did this to you.

Never forget the dancing Israelis.

"This is a hoax imho, where are the bodies?? Wake up fags!"

You see the guy?

His legs hanging down?

never forget



It will be terrorist attack on global internet servers. Sup Forums can't do anything then either.

Maybe some day there will be real payback.

you think that's bad, check out all this flesh

One more.

Would be enough for a steak.



you can see the legs hanging in the background here too btw
also here (pic related)


i go to bed around 10am


One of the very few pictures of the 'impact zone' of the jumpers that made it through.

The censorship - even back then - was enormous.



There must be revenge, some day.

Real revenge.


That's fucking brutal

we pretty much raped and ppiillaged the middlle east after 9/11 we got our reevvenge

But you forgot someone.

The Kikes

Im pretty sure these are from the pentagon and not the wtc

I remember watching this live on TV. Seeing these images still gives me anxiety.

jesus who is the lady with the basket?

If it happened while Sup Forums was around I simply wouldn't care. I am so done with happenings and shit. I don't care anymore. When the Las Vegas shooting happened I just got slightly annoyed that Sup Forums was getting flooded with threads about it and I couldn't find any interesting threads.
It's all a complete blur right now. People blowing eachother up daily, weekly mass shootings, Europe being invaded, constant anti-white rhetoric etc. Something like 9/11 wouldn't even phase me anymore. I am done with this shit.


For your information 4chin invented the LOLcats meme - this dates to 1998, thus the spaghetti weaving board was already in full swing, it's just you spastics all lost the internet for the next 5 years.

> Die with your rage

>What would have been Sup Forums reaction to 9/11
we would probably say that the Jews did it and we would right

wow and to think this was new york just an hour before the first plane hit..

yep, alex jones and others immediately called out something was funky about the situation.
A lot of people online on many various forums at the time said the same thing, if you chose to browse message boards/forums.

what set warning bells in my head was what the news chose not to cover at the time like
building 7 or the pentagon being blown up.
just the lack of coverage or attention that it was
given was bizarre. also the way congress afterwards starting passing law after law after
law and using underhanded use of language like the "patriot act" so thatthose that were
against it were seen as an enemy to the sovereignty of the country.

Even if you read the situation badly, the whole thing seemed like a shit show.

The old world, we lived in, ended that day.

>the whole internet is stored on a server bank in a single location with only one trunk line going in or out

wow so jaded, so edgy

>who did this to you
>to you
Sorry, but yankees and New Yorkers are NOT Americans.

I thought that was a large dick and balls for a second

They did this to all of us.

No matter where.

"Well, this doesn't look like a ruins of WTC, just look at the photos before and after"

I used to be edgy when I cared. Zimmerman trial was edgy. Breivik was edgy. Now I am too jaded to be edgy.

anyone have that copypasta of the first responder story of finding that woman that jumped turned into paste but still alive?

I wouldn't mind cutting my evening short to post about it

Breivik still is edgy brah. RIP Zyzz

I guess. They used the reptilian New Yorker's deaths to trick normals into invading the third world to make Europe not white

>turned into paste but still alive

It sure as hell doesn't look like it anytime soon.

The same people that did this are building cities of the future in the desert with the world's tallest sky scrapers. Pretty fucking ironic, yet no one gives a fuck. There are no patriots left in this country.

I don't have it but it's fake. The force of impact would knock you unconscious, if it didn't kill you.
Imagine hitting concrete from a 1000 foot drop at terminal velocity. You're not going to be awake to tell the story.

There was a story of a man riding the collapse wave of one of the towers. Needless to say, that was fake too.

Bummer. Fake or not it was pretty riveting.

>go to top of tower
>wait for it to collapse
>jump to safety just before it hits the ground
>land book deal for being 9/11 survivor

Reminder that the only real reason this happened was the FBI and IRS were starting to investigate trillions of "unaccounted" funds tied to the Federal Reserve and Bilderberger. The towers were a spectacle to distract from the detonation of WTC Building 7 where the audit was about to begin. All other conspiracy theories to the motives and means of 9/11 are tangential.

Or better yet, you can just create a makeshift Auschwitz. Proven to improve your chances of survival greatly.

possible cia nigger?

what about that one pic with Randy Bobandy?

There will be a 2.0 version of this within our lifetimes.


I'm curious. Did they ever find the remains of the hijackers?
Besides their passport of course.


There is no need. All banking is done electronically now, it's a lot easier to make transactions disappear without blowing up buildings full of documents.

And the CIA has created the ultimate "perpetual war" machine with ISIS, we no longer need to destabilize nations.

The Saudis.




Israel is going to glass a portion of Chicago in a year or 2 and blame it on Iranians sneaking a bomb into the U.S.

It's also going to have the added effect of pushing cultural marxism down the throats left alive here once "Muh repirashuns" come in, whitey not doing enough to help the minority city that just got bombed, etc.

Screencap this.

Cool fanfic

What wouldve been the first joke Sup Forums would make about it?




What?!?! That's absolutely horrible!
...In principle.

>if Sup Forums existed

mankind will either go extinct or exist forever. So either a bigger happening kills us all or we have basically an infinite amount of time for something bigger to happen. So yes, only question is when.

Literally did not blame the Jew. Do you even Sup Forums


what was the pic they made?