How many European sub races are there? Which ones are the best??

How many European sub races are there? Which ones are the best??

Other urls found in this thread:

Norse > Germanic >Celtic > Slav > Med

Slav is not one race, you dolt. Some slavs are an alpine race which has more in common with some Germanics and Italians, while other slavs are basically half mongol. Etc.

IMO there are 6
1. Iberians (Spain and Portugal)
2. Germanics/Nords ( Germans, English, French, Danes etc.)
3. Slavs/Balts ( Poles, Russians, Latvians, etc.)
4.Meds ( Italians, Greeks,Cypriots,etc.)

5. Turanics ( Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, etc.)
6. Colonial dumping grounds ( Romania, Ireland , Albania, Serbia, etc.)

Neither are the other's I listed.

there are 4
Northern European
Western European
Southern European
Eastern Europeam

Balkanites are half East half south
French are half west half south
English are half west half north


There are no pure subraces. Especially populations within continental Europe are so mixed it's impossible to tell them apart from looks. That's why there are dozens of supposed sub-race classifications. Sure there are ''typical'' slav, med, nord etc. looks but they are not useful for anything really.

>5. Turanics ( Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, etc.)
Balto-Finnics are not closely related with Hungarians at all, what are you smoking.


>Which ones are the best

Fact: Bavarians are the strongest race of Europe.

Mediterraneans are the best because they are the progenitors of Western civilization.

Meanwhile, Brits suffer from thousands of years of incest on their shitty island, sitting in a cold, rainy shack with a moldy potato in hand.

There is a lot of subraces but only 2 great culture area : the mediterranean culture and the slavic culture. Anything else is dust.

>how many?
enough without imports

Why does my dna thingy claim french and germans share the same dna? That cant be right.


Baltic race best. We still have the original indo-european roots in our language. Bow down bitchez

I can easily tell if someone is polish by looking at them. Yugoslavians are also easily distinguished.

was meant for

you decide

There's three: whites, niggers, and mixed.

Only one is best, blue, grey and green eyes, blond, celtic blond and red hair, are just details.

Can we argue about that after we genocide the jews niggers arabs and others subhumans svp thx

>2. Germanics/Nords ( Germans, English, French, Danes etc.)

French, germanic ? Lel.

At most the north eastern part and i am generous here.

going off of actual cultural accomplishments on the world stage: Mediterranean, UK, still waiting for Northern Europe to do anything significant other than marketing bullshit..

There are two type of french, pure celtic gallic blood, and european mongrels.
Mongrels can be anything, from germanic to med to alpine to celtic to iberic.
France was the USA before the USA existed, racewise. That's why countries by numbers of jews are usa, israel and france, the three most mongrelised nations.

There's a huge gap between the "nordic" french and french around mediterranean sea.
Southerners french are meds, but once u're getting away from mediterranean sea, most of french are celtic/germanic.
Dont fortget that we were invaded by the franks, germanics people.
I'm french and i'm blond/blue eyes for exemple.
Many french have blue eyes too when u get to the north.

Fucking this

This thread
>semi-whites larp about race
>prove statements with nothing

Along comes a blonde nord and posts facts. >really makes you think


>semites + old middle east


Anyways there is no such thing as European suraces.
You're all just rape babies of hunter gathers, steppe niggers, and neolithic farmers with varying amount of each component.

shalom hakan israelsson

genetically or in phenotype?

genetically, I'd personally distinguish in:
- "white" or "Bell Beaker"-like
- Balto-Finnic-Slavic
- Ibero-Mediterranean
- east Mediterranean

generally an average European is a mix of these(which could be broke down into other older/modern groups but for the sake of simplicity I'm using these 4 basic types)
for instance north Italian would be something like 65% Ibero-Med, 15% east Med, 20% BB-like + extra

in phenotype, I'd rather go by a division in terms of cromagnoid vs aurignacoid and then look at subtypes and certain tendencies(dinarization, borealization, alpinization, etc...), it's hard to consider a Berid and a gracile med to be "close" just because they tend to be concentrated in similar areas and because they might have similar pigmentation

>dumbass nordnigger does not understand genetics
not surprising, guess the first European civilization(Minoans) was run by semites then



R1b is literally one of the last to spread west into Europe, I2 would be old-europeans

>How many European sub races are there?


>Which ones are the best??


>Fact: Bavarians are the strongest race of Europe.
Posts maps showing the vast swathes of territory LOST by Bavarians - Egerland, Pressburg, Pilsen, Budweis...

>old mediterranian
You know, the ones who actualy built the civilizations of

They're all gone now though, damn shame. Fucking semites with their Nigger soldiers, aswell as Atilla ... and Ghengis ... and the Magyars ... and the Boyars ... and the Khazars and ... the Moors genocided them into oblivion.

My family comes from the Alps, so I guess I'm an Alpine, still I have blues eyes and light hair.I guess I'm mixed between my mother who has blond hair and blue eyes and my father who is pure Alpine with brown eyes and dark brown hair

Doesn't matter. They'll all be gone soon. Then the history will be changed/destroyed, and then all the infrastructure, paintings, and buildings will be turned into rubble.

It will be like the white man never existed.


>post bronze age European civilizations
just stop posting

You know nothing. It took a coaliation of all the other white civilizations AND the arabs to take them out. Ofocurse they were civilized.

R1b = niggers

>tfw everyone hates romanians

>Meanwhile, Brits suffer from thousands of years of incest on their shitty island, sitting in a cold, rainy shack with a moldy potato in hand.

meanwhile, the industrial revolution started in britain and not in a mediterranean counrty with meds being left behind.

Turk rape babies

i wonder why

>tfw everyone hates romanians
I have a girl that's romanian [spoiler]I didn't even notice when she stole my heart[/spoiler]

French have more Celtic and Mediterranean in them than Germanic. Not to mention the North-African.

It depends on where u are.
Southerners french are celt/meds, 0 german blood
Northerners french are celt/germanics, 0 med blood
France isn't homogeneous.



i still havent understood where georgia belongs
>ib4 niggers


wew lad

I mean this post is beyond retarded, but Italian-fags never conquered Germania and got their asses stomped in by barbarians.

Most post-Roman culture originated with the descendants of Germanic tribes who migrated throughout Southern and Western Europe.

But, again, this post was fucking cancerously retarded to start with.

Reminder that Southern France is part of the Iberian race and part of the greater 'Southern Evrope' cluster.
Reminder that there's no such thing as 'French race', since France is NOT racially unified.

my grandmother was french from new caledonia but i think her ancestors came from alsace lorraine area. she had blue eyes and very fair skin that would sunburn easily. are blue eyes a more celtic or germanic trait?

me neither
you are either hairy sandnogs or really enlightened people
who knows

fucking subhuman albanian retard

>lose WW2
>commit more atrocities than anyone besides Germans and Russians
>get better land at the end of the war than before.



>half of us look like fucking bongs or frogs
>other half god knows what
im not good with this genetics shit someone enlighten me

Isn't that literally where the Caucasian race is from?

>European sub races

>being this uneducated and stupid

You're Varg 2.0.

>be indo-european dacian
>get invaded by traian because he could pay his army
>get gold stolen and half the country "occupied"
>get people mixed, and latin becomes dominant
>rome leaves due to constant germanic pressure from raids
>low population, mostly sheephearders
>take 400 years for population to reach numbers that actually matter, proclaim kingdoms
>always fight againts the odds
>always pay tribute
>fight the ottomans, fight the austrian-hungarians, teutons, poles, slavs to keep whats left of our clay
>be forced to pay tribute by ottoman, wait for oportunity to backstab, ask hunz for help they dont come
>fight alongside with hunz, we dont forget how hunz were cunts, we backstab them to get clay
>poles try to take clay, we rekt them because home advantage

>hur hur hur gib reperation says turkey, hur hur hur gib clay back says hunz, hur hur hur basarbia is slavic says the slavs.

Keep blaming the victims faggots
Stfu, only losers complain especially
Damn mongols

>your not even white anymore, now go prep the arab bull, he needs to cum inside your wife and daughter. Also don't forgot to pay jiyzda
>karma is a bitch

Still our land though. There was nothing unjust territorially / demographically...

...and Basserabia is too russified anyway.


>i still havent understood where georgia belongs

you are mountain-sandniggers.

That's what i'm saying. I think there are 2 french : the southerners, and the northerner french.
The northerner one have an appearance more germanic/nordic (many blue eyes, more blond, light hair)
The southerners are more meds, darker skin, darker hairs ect...

That's definitely celtic/germanic/slav traits yeah.
But i dont know if it's more celtic, than germanic, than slav.

>being violent makes you civilized

t. Viking.

>fun fact we actually killed actual jews, no inflated numbers, actual jews got genocided.
>unlike the polish census which you need special permision to get

That's a very simplistic way of looking at things.

1. Romania had claims on both sides: Transylvania (because of the Romanian majority for centuries there), and at the same time what is now today "Moldova" because the Russians annexed that bit a century earlier from what was greater Moldova.

2. The Romanians oscillated between germanophilia and francophilia in the 19th/early 20th century because of various events and cultural influences(France helping us unite Wallachia and Moldova in what became Romania, virtually all the upper class was educated in France, and speaking French was sort of like Greek in Rome, also Russia helping us break vassalage from the Ottomans), then when it comes to the german side(again, education and culture in the late 19th/early 20th century, also we brought a german dynasty to rule). The german king obviously wanted to side with the central powers, but the population wanted the entente.

3. The germans were aware of our intentions and urged the austrians to make territorial concessions, but niggers gonna nig

4. Romania didn't switch sides in ww1. In ww2 we were overrun by the red army and essentially became a client state of the ussr for the next decade(and to a lesser extent, half century)

5. Transylvania was split off from Austria(because Hungary hadn't been a thing since 1541) and the Romanian majority along with the German minority voted to join Romania. Granted, that was the claim from the start so it was going to happen anyway, but it had a more legit claim than Austria, and to a lesser extent Hungary(because itself was a freshly independent state at the time, after nearly 400 years)

It sucks how nobody strongly blames us and we're off the radar when it comes to holocaust apologies.

Romanians were fucking barbaric scum in Ukraine.

i thought english were 30-40% EEF. that chart is wrong compared to other sources ive seen

I mean, being the only Eastern European country where gypsies don't get beaten up in the streets just for being gypsies is kinda disappointing...

kill urself diaspora serbshit

dna studies and empirical science will expose the century old lies of your filthy state


>Norse Germanic and Celtic all separate
Those aren't even distinct cultural groups, nevermind actual genetic groups.

And for a good reason, you fucking gypo

celt here. 6'2, dirty blonde/red, blue eyes.
lineage traceable back hundreds of years through ireland and scotland.
been everywhere in europe, its full of retards, shitskins and ((white)) people

the ((white)) usa muts are subhuman.
1% rule

there's no right and wrong, just different models, some of which, like yours, are outdated and produce worst fits than more modern ones

depends on the study. dna is so exciting because of how new it is. it will only get better and clarify so many historical mysteries.

pic related is the most recent study on the matter:

>The southerners are more meds, darker skin, darker hairs ect...

dont forget the big aquiline noses too.

different population set, different run and Euro specific, can't be compared, and 2015 is kinda old

>how many
mediterranean, alpinids, nords, celtic, slav
mediterranean (roman empire etc) and celts (anglo version)
nordcucks eternally btfo.

The white man is known for its mongolian tier violence.

Here are some examples of white violence:
The native american genocide
The native australian genocide
The nuking of japan
World War I
World War II
Hitler and his attrocities
The genocide of the palestinians
The genocide of the Syrians
The crusades
The spanish inquisista

The white man is cancer upon the planet and deserves nothing but genocide itself.

White men killed more people in the last 100 years than the entire history of the superior asian people.

Tell me, which one of those three doesn't exist anymore and had their territory turned into the most lefty party of Germany, inhabited by niggers and subhuman welfare leeches? Fucking pathetic Prussiaboos.

Med>>>>>Celt>>>>Slav>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>donkey shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Norse/Germanic

Prepare your milked skinned women for my reddish, olive tonned COCK

Fuck off Tarik

aren't alpines supposed to ber blue eyed like northern italians?

kek a moroccan chingchong, what kind of abominable homunculus are you even?

also how is it possible, I thought all moroccans were strictly created by cousin fucking

kek, just yesterday some serb nigger was calling me albanian diaspora pointing out his subhuman iq. All you balkan shits are exactly the same and every one of you needs to be wiped out.
And stop fucking posting ineligible thumbnails you shit-eating retard.

i was fucking ur cousin if you catch my drift sempai

Idk if I agree with this. 6'0, raven brown, brown eyes, lineage traceable from WASP and Armenian-(no mixing). Never been to Europe, but I just notice tend to look gayer/wimpish than murcan mutts, more pretentious and taller also.

Probably thousands. Bulgaria alone has like 20.