Daily reminder cuckchan is another reddit outpost now

Daily reminder cuckchan is another reddit outpost now
Migrate as asylum seekers to 8pol which is still white before it's too late you mongroloid r/dahnald heathens

Other urls found in this thread:


8ch*n doesn't exist

based oap magapedes

>my 70 year old hillbilly uncle started talking in memes
>says things like "top kek" and sometimes will point at an ugly lady and says "that's a trap"

Holy fuck my sides. Also why do they call themselves centipedes? I don't understand that part.

Old ladies should post here. It is a good thing. Fuck off granny hater OP.

Delete this you abbo mother fucker

Yes it does your fat fingers can't find it on google because it's not indexes you fat neocon burger shill


>tfw no Sup Forums-browsing Reddit mommy gf

>trump is a centipede
>therefore we his supporters are also centipedes

Remember when we used to tell redditfags to go back/fuck off?
Nah you don't because everyone who do is on bunkerchan or 8pol and this place is highly infected with redditors cuz of the maga trump shit
Good one Americans always ruining nice things you fat lardass cunts

We love our based grannys dont we folks?

That's adoable.
You have your moms and grandmas on the 'chan.

It's fucking sad 4cuckchan culture has got to the point fucking 70 year olds are browsing it
Moot was a mistake
Kill them all
Burn cuckchan to the ground and start over

its almost like plebbitors are retarded

>migrate to antifachan
haha no

It was all over when I saw Sup Forums on my dad's bookmarks

BASED boomer grannies are more enjoyable to talk to than young faggots desu
Long as they understand the jq I say they are not a negative impact on the board

Grannys are allowed, 13 year olds need to get permission. Fuck off. Squares and hayseeds are great. Only emo fags like you are lame.

Reddit is a silly place, isn't it?

Stop advertising reel/pol/ to the newfags

gore should be required every third post

Leave our mommies alone

Rules 1 and 2.

They want the truth. Plus it's funny to picture their naive beliefs slowly get chipped away until they realize they have question everything they know.

just post edgy nazi memes and people will piss off

then why are you telling all the redditors about *chan faggot

Muh secret nazi board.

Why do the dumbest of people always use this particular thinking edit?

No leftypol some would leave others would turn Nazi, just like you want you fuck.

Give it another year and the boomer magapedes coming here will be redpilling their facebook friends with "hitler did nothing wrong" memes. It's all part of the long game.

Go ahead. Let them come.

When they get their first comments out and they're met with kys, fuck you, ect. I'm going to laughat the amount of BTFO I see.
They don't understand what they're getting into.....

Maybe it's time to start going back to Sup Forums after all....

>laughing while crying emoji is a thinking emoji edit

8/pol/ is just as bad, but with more tripfags and /x/-tier bullshit.

>yfw moderate BLACKED and SHITTED shitposting from JIDF and ShareBlue actually protects us

Why? Most of them just lurk anyways. It's the shills posting bullshit threads and the retards who reply to them are what you should worry about.

Damn how old are you guys? Older unhip types are nothing to be afraid of. Do you guys really suffer with the impression that this place is cool, or has a functioning culture? Fuck you. Only three percent of threads have any value. That has always been the way with pol. You have to sift thru garbage to find it. Go watch Rick and Morty you faggots. This place needs it's edgy bullshit toned down sometimes. Bring in the geriatrics.

Pedos used to be best at keeping out newfags but the mods went complete cuck

t. 2012er

8pol is 80% white nationalist/fascist/nat soc
10% antifachan
10% degenerate CP/2D/furries etc

That's what makes it great. Doesn't matter if it's anonymous, getting told what a dumbass you are by 50 anons is a shot to the ego. If it bothers them, they'll leave. If they take it with a grain of salt and give it back, they'll be fine and contribute. Like I said, it's the fucking shills that fuck up this board. Not the curious lurkers. There was a PG thread a while back started by an old man who said he'd never posted before. He was almost apologetic hoping he wasn't going to get told to fuck off. It actually turned into a pretty good thread.

shitted is our meme, like dead tranny and spiderman dumps to defend against trash threads and it has worked.

Reminder to start telling oldfag still somehow non shitposting on here to migrate to realchan
It's the last bastion of our cause and not boomer cuckservatives ruining it with their ((civic nationalism))
r/Donald and all the other Facebook/reddit fucks can have this as a containment board since they'd be repulsed if they went to any other board anyway

>mommy 4chins isn't exclusive enough
>fuck the largest voting demographic

Thanks based abo man

Stop being a queer here. Queer someplace else. Leftypol is your home. Go to your home.

the honeypot that logs everyones shit secretly?
no thanks ill stick to the honeypot im familiar with

there is no such thing as big pol, stop advertising it

We accept old women here. Old centipedes!

>google because it's not indexes you fat neocon burger shill

Because it's full of pedophiles

Milfs call me

> believing this
Good goyim stay on your civic nationalized neutered cuck containment cage
Cuckies here on cuckpol need to be good little mummas boys and stay in their cagey'

The fuck are you on about newfriend

Go back to plebbit, Grandma.


Guess the ((noses)) already won
Thanks for the knowledge schlomo

Face it. You lost. The based centrists of Sup Forums won the heart of Sup Forums

As a centrist, fuck off yard debris.
Go shit up some else's lawn.

As a fellow based centrist fuck you, you centrist traitor

I wouldn't mind grannies on here desu. Probably be far more entertaining than canadians shitposting

>yfw the pic isn't shooped, it's fucking legit


r/Donald has been invading ever since nupol backed Le billionaire orange meme man XD and realpol migrated en masse

i mean it's legit, but the posters are all roleplaying.

if i tell you i'm a 90 year old woman, are you going to believe me? no, so why are you believing redditors of all people?

8chàn is controlled opposition at this point.

As a centrist, fuck you some more!

Delet this

nice try cia niggers, you're not going to ruin pol that easily

Fuck off Yair we don't want you

>edgy nazi memes
You mean the truth?




My face when I imagine a normie ol' boomer reading my posts.

I unironically have no problem with it IF they limit their time here to only lurking. Redpilling people has a price to it, and we will have to pay it. It'd be a disaster though if the got bold and started posting. Got to remember to bully posters that seem to be new.

I'm an old lurker. The gore, tranny stuff and weird hentai loses its shock value very quickly.


shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit idiot


> Going to the slow as fuck hug box/ honey pot of Cripple chan
No thanks, I dont like being banned for disagreibg with people

Silky Mummies!!

>Sup Forums will be saying the same thing when we're in our 60s.
Honestly, if they assimilate with the culture, there's no problem, never was, it was this place is anonymous, so their age doesn't matter.


ddg ignores the noindex flag. 8pol shows up.