Have our own culture

>have our own culture
>have our own dialect
>have our own history specific to ourselves
>have an identifiable form of music (from country to southern sludge and rock)
>have our own folk music
>have our own folk heroes
>have our own cuisine
>fully embrace guns
>fully embrace the idea of rebellion and muh freedom
>most importantly, have our own flag to represent all of the above
>have even done a better job than yankees in assimilating nigs to our culture, to the point where they can find employment rather than foreigners shipped over from abroad

daily reminder that if you hate the South, rednecks, etc, you are literally a fucking good for nothing, 19th century Ellis Island KIKE.

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The South is unironcially the most American part of America. It has the most distinct American folk culture and traditions. Most American culture is just mass culture pop media capitalist garbage but you guys actually had a unique organic thing emerge that you still maintain today.

rednecks are just rootin' tootin' niggers.

The rebel battle flag is nothing more than a symbol of what our forefathers wanted for us. We stood up for what we believed to be our Constitution and still is our Constitution. Now that battle flag stands for what we should try to preserve for our country. It is not the flag of slavery.

Do not let them change our heritage. Californian born in Florida, raised in Mississippi, moved to this shithole in my teens.

Can confirm, lived down there for a while before moving back to the shithole that is cuckville New England, the majority of white southerners are very based. There are some faggots in the cities but most of southerners are redpilled folk.

I unironically believe that Stonewall is the greatest American to ever live. Patton, Washington, Jefferson (all Southern) are obviously up there, but Stonewall was a cut above the rest.

Deo vindice, y'all.

this is the greatest irony of them all. gradually a lot of major cities in the South are starting to become sterile thanks to the corporate Jew and rush of migrants from the West. it's a kind of sterility you see in fake cities like Los Angeles and New York. the more liberal the cities here become seems to coincide with the more corporate they become.

that's the folly of American (neo) liberalism.

You just described Raleigh/Charlotte to a tee

After reading Victoria, I'm convinced that Mr. Lind is right about Atlanta and other Southern cities.

God I love the South.

Glad my roots are southern and am proud to be from Tennessee.

>tfw not a Dixie cuck

The more you get surrounded by niggers the whiter you get

Atlanta is fast on track to becoming "Los Atlantos" in a couple decades, imo. a lot of (((industry))) is moving out here, with seemingly complete ignorance as to what forced their move in the first place. i tell people out here who don't know any better to invest their money NOW in land and property, sell it for 10x the price in however many years, and just move and help develop an untouched area later. or alternatively, use the newfound fortunes to join city councils and so on of still conservative counties, and use your position and clout in middle-upper class society to fight politically.

Houston is no better. Back in the 80s, it was a carbon copy of Atlanta complete with beautiful drawls and culture. Now it's Mexico.


Yankee pussy

Also friendly reminder that midwestweners are the most powerful race in the world.

>being a D&C Kike

fuck off. the south and midwest stand together.

The spirit of America died with the confederacy.

>"The South has such unique and beautifully distinct music!"
>It's fucking shitty Irish folk


IRA, at least spiritually, is on a similar chord as us. but we have an extremely diverse range of music from folk music to heavier stuff that has an identifiable regional sound (i.e. SOUTHERN). yanks can't relate to what it's like to have culture.

Shut up loser

Then why do you faggots always spam >tfw not a yank cuck
And all other dumb shit on our threads?

Raleigh and Charlotte are both worthless liberal faggot nigger-coddling cesspools, hate that part of North Carolina

Jesus user is that supposed to help your case? At least the Yanks and Brits have progressive rock.

shut the fuck up and go get me a beer!

it's an admittedly acquired taste, but if you have the taste, it's undeniable a lot of West Coast PC cuck bands completely copied EHG's style.

this is probably better for helping my case, but i'm not even going to try and convince anyone into this kind of music, kek. like i said, i know it's acquired, a lot of people aren't into it, and i get that.

also, i know a lot of great music has come from yanks and brits. my point was more to do with the fact we have an identifiable style of music. how many people would know off the bat the Buggles or something are an English band? the South has a distinctive sound, that's my point, whether you like it or not.



Before you go any further can you acknowledge that you're flag is based off our navy's flag

Southern Rock is good shit tho like Skynyrd and the like
Jeez, that's fucking sad. Luckily it's only the big cities hopefully, just use those as containment zones.

Anyone who embraces the confederacy to this day should be dealt with 500 meters away from an elevated position with 30+ assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

It'd count as self defense, honestly.

>it's a California libcuck larps as a nigger on Sup Forums episode

>it's a triggered michigan trumper larping as a confederate fanfiction writer episode

That championship cost your butthumping faggot ass dearly enough that I'm not even mad.

I don't know why we try to treat the south as anything more than an occupied enemy territory. If we weren't going to exterminate traitor blood from America we should at least treat them shittier than Russia treats Crimeans.

to be honest southerns should have been genocided. They are clearly of inferior stock.


>USA balkanizes
>South is becomes the largest and strongest new country from holding onto it's identity the most

>gets bullied back

Sorry but that will be Texas. You can have second place

Incest and poor education is the South along with all the boomers that fucked the country up in the first place. Because of the south America is full of blacks. Thanks a lot Dixie you cold hearted bitch.

Sludge metal is my life.

>the south

Yeah, no

thread theme

hows that rebelling working out for you?

>implying modern day southerners and midwesterners have ever had a problem with each other
you fell for Jewish tricks, m8. "bants" itself is a Jewish creation. it's the kind of bullshit to pit Europeans against Americans. you should know better.

Check out the latest electoral map. Liberals are starting to support states rights. And California wants to secede from us.


Where do you think those faggots came from? They're transplants from the coasts. They're ruining Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina. Georgia is next to fall.

Same here brotha I was born in Long Beach miss
I now live in Washington state considering moving back I'm sick of all the retarded liberals here.

needed to be said desu my guy

great desu. it has maintained a common culture and identity for an extraordinarily long time. it's a marginal victory that i don't think you, as a Finnish person, could understand in this kind of climate.

>have your own everything as you only interbreed.

Fucking hillbillys.

>traitor blood
Says the larping blm nigger. All of your kind should hang.

I'm sure you'll get around to leading the charge, once you decide to go outside

> dont have a country to call your own

> built your empire on stolen gold mines ....even from your own shitskinned race

> formed the Knights of The Golden Circle because you thought you were the "Chosen" to settle the "wild frontier" as Mormons even though it was mapped and mined for over 200 yrs at that point in its brilliance and reasoning.

> were puppets of the Order of American Knights, the business and political branch of the kingdom of England in disguise in the US, and were puppet groups coined from names taken from places like the "Hidden Treasure" on OAK Island.

> Numerous Tales of Manifest Destiny were coined into cut and pasta forged as a secret agreement and 2 yr contract to serve in the Mormon Church, the original Zionists have robbed everyone, and left a bunch of stoopid southerners to reenact the civil war, dressed as NAZI and KLAN stooges in uniform, representing the affairs of their business interests as the redneck is once again made the fucking idiot representative of separatist whites who want to retire having set up their networks of ponzi schemes and tax fraud rackets.....

And you are stoopid enough to think that 100 yrs of murdering and purging the whole continent and the globe for a quick ride to wal mart to feed the herd will impress us with that kind of OIL ON THE BRAIN agenda?

Ever wonder WHY the statues are falling, or WHO actually passed the order?

Thread theme.
>tfw visiting your ancestor's graves in old family plot
>one shares your first name
>beautiful marble "broken pillar" grave marker
>died dec. 28 1862
Fuck yankees


cosmopolitan neolibshit detected.

I lived in KY and TX when I was in the Army. Truly a totally different country

>tfw from an affluent North Texas suburb so I don't have a cute Southern accent, the only identifying characteristic is that I say "y'all" and "y'all all"
Wish I were born in an affluent part of Alabama instead.

>affluent part of Alabama

a lot of people don't speak with southern accents anymore. it's unfortunate, but it's nothing to be self loathing over. just have your heart in the right place, my faggot.

You gotta be more creative than that

>what is Mountain Brook

>a fraction of the 47th poorest state of the union

Crowbar, Soilent Green, Eyehategod, Down, Corrosion of Conformity, Superjoint Ritual, Exhorder, Pantera, Alabama Thunderpussy, Hank III, Acid Bath, etc. NOT EVEN A CONTEST. The South is rising.


well, we were.
muh cuckadian. if you ever come down to GA m8, i'd show you around happily. shoot guns, eat fattening fried foods, see live "indie" country bands, etc. invitation open to eastern euro fags as well.

>100 plus years later.
>Still butthurt.
Just get over it.
You lost.
If you had put the effort in to quietly get rid of your blacks before the North had to come in a wreck your shit, you would be fine right now.
But instead, you acted like a bunch of uncivilized fuckwits and rebelled against a nation that did not want to fight you.

You reap what you sow, you guys are reaping a bunch of niggers, because you were idiots and sowed a bunch of nigger seeds.

You wana tussle agin ol mama's boy? Thos fightin' wurds roit dare. Giv meeah minnit.
Alroit! Cum'n git me, sissy boy!

>if you just got rid of your niggers we wouldn't have had to burn your cities and set the area back so far that it's still felt today so we can keep them.


It's all worthless dogshit

USA exceptionalism is so cringy. Nothing you have is unique. USA (south included) culture is essentially a european culture despoiled by niggers and mexicans. You will inevitable end up like Brazil where nigger culture outweighs european and results in major chimpout armaggedon.

3/4ths of my relatives are from europe in the 19th century, it sucks ass as far as being an American white. I always envied the history and identity of southerners. Southern girls have this fair, germanic aesthetic that is so rare in America today..

>a lot of people don't speak with southern accents anymore. it's unfortunate

Yes it is. I learned to hide mine around microphones because all the faggots I played vidya with growing up couldn't move past it, so I barely have one anymore. Only around family, or when I'm surprised by something. My dick will never love anything more than a girl with a southern accent.

fuck yeah soilent green is awesome

>have our own culture
Monster trucks, fucking your daughter and chewing tobacco doesnt count tough
>have our own history specific to ourselves
Losing the only you war you've ever fought...how unique
>have an identifiable form of music (from country to southern sludge and rock)
"making moonshine while fucking my daughter and chewing tobacco in my monster truck Eyy-Yoo"

You've butchered the english language with your rampant illiteracy. You speak as bad as wetbacks learning english

>muh unique culture
>muh rich historic heritage
Fucking cucks.

I'm a big fan of Deliverance.

what about the nigger-white mongrels?

For one most good prog bands are from Britain, besides we created blues and rock n roll which is the starting point of all rock music. Northerners created hip hop(which I don't really like) but the south is even better at that.

Damn straight. Born and raised in God's country. Been gone for a long time. Military sent me all over 'Merica and the world. My little town in Tennessee is full of rednecks, but they are better people than anywhere else I've ever been. Love my roots and God Bless the South. Go Vols!

Because smarter people than you realized 750,000 lives was enough. cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/13

Fuck your armed insurrection you effete Southern faggot

>fully embrace Huey Long backwoods socialism
>fully embrace Greek boy-fucking democracy to such an extent that a majority can vote to enslave niggers
>fully embrace lost cause commie doubletalk
>have your own utter failure of a general whose single accomplishment was being less of a mongoloid than McClellen

Black Texan here. The South is cool. Y'all are racist as fuck but at least you're upfront about it.

What the fuck did you say about Raleigh you little BITCH?

>Slave rape spree champions

tfw you have your own history specific to yourself

>tfw you're born in the wrong country
>tfw you'll never be a Southerner
>tfw you literally can't buy confederate flags in cuckland


I just watched the sun rise in the Blue Ridge y'all and I'm bout to cut some zinnia, marigolds, dahlias and make some spearmint tea and sausage gravy!

Are y'all out there feelin good as this Appalachian gypsy is this mornin?? ^_^

Enjoy your sharia

I went on a road trip through the south with my gf once. It really is the best part of America.
New Orleans and Atlanta truly are shitholes though.

holy shit wow
fucking vaporized

The only thing that the Confederates did wrong was not castrating their slaves like the Arabs did.

Back to the colored fountain, blackboi