'crying' billboards of kimmel in LA

should Sup Forums try and break kimmel? i think the crying angle is pretty good as a way to humiliate him for being such a pussy.

will kimmel cry again tonight for the actresses harassed by hurricane harvey weinstein?

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Seems like a good use of our time.

Are we still trying to break Colbert or has the egg already cracked?

Why don't we just bring to light the time he passed around a petition to end women's suffrage?


He was on the fucking man show.
That alone should be enough to ruin him in todays climate.

Kimmel is an actor, the crying was an act to promote an agenda
He don't give a fuck about that shit, he's an actor
As an actor he care about attention, be it negative or positive, you'd actually have to attack his personal sensibilities. Or just ignore him until he fades away

>The Man Show
That is why I could never attack the man. No matter how far he falls, he provided me with some of my first fap material as a kid.

It says "Estrogen Hour" behind him for anyone curious.

I sure am

aww man leave the guy alone, it's not like he doesn't already have a kid with a permanently wrecked asshole or whatever the fuck is wrong with it

Throw out the celebrity image and all that. He looks sad behind that face. His smile is the kind of smile I think we know too much about.

He's a depressed man still living as a comedian.

Just so everybody knows, the street-artist who did this is named "Sab"

He is a right-wing street artist who puts up shit like this around LA.

his website his unsavoryagents.com

The guy makes probably hundreds of thousands for being the least funniest and least entertaining talk show host around. He can go fuck off with his "muh Obamacare! Im just like one of you guys only except I never have to worry about making the next premium charge!"


he seems to be handling the banter pretty well
i'd say leave him alone

15 million a year actually

His crying was so fucking fake. Blubbing and stumbling, his voice wavering, yet I didn't see a single fucking tear.

sabo go to bed

>try and

first, get your self straightened out
name your grammar

The best and easiest way to break this fag is use his past "misogynistic" material against him. We have become the Jews.

We should make memes from the man show and direct them toward feminazi's.

> the JIM mel
> Est ur

what did he mean by this?

^ This

The best recipe is to break the left apart into tons of mini factions, just like how the Jews try to divide us


So mote it be. Meme Kimmel to his demise.

So he cries on Tv because he talked about a serious matter but then laughs it off when someone makes fun of it? He clearly was acting then, if I cried because my mom died and 2 weeks later someone made a joke about it I would've got really upset about it.

Get a job. Holy shit.

>The guy makes probably hundreds of thousands

He's on network TV bro, not cable. He's making millions, easily. If you're on network television (meaning ABC, NBC, or CBS) you're making huge amounts of money. Far more than you make on cable.

is that pic the new "scared" meme"

by break, i mean make him crazy by posting memes, like the park bench thing in the picture

>the jimmy kimmel estrogen hour


Did people forget he was on the Man Show?

Just play clips of it and make it seem like he's a big woman hater or someshit.

What is wrong with this country? You have no decency, you have forgotten how to behave in society. Some famous guy doing the finger and it's like nothing. It's so vulgar, it's utterly disgusting. I bet burgers find this fun/normal.

Hi Jimmy.

>crying means you're a pussy

Not to mention he hasn't not been the star of a major cable TV show in about 20 years, His current talk show being in its 14th year. He has a ridiculous amount of money and access to things we don't even understand.

it does when you get your talking points directly from senator chucky (((schumer)))

Does anyone have any tips on how to tell Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel apart?

Kimmel looks like a fat little kike while fallon looks like a jew ayy hybrid.



"look at me, posing as a black person with low self-esteem"


You literally cannot make this shit up.


Melania should go back to having black hair

>Or just ignore him until he fades away
Yeah because that worked so well with Trump.

Great idea.

Confirmed nigger posting on Sup Forums

Paris Agreement.....?

French Flags On Shoes.....?

Guess he's saying this is what we get,,,,,

Fuck Jimmy Kimmel. Adam Carolla is the man though. Still uncucked.

Get outta here you normie

>tfw this is a good idea but can't be fucked watching that trash and clipping it

They didn't ignore Trump, they attacked him. Less so early in the primaries, but he's still been under some amount of fire from the media since day 1. That's what made him unstoppable.