Mexican students call tests racist and demand take home tests
I should just be able to buy my degree at this point. There is literally no reason to go to class. Send me the bill and my Masters degree already.
60 iq spics need to go back to Aztec land
Boomers will defend this.
lol imagine paying a fortune to go to a prestigious school, and these turn out to be your peers who the public now assume reflect every young berkley grad
can we get a different identification for college age "students"?
Why is it passive aggressive? The gay spic literally tells the white man to check his white privilege.
lol in Mexico don't spoil this brat bitches, like that, what the hell happen with you America
remove mexican jews and mexican muslims
Your asshole government encourages illegal migration to ours.
and mexicans
3:42 what did person off camera say to set them off? Can't quite make it out but they got pissed lol.
you must have masterful control and restraint
Kids are staying dumb for longer with delusions of self importance and 'fighting for a cause'. The tweens are real now. Literally incapable of rational thought
Mexican Jews are behind it.
Don't get mad at the white man. Get mad at the kikes. They're everywhere!
she called them all white supremacists at the end for staying to take a test
>test-taking is racist
this is why i will never vote democrat. these people are fucking ill
>take test
>fail test because dumb
>don't get mad at the nigger robbing and murdering
>get mad at the kikes amigo we dindu nuffin
you spics are worse than shit. go back to your own country
> educated
> has not finished high school
I have a Masters degree. I'm an American although Sup Forums would refer to me as a spic or beaner or shitskin. I've been on Sup Forums since '04. I'm a pretty cool guy, level-headed, nothing much fazes me. But after watching this video, I can't remember the last time I felt so triggered. I want to find these fuckers and deport them myself.
"is this a filibuster"
To be fair, that professor has the patience of a saint.
Can someone give me the quick run down on this?
HNNNNNNGGG!!! I wanna dry-hump the spic in the jeans
>4U in ID
>inb4 you have to go back
Fuck you faggots, I won't even read your replies.
I am more racist now having watched this.
How the fuck are these people ever going to hold a job? Who would hire them?
the old Jews/communists' children are finally biting the hands that feed them
i cant wait to fast forward
Woah cool your jets my fellow American. There’s room for all that still hold the dream close
heard about this on campus today
this is why you avoid any "x studies" class like the plague
shame they force you to take one as a requirement, oh well
>We are stress cause of a few right-wingers.
>We want a take home test
>Tests are racist anyway.
>Prof is racist, despite him giving his whole anti-racist resume
>the students are racist for not getting up and walking out with them
lmao someone should have shouted "GET ON WITH THE SQUIRREL JOKES"
You can do it here.
American education, please clap to pay your respects.
it makes me ashamed to live by this spic shithole of a school
these fuckers are in berkley and have strong mexican accents? what the fuck?
how many white kids with perfect english were bumped to make room for these shitskins
>being a good goy
and Mexican atheists*
This. When every classroom is full of brown idiots like these thanks to affrimative action what the fuck is the point of putting yourself through this misery?
youre right, mexicans are more subhuman than those apes
I think we should give them tests to take-home with them when we deport them.
there is only a way to deal with sjw
I would argue MS-13 is more violent. They are after all products of soldiers trained by the US.
>mexican intellectual
wew lad, the t-shirt says it all.
Lmao wonder why it wants a take home test.
Has white guilt gone too far?
Reminder that is a top tier school in the US
they cant even let us get good educations without filling our classrooms up with idiot subhumans thanks to affirmative action
and jews and muslims
the jews literally did this
wow i thought only idiots needed to take the exams. like you can pass if your not a complete fuck up without taking the exams. and to make matters worse the faculty at berkly was giving students extra credit for attending demonstrations so at this point you could probably be valedictorian graduating with honors and not take the exams at berkly
I'm completely sick of these beaners.
Eyy essay, led me tek an essay home, essay
yeah nobody should give a shit about mexicans and the only reason they're here is because people 'decided to give coloured people rights' coincidentally at the same time the frankfurt school was founded, communism was a big thing and everybody mysteriously began 'wanting equality' and 'levelling of the playing field'
this is all just a commie jew plot and you're literally saying 'mexicans are bad'
fuck off with your shallow pinkie-level thread nobody cares about how stupid mexicans are, how are we going to beat the jews?
lmao at the fat spic complaining "white people have easier access to food"
has he at himself looked in a mirror?
top kek
I also cant get over the fact that they can barely speak english but are in a TOP TEIR US university
Not all beaners are like this. These fucking cunts are equal to the white people with white guilt and defend muslim attacks or say everything is racist. The Mexicans I know and hang out with would call these faggots out for be stupid.
what kind of a retard struggles in ethnic studies exam like the one in the video?
American born spics facing angsty-ridden identity issues are annoying as fuck not even the Mexicans like them.
The funniest part to me is that I bet if we asked their "familia" in Mexico what they thought about them crying that their life is too hard for them to take a test, they'd laugh in disgust and call them fags.
>Educated Student of Color
That's where you're wrong.
mexicans are statistically worse immigrants than literal african niggers
we have a right to be mad. im sitting 15 minutes from this university that my 3.0 GPA would never have let me attend, as I watch these fucking affirmative action appointed spics make a mockery of it
how do we beat the jews? should i just pack my bags and move somewhere remote? they are the government, pick related is literally head of our airforce
Universities are turning into absolute joke institutions. The funniest part is that that the most prestigious ones are falling the quickest because they tried to virtue signal the hardest. It is entertaining to see the minority quota scholarship mooches prove themselves to be even bigger idiots than they expected and completely devaluing the worth and reputation of the school.
This is one of the few figures i respect
yeah right, give up pussy; that'll work
what have you done? you little bitch
More of them are getting like this because we've allowed them to have a foothold in our society.
This is what happens when you constantly tell people that they're victims. You think it's bad now, just wait to see how they react when they make up a larger majority of the country. These are people who resent and loathe the very system that has given them the privileges and rights they enjoy as a part of this nation, but they're not grateful at all.
It's always hilarious to see these spoiled brats from places like Yale and Berkeley—these are kids who'll be tripping over each other to reach the high social echelons that their education will give them access to. They're literally the most privileged people of their age group—and yet it's not enough for them to have the privilege of access to these institutions, they also want to be able to play the victim and reap the benefits of that status as well. These are worthless human beings incapable of any level of introspection.
the majority are like this, thats all that matters
Pretty much this. I actually quit school this semester and I am finishing the last two years of my degree online. I am also really glad that I have the prerequisites out of the way so I will never again have to write another paper defending feminism or blacks. College made me dead inside.
You literally hate jews infront of people and explain why
That's all you have to do
It's not hard
[–]Hugh_Munghous 1 point 12 minutes ago
I’m in grad school at UCLA, and while it’s probably not as bad as Berkeley, things have gotten out of hand. Forced ‘diversity’ workshops, continuous emails from university administrators harping on about equity, diversity; support for DACA students and Dreamers and offers of assistance from the university to help these people break the law. The school newspaper is largely nothing but articles about transgenerism, feminism, (there was one recent opinion piece supporting the legislative bill reducing the punishment for knowingly subjecting someone to HIV), and never ending series articles about race and racism. You’d think these were the only topics in the entire world.
The bulletin boards of my department are largely nothing but advertisements for ‘POC’ clubs, equity and diversity clubs, etc. TAs and some of the department reps are constantly pushing the whole ‘say your pronouns after introducing yourself’ thing. In theory since it’s a public university you could get away with criticizing these practices (or at least have some recourse in court) but the university would likely use some sort of ‘student behavior’ guidelines for removing you for speaking up, and getting any sort of justice would likely be very consuming in terms of both time and money.
The only thing that gives me peace is knowing that my graduate program substantially help my application to ICE (it's in a relevant field). These people are trespassers, foreigners, and parasites and they need to be sent back.
the only reason US universities are considered top tier is cuz u have a shitload of money from making students into slaves
>educated student of color
Who is he, what did he do?
It's funny because she seems pretty fucking retarded.
ive gotten at least 4 people IRL to turn into anti-semites
im trying every day.
but guess what? theres an entire publicly funded education system all around the country doing the exact opposite.
>mexican intellectuals
meme magic is real puto
did you hear her accent? she can barely speak english. funny part? she's almost certainly born here.
Yeah I support that, but just lay back and let the anti-semitism seep in.
It took 15-20 years to educate people to be communists in the first place from the 50's onwards
It will be the same to reverse it
Do you know how many people were against communism in the 50's?
Do you know how many people are for communism now?
Also heaps
It's the same thing
woah... easy on the racism bud
yes, thanks to public education and universities pumping marxist jewery in every kids ear. we dont have a platform like that.
i know a norwegian diaspora girl who went to this very school, berkely, and came back a fucking huge SJW.
On my tax dollars..
they should be expelled. go work at mother fucking mc donalds or better yet get fucking deported communist illegal dreamers. you have the privilege to go back to mexico.
I dont get it.
Main argument that mexican imigrants are good because someone has to do a shit job. So why are they going to universities and complain?
>Minorities are every bit as capable as white peop-
If someone pulled this kind of lip on a professor here, never mind what background she/he is, they would be kicked off out of class immediately.
>Kids are staying dumb for longer
you mean niggers.
>having standards this low
why do californian anons put up with this?
because affirmative action
california is majority spic
so berkely has to reflect that in their demographics, despite the fact that mexicans are stupid gypsies not capable of higher thinking
also the "jobs we dont want to do" argument is complete shit. california was amazing before they came , hence why they ran here in the first place. we didnt need them then and we dont need them now
yup, going to school in so-cal where every classroom is 80% spic, every single one of them could barely speak English and always with extreme accent stressing. id say 96% were born here but the counties are so balkanized that they and their parents can live their entire lives in pop-up mexicos everywhere
we've gotten used to being cucked by jews and their stupid shitskins by now
>hey guys a country I don't live in had an earthquake
>i need to use that as an excuse not to take a test i didn't prepare for
>fuckin racist ass honkeys not postponing the test to a later date!!!!
mexicans are so fucking stupid
mexi-ameribro here
this is embarrassing, pls dont look at all of us like this. these people are lazy.
Holy shit haha I took this midterm. The professor took off one question because of how much time they took up.
I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.
are you asian
>chicanos are fucking stupid
It's shockingly irritating
Someone call ICE please.