Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
Ben Shapiro
little slimy weasel
>jewish nationalism
>white nationalism
Shapiro 2020
He sounds like Kermit the Jewish Robot Frog.
Maybe for prime minister of Israel, not fucking America. He's a Bush-tier neocon.
I would suicide if I looked like a 14 year old kike as an adult
He's really dangerous because all the other things he says are extremely appealing given the current state of affairs.
But when it comes to talking about white people he shows his true allegiances.
Don't care. He's a Jew, so he has to go.
He's /ptg/ in a nutshell.
a very logical neocon
his "little brown ring" still winks with anticipation of what Zoe Tur whispered she would do to him.
Lol I remember that. He literally threatened to jump him on television. What the fuck? How has he not gotten shit for this?
dont worry. Their lies and hypocrisy gets shown with every snake thing they say.
No matter who it is. Rebel Media, Ben Shapiro etc. Just watch their videos where they denounce white nationalism and see the comments. People are waking up
also that voice
Evil kike.
Thank you.
He can't, they'll deep six him if he does. Alex Jones also avoids the JQ like the plague while giving literally all the other info about it.
When did he ever say Jewish nationalism was great?
by supporting the state of israel, marrying a jew
Shapiro 2020
listening to this right now:
i dunno, i fucking like this guy sometimes.
Mandatory viewing.
Do you think he would ever run for president? If her did, how do you think he would do?
silly kike
Weasle chasing a hamburger
He's a big guy.
Religious zealot that happens to be a Jew. Doesn't contribute much other then being a funny controlled ally.
Most punchable face and voice on the planet. Probably cums his pants every time he "wins" another pointless debate.
>implying nonwhite counties user western medicine
He's like 5'2, so anything he says should probably be ignored.
>He can't, they'll deep six him if he does
I would agree with you if he avoided the issue or gave vague answers to questions about white people and anti-white people campaign, but he is very active about it like saying "I don't care about the browning of America". No one that intelligent would say there's no link between race and culture and skin colour doesn't matter without having a hidden agenda.
I will gladly donate a single (You) to your cause, frankly speaking I agree one hundred percent.
He has dual loyality at best and one loyality to Israel at worst.
>"We can have no'50-50'allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all." - Theodore Roosevelt
>if you don't want to give Israel billions of dollars, you're an anti-semite, plain and simple. It's your duty and obligation!!!
he can fuck off
Kike manlet
So much kikery in one video
Claimed that waterboarding (simulated drowning) isnt torture because of tortured legalese
Based Ben
>No one that intelligent would say there's no link between race and culture and skin colour doesn't matter without having a hidden agenda.
Maybe his hidden agenda is to not discredit himself by going off on white nationalist talking points. Not saying you're wrong about them but I don't see many of you destroying your careers publicly spouting off about it.
He has to go back.
Delano or Teddy?
Jews aren't bad you know
Says fucking THEODORE right in the post
Fucking shills abound in this thread
>Smart as a whip, would whip any Sup Forumsacks ass in a debate in 5 moves
>Too neocon for my tastes personally, but he's using his Jew privilege to stick it to the left and Antifa so I appreciate that about him
>In a parallel universe where the Jews didn't have a controlling factor in America's future I'd drink beer with him
>He gives normies their first redpill en masse using his platform just like Crowder, Jones, Molyneux, Yiannopolous. Southern, McInnes etc
>I have a sneaky suspicion he'd do much better in a fight than given credit for, despite manlet build
Any person outright hating Ben is a shill, don't mind them. True Sup Forumsacks understand he serves a purpose in this current time line.
Libtards get btfo first, the Jews will answer when that time comes.
Again, I wouldn't mind if he didn't talk about it or when asked about white genocide he'd say he doesn't believe in it but he has talked against white identity actively numerous times.
That's what makes me suspicious.
It's like Douglas Mourray, for example. He never says anything explicit about whiteness but he never talks against it actively. Or when they ask him about other races he says it's fine in much smaller numbers and with the condition of integration so he leaves you a hint that he might be trying to save face. Ben doesn't leave room for that, he straight up condemns that mentality.
"his yamaha fell off"
angry manlet.
He's only in it for himself and or his "people". Notice that he takes issue with anything that's against his own agenda or benefits. It seems most of his core beliefs are based on Zionism and neo-Judaism. Examples of those issues:
> Milo
> Alt-right
> Trump
While every right-wing political pundit is riding the wave of the alt-right. He has chosen not to do so, and also opposes the "Alt-right" and Trump because he perceives them as "anti-semitic". This most certainly stems from his root beliefs. Trump and the Alt-right are beneficial for the Conservatives in America and but all he sees "anti-jew".
He's definitely intelligent, great at winning arguments. This stems from his education as a lawyer. Most top-lawyers are aggressive when debating. That being said, this does not mean he is right. Most often than not he is wrong on the topic, but he's better informed. An example would be his argument with Cenk Uygur. Shapiro is literally arguing you should be able to spend your money on lobbying and offering money to a politician because it's "your" money.
Any rational person understands that money in politics is a problem and that people vote in the favour of the people. This could easily be debunked. Legal bribery like lobbying has led to cronyism. But he still won the overall debate.
These are my personal observations.
>While every right-wing political pundit is riding the wave of the alt-right
Are you fucking serious? Did you somehow miss the colossal exodus of civvie journalists from the alt-right after Charlottesville?
Also, while he may be only in it for himself long term, his short-term actions help white America, so it's honestly fine by me.
>Bush-tier neocon
More like Coolidge-tier
Smart Mossad agent.
To clarify, when I say alt-right I meant what it used to be before it became a movement for white nationalist/supremacist.
Of course, they are going to distance themselves from the alt-right, because it's not what it used to be. Without getting into the semantics too much, alt-right never was about pride over the white race. It was more like /b.
That being said, civic nationalist or alt-lite still do much to pull in normies further to the right. Far-right policies are just too controversial and unappealing to the masses.
Shapiro will only serve his interest and him neo-conservative ideals will come and bite the right in the ass later on. Especially because most white nationalists hate Jews. So, of course, he is going to seek and destroy all the right-wing influencers when the anti-semitism becomes trivial.
Jew shill.
NEVER trust a Harvard educated Jew, even if they appear to be on "your side" by spouting the obvious to braindead SJW vermin.
>An example would be his argument with Cenk Uygur. Shapiro is literally arguing you should be able to spend your money on lobbying
How is he wrong? Firstly, you should be able to spend your money on whatever you want. If you want a candidate to win then you should be able to donate as much or as little as you want to their campaign, the problem is when you give them money expecting a favour, but that isn't a donation, that's called a bribe.
The more important side of his argument was that the problem doesn't stem from the rich person donating their money. The problem is the government itself and the fact that they have the power to subsidize and gives tax breaks etc. If you take that power away then donations will be exactly that- donations, instead of special favours.
>legal bribery like lobbying has led to cronyism
No, once again, the fact that the government has the power to subsidize and offer tax breaks has led to cronyism. We have stringent campaign finance laws in the UK and yet the cronyism is just as bad. Explain that.
>These are my personal observations
Everything he said webt straight over your head then.
Also, he's not anti-Trump. He's without a doubt the most fair pundit regarding Trump. He praises him and defends him constantly for GOOD things and then calls him out for shit like his siding with the democrats. I assume you haven't watched him in about a year. I watch every episode and I see a very balanced commentary.
even if you're on here to post that he is a jew shill kike traitor subversive fucker, make sure to sage
because any publicity is good publicity
jews got us into this mess, the last thing we need is a jew pretending to help us out of it
A neocon douche who attacks Russia for its alleged "crimes" but never attacks Israel for the white phosphorus bombing. Luke most (((Conservatives))) do