How do you solve Japan's beta-male problem?
How do you solve Japan's beta-male problem?
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Kill the Jews. All of them.
People think the US won WWII. This is not correct. The Jews won WWII because they couldn't establish global communism with WWI.
The Jews
>Took over Russia
>Took over the US
>Took over Japan
>Took over Germany
And then
>Instituted the UN
>Took over Africa
>Took over all the asshole non-countries of the world
>Took over Palestine
lame, it's not even real 3D, just a 2D panel in a 3D box
would get if it came with like a monkey that kept swearing with a Scottish accent or something, tell me when tendies are on sale in the local super market, turn tv off when Trudeau is on, etc.
You don't.
You solve the low fertility problem.
I don't think it's a problem. I was in Japan last week and got free pussy on the regular because of how pathetic their men are. Shit was cash af my negro
They are one in the same
Breed in some non beta genetics
Whats wrong with nip women. Cant they just settle for beta fag. All the Strong Samurai Japs died in WW2 they honor killed themselves and their warrior genes died with them seppuku nigga.
on a somewhat related note...
>muh dick nigger
reminder that racemixers are going to hang, it's semi ok if you have japanese ancestors, but only semi because casual sex
Fuck off roastie. Japan will lead the revolution against you.
Quit larping beta faggot
i want one
Fuck off nigger. I'm deluding their race. No white baby misses out on being born when I fuck Japanese bitches, but pure Japanese babies miss out on being born if I knock them up. Race mixing as a man is redpilled as fuck Mirko Cro Cuck
>t. beta male hkv
Are Japanese people sewage to you?
stop acting like nigger, world doesn't rotate around your dick
This is a two part development. What you linked will work out the kinks in AI and the second part is perfecting the sexbots.
I wouldn't fuck their women if they were
You don't know that
Sociopaths think everything revolves around them. Las Vegas shooter was WM who fucked AF. Guys who go for AF are scum
Keep forgetting this is an even better video
I would so be into this so log as the responses could be learned or programmed. I want my extremely specifically tailored AI waifu RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Assuming you did, you didn't sleep with her because she wasn't sewage in your mind, you slept with her because out was free pussy. You don't give a shit about Japanese people. They can die tomorrow and you'd be here celebrating
Faggot I go for women. Flavor doesn't matter. I just happened to be in nipsville, so I went for what was available.
Assuming you're not larping which you are, you only got that pussy because of Jews. But yet you're here trashing Asian people 24/7 and Jews on top of that
No. I met many nips whom I greatly care about and their people are much better in general than westerners. I only hate people who prove themselves to be pieces of shit.
Everyone knows that white guys who go to Asia for Asian women ate bottom of the barrel. Look at Stephen Paddock. Latest example. I don't buy your bullshit. You're sociopathic and racist. Not even Sup Forums posters like you. This thread proves it.
No. Getting pussy is universal. If you don't get it at home, you won't on the road. There are factors that make it easier, but, even with all the help in the world, a beta fag will always leave with a dry dick.
I know how to make an impression. I stand out in a good way.
Bitches will remember when they see me
Bitches will remember when they hear me
And bitches will never forget when they feel me
>Middle Eastern Migrant
>Fighting Age Male with no prospects in his own country that, instead of fixing his problems, travels to European ones to get easy pussy.
>Radicalized to an extreme ideology through [mosques]. Convinced they are making the [Islamic World] a better place.
>Western Beta Male
>Fighting Age Male with no prospects in his own country that, instead of fixing his problems, travels to Asian ones to get easy pussy.
>Radicalized to an extreme ideology through [the internet]. Convinced they are making [america] a better place.
My almonds have been thoroughly activated.
Solve the roastie problem first. Treat the disease not the symptom.
she qt, does she react to getting cuumed on?
You're not any tougher after typing all that. You act like a hot shot PUA but let's not forget that you went to Asia for free pussy Jews handed to you. You couldn't even get white women at home. You're here talking about cucking Japanese men and screwing up their race.
You're not a high quality man. Getting Asian pussy is a negative, not a positive. All that you are is a piece of trash that nobody cares about. If it wasn't for the Jews setting up Asian women with white guys you'd have no pussy because they're with black and Mexican guys.
With a coffee pot/waifu?
You wish. I went to Japan for business. Pussy was just collateral. I was merely surprised by how little effort it required.
>26.3% of Japanese people are over 65 and the number is climbing
this is so depressing but i think sexbots, ai, and VR will be the only way for beta males to have some kind of social life in near future.
I don't see how that is depressing unless you are speaking from experience or, in this case, lack there of.
Betas aren't productive for the human race
I like your confidence my man. Where did you get it? Just red-pilling and practice?
Sweet reference to hobo with a shotgun there Burger Boy.
Practice, experience, understanding what you are and believing in your capabilities even and especially through failures. Look at women as people, not mystical creatures that need some secret trick to figure out. Discover your comfort zone and have the balls to leave it. Realize that the world is a huge place so when you fuck up, the consequences aren't really significant as they might seem. Once you see and understand the potential that you possess, it becomes easy to find success in life. You dictate life, life doesn't dictate you.
Sorry, never seen it senpai
that actually seems really useful. How do i get one? its practically a suped-up Alexa or whatever they're called now
Right now it's rather expensive. $2,000 I do believe.
>t. poorfag
Too late. Japan is already lost.
God.... just imagine being a weeb and actually enjoying this shit...
Well for what it currently does it's not worth $2,000.
This is misleading though. I wouldn't fight for my country RIGHT NOW because all the conflicts going on are currently to defend Israel's interests. I'm not fucking dying like a good goy in some shithole middle easter country.
I'd fight for my country in a REAL war though.
seriously does she lick the glass or something?
Yes but expensive is relative and I've blown more money on stupider shit that does less without an ounce of care. At the same time, that particular item serves me no purpose. I was just shitposting out of boredom.
This, no fucking way would I give my life up in one of "America's" Cooperate wars to expand the oil industry and expand Israeli influence over the middle east.
Fighting for you country is a very broad term. You could fight to make your country great again as opposed to fighting for its current political ideals.
You dont
>more horizontal pussy for me
This man gets it
Is it a problem? Nuke them I guess
Fuck off Shlomo Japan is doing fine