These two men are heroes, and they hurt the (((New World Order))) more than any of you likely ever will. If we ever want to pose a real threat to this system of Jewish power, this metaphorical fight needs to become a physical, militarized one. Posting on a Nepalese origami imageboard won't bring the Jews to their knees you know.
These two men are heroes, and they hurt the (((New World Order))) more than any of you likely ever will...
>hurt the (((New World Order
they worked for them, dumbass.
>These two men are heroes
thats right comrade
Elaborate, I advocate the killing of reds whoever chooses to do it.
Anders Breivik is in prison right now for slaughtering communists, why are you calling me a communist?
I really hate to inform you, but Brievik was vehemently Zionist and pro-Israel, it's explicitly stated in multiple places in his manifesto.
Wait, I forgot Sup Forums doesn't actually read the manifestos, they just read media headlines to figure out what they're about.
I'm "pro-Israel" in the sense that I think that all Jews should be quarantined to their nation, and their government should be controlled by the gentile nations of the world to ensure that they never gain power anywhere ever again.
And what about McVeigh? What do you think of him?
Guys, he was an hero. He ate Jews. Some Jews, not all were Jews. A few, ok there was one Jew. Part Jew, born in Brooklyn. But fuck all of them, the sacrifice of the innocent was worth it. Jews were in hiding for years because of this man's courage.
Nice quads, but why are you comparing these two to a gay necrophile?
>Trust me goy. You need to become violent. PLEASE start doing something violent so we can demonize your movement immediately.
Nice try Shlomo.
Because it makes an equal amount of sense.
What do you suggest everyone does, sit around with their thumbs up their asses and vote?
>"trust me you stupid goy, peaceful protest is the answer! Just make sure you stick to the designated free speech zones."
Except that faggot killed people to quench his depraved sexual appetite, and nothing more.
We need more of theses guy.
Ah so as long as there's a far fetched, delusional reasoning behind it, murdering innocents is ok. Paranoia is an illness.
I 100% agree with you. Muslims and reds are killing our country and we should just sit here ?
So I guess the actions of the Wehrmacht in the second world war were also "murdering innocents" as you so eloquently put it?
>PLEASE start doing something violent so we can demonize your movement immediately.
neo-nazis have already gotten the world to demonize us, so there would really be nothing to lose
What country are you from, friend? Lots of good digits in this thread.
France which is very invaded.
But this is obviously and unfortunately just a pipe dream of mine. This country is so fucked that most people would just give up their weapons if asked nicely.
You can't win a war without gaining the support of the People. You do not have the support of their support and will fail. By spreading dank maymays and educating the masses Sup Forums does moar to hurt the (((New World Order))) than 1000 rounds.
Now stop being an edgy 15 year old and start waking people up.
Hard to decide which country is more of a tolerant and progressive hellhole, France or Germany. My condolences.
How do you expose the Jewish system when most people will either walk away or start yelling obscenities at you if you so much as say the word "Jew".
I would agree with you but there is one problem. We have been killed many times by Isis here in Europe so a revenge is not a bad thing anyways and it's would make us feel good.
The average European probably harbors more (well earned) disgust with Islam than the average American, due to all the violence over there.
>not going to (((their))) places of abode at night to speak with them
>shooting kids and blowing up buildings is red pilled goy
(((fbi))) please.
Yeah but you're a Jew
You don't even ... not do Jew stuff
You dick
Pick your target. If you want to expose Israel then do it. If you want to expose Jews behind the migrant crisis, do it. Just stick to one angle. Tell the truth using memes. Spread them on the normie web. Watch...
Israel is ISIS. Here's a meme to prove it. Why would ISIS apologize to Israel if not? Knowing this you know how to stop the migrant crisis: stop the Jews bringing them in.
See? A simple sentence or two backed by an informative meme. This is how we begin winning.
>>shooting kids and blowing up buildings is red pilled goy
>removing the future marxist political generation before they come to power
>not red pilled
Dumb pleb.
>not removing people in positions of power at that point before said kids grow up
>not redpilling those kids
>killing them like an autist
>not killing (((them))) in their mansions like a fucking man should
Learn how to race war effectively, kidda.
'Jew' is literally like an obscenity to normals. They cringe if you sound like you're not going to gush with praise.
Narrow your eyes and speak slowly in a southern states accent, preferably chewing tobacco, as you bring up the Jews.
You don't even have to say anything negative if you do that, media has programmed us to hear it as if it's negative anyway.
Hey FBI user
Killing 50 peoples is pointless, it's wasting your life and potential. If you want to to bring jews to their knee, you have to ascend to the top, be an insider, become successful and learning the truth.
This is the sole way, merely organizing a coup would be pointless too, except if it's in the USA, other country would be attacked by the rest of the world and loose.
I unironically agree with you. For once OP was NOT a faggot.
Btw if you aren't on the domestic terror watch list right now you might as well have your thumb up your ass as this user put it. I am not even fucking memeing right now. I am actually on the domestic terror watch list for holding very strong right wing anti-government views. Unless you have millions of pic related voting and peaceful protest isn't going to do shit.
I am not even legally allowed to buy a gun anymore. That's how bad its become.
Daddy Breivik is so cool and handsome.
If you're worried about public opinion, it's very simple: don't get caught. In fact, if possible, don't even make it look as though a crime has been committed.
Act locally, think globally - there are many things that need to be erased.
bumping this thread from page 8 hell.
americans, red pill me on mcveigh. what is the connection between waco, the federal government and armed anti federal government militants in the states
>These two men are heroes
It's not the neo-nazis its the media. Nobody likes Richard Spencer, even the nazis don't like him. Yet everytime the alt-right comes up thats who the media turns to in order to get the thoughts of the "leader of the alt-right". There is no way that groups like CNN aren't aware of the fact that hes not liked within the community but they use him in order to continue the narative that we are all like he is, an uncharismatic chubby nazi wannabe.
Hi FBI whatcha doing ?
Even if this thread wasn't created by FBI (it almost certainly was, thou) there are still multiple agents monitoring and documenting every post itt. Anyone remotely agreeing with him will be put onto a special list.
Even this post just acknowledging the list will get me on a list. Don't ever reply to these threads.
How am I supposed to prove to you guys that I'm not a fed? I know they've seen this thread though, they probably watch most things I do.
>Even if this thread wasn't created by FBI
FBI doesnt bother with such shit. they just pay public relation groups who are doing "cyber war" selling own troll armies to collect sheckels. all such groups in USA are either Scientology or Greater Israel.
I bet a turd of human meat smells pretty bad, especially a brooklyn jew one.
What's with all the good digits in this thread? Damn.
nah fuck off jidf
>hey jew wanna blowjob
You're a fucking moron.
You have accomplished nothing through peaceful means. Don't bring up the election of our good goy President Donald Trump, as if Sup Forums had any involvement in the election. Even if you did, his accomplishments in office have been sparse and we are all still slaves to the Jews. You faggots built him up to be the savior of the white race, you really believed that. Go watch some Inforwars, that seems to be more your speed.
Holy fuck.
Um, no shit? 4ch is literally and FBI honeypot with a gook front man. You're entire post history is recorded, analyzed, and a profile of you exists in their database. Don't be a little bitch about it.
It's a very important message
Go learn about who those men are faggot
Explains the large number of TI's on this site.
checks out
I've read 2083. It's ok, what you expect as a condensation of red pills, weak at times (focuses too much on specific brands of postmodern leftism, brush aside the JQ a bit hastily though it's understandable from a Norwegian, ...). Massively tryhard in its style and presentation though so it can't be used on normies even without the mass shooting. I don't think that was the intention. The killing was publicity for a specific demographics and it has worked.
>A jew lying through his teeth about Brievik
He was vehementenly anti-zionist and went to great pains to outline how jews were perverting culture and politics in order to subvert western nations.
t.somebody who actually read most of his manifesto
What the fuck, I've been experiencing interruptions in my internet at roughly ten minute intervals since I've created this thread.
What more could you expect from a Jew, really? Lying is kind of their thing.
Nobody cares about your fucking internet. Your thread looks like every fucking other thread on Sup Forums.
Omg dude,i think you're completely retarded.
What would you rather, total extermination? What point are you trying to make, that I'm too extreme or not extreme enough?
First of all,sry for my bad language.But I think your Opinion in the Jewish System and the conquer of the World is a bit to unrealistic.
Timmy did nothing wrong
>Feds burn down building of dissident right wing movement, killing them all, shooting them through the flames of the burning building
>Exact same FBI fireteam shoots and kills regular homesteaders for collecting their own rainwater, including a woman who was just standing in a doorway with an infant in her arms, that was also killed
>Timmy starts handing out the address of the FBI fireteam members that did it, along with a pamphlet that tracks their actions in the US, correctly labeling them as a political dissident death squad
>Timmy then gets harassed by the FBI for doing this
>Timmy knows what must be done
>Kills hundreds of them
>and their children
>Suddenly the government stops mass killing right-wingers just for being independent
>Suddenly that fireteam gets desk jobs
Thats the only way feds will care about their actions, not when their footsoldiers die, but when their family dies. I am not advocating violence, I am just demonstrating the motive of why Timmy did it.
kek confirms, dahmer is /ourguy/