is he one of the most influential and important people of recent history?
Is he one of the most influential and important people of recent history?
Yes, without question.
Nah, he's a fag. And so are you, OP.
No, he made a catalyst for influential stuff and people, he himself is not influential.
moot was no more special or interesting than the average user. In fact he was a lot more normie than the average user.
The site itself is not really his own creation, he just made a clone of 2chan for english speakers.
If you have to really give credit to moot, its that he didn't sell out as fast as he could have, went in major debt for something he loved, and didn't give into the internet police. That makes him more a good guy than a great influence.
Sup Forums as a whole is more influential than moot.
Calling moot influential because he made Sup Forums is like calling Bill Gates influential because he made microsoft.
Thank you based moot
he has a meme job at jewgle and everyone makes fun of him behind his back because he cant even do anything. he had one big idea since we hired him, one idea. you know what it was? adding a futaba theme to gmail. that's it.
He could have been if he hadn't cucked out and abandoned his creation to the machine.
He invented Facebook
>Calling moot influential because he made Sup Forums is like calling Bill Gates influential because he made microsoft.
Bill Gates is influential though, and it was initially because of Microsoft.
>got Donald Trump elected
Only if you need luggage carried.
Technically no, Hiroshimoot had taken over by then. Moot went to google.
Not everyone watches all the youtube ecelebs your going to have to tell us who the fuck he is.
the most important figure of the humankind history is the Devil .period. all the rest is human affairs
moot was a kid when he created this site and visited by aliens without he even notice
>of our recent history
>of recent history
absolutely yes, you pathetic parasites that claim to be the ONLY reason he was remotely successful
No, it was a shitty journalist who traded sex for good reviews of her PoS "games".
>he actually believes a small Japanese boy owns Sup Forums
literally WHOOOOO
not in a mile , are you damn serious because of ego maniacs and psychological wraps like bill gates we did not evolve more as species , he got cucked by the system poor billy they put him allucinate... geometrical allucination in this case binary allucination ...
billy is a puppet a millionare puppet but yet a human puppet
its not a boy is a gurl in boy body nothing worng with it
Other mens' girlfriends would have to carry their own suitcases were it not for mootikins the brave Luggage Lad.
Top cuck.
Who is this?
Being this much of a newfag.
>tfw moot created the cuck meme and sold this site because he is a cuck
Sup Forums pot
who is this
mewt was an irc whore?
You're not a Google employee
Sup Forums has jumped the shark.
I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.
Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.
I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.
But here's the thing.
It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.
Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.
Shia fucking LeBouf.
And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.
And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.
But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.
>see moot thread
>hide moot thread
>get called newfag
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Beside the point.
Whether Sup Forums is influential now has little to do with whether Moot was influential in the past.
>have an interest in Bangladeshi irrigation infrastructure research and development
>found a website based on it
>its users get Donald Trump elected and no one can understand why
He will go down as one of the most important yet most easily forgotten
He created a website and shepherded it through many obstacles in its first 10 years. It developed into one of the most creative places on the Internet, thanks to his censorship and anonymity policy.
The censorship policy kept it open when it could have easily been shut down due to CP and death threats.
The anonymity policy (explicit and implicit) encouraged people to be anonymous as much as possible. And that was the really revolutionary thing.
Non-anonymous venues like Usenet, IRC, and Web forums quickly devolved into strut huts where the "oldtimers" ruled the roost and your reputation could be ruined by one comment.
In venues like Sup Forums, in contrast, people were not only not chided and shamed for being anonymous, they were actively encouraged to be anonymous.
The reddit guy has had more of an impact
Same.with fagbook
And jewgle
And anonymity is an extremely liberating force.
It allows you to take risks and post something stupid, crude or amateurish with no risk.
90% of the OC posted on Sup Forums is crap.
9% is mildly engaging.
0.9% is very funny.
And 0.1% is outrageously original, incisive and hilarious.
Moot's instincts on how to grow Sup Forums into an anonymous, lightly censored venue for everyone were spot on. He was extremely influential on the rest of the Internet.
He played a part, but the star is Anonymous in all its forms.
this desu
Moot held one of the last bastions of old internet
cuckerberg and all his social media ilk drew in the mass attention that ruined it alongside smartphones