1/5th of the world's population

>1/5th of the world's population
>richest country on earth
>largest military on earth
>has millions of its people as diaspora immigrant communities across the world including SE asia, Australia, and united states, all of whom are more loyal to their homeland than to their adopted country, and occupy privileged powerful positions in society
>are reproducing at a substantially higher rate in the west than whites

Why does Sup Forums always shitpost about hispanics, blacks, jews, and muslims, instead of worrying about the yellow peril looming around the corner?

Other urls found in this thread:


slope clones

>16% of Australian population as of 2016
It's over, Australia will be majority Asian by the end of the century

this is now a china hate thread
post em

No chinks means no anime

>1/5th of the world's population
>richest country on earth
not even close.
>largest military on earth
not even close.

fuck you NS an youre thread nigga penis scuker 11111!!!!!

because in thousands years of continuous existence the chinks have won exactly zero wars against any other country
it only takes one fly swatter to kill a million flies


1/50th as rich a susa gdp pp per capita tho bro!!

so not richest country on earth

thats the usa!!

u nigjew!

>Eats eggs boiled in kid urine and basically everything that moves after its brutally and mutilated beaten to death
>Hunts endangered species to grind up their bones for magic penis enlarger mixtures
>Lying, stealing, cheating, lazy, corner cutting scum on the industrial market
>Has little to no respect for human life
>Litters everywhere and shits on the street

you obviously have never seen the chinese military OP. They might have the numbers, but their tech, weaponry, and training are so subpar it'd be hilarious to ground war against them.

Oh you're from AUS, nevermind, ANZAC couldn't even DREAM of a ground war against anybody. HAHA

I plan on moving to China in roughly 10 years

Chinks actually got a saying about this that goes something like

>The Chinese doesnt get conquered, the invaders instead become a part of China

count your blessings fag

>Australia will look like Blade Runner 82' by 2030

help taiwan retake the mailand

Or maybe Mad Max 2?

this. /thread

>1/5th of the world's population
China has 1.6 birth rate and they are getting wealthier.

why? The CPC has pretty much transformed into Chiang Kai Shek's Kuomintang, and modern Taiwan is not nationalist at all but a liberal degenerate lgbt feminocracy

All of China is poor.

no it's not

source : went to China last summer

No. They already have enough nukes to glass us. Sure, we have more, but that just means 2 countries get glassed.

Japan are good guys
China are incompetent
Korea isn't big enough to be a superpower

Currently sitting on the train going home and my train is atleast 60% poo and chink. The poos are sleeping and the chinks look lifeless whilst they stare into their iPhones

fun fact, when I had Chinese courses in China, each time they talked about Taiwan they called it "中国的台湾" (China's Taiwan)

Because unlike Muslims Chinese don't want to convert us or kill us so their religion could prosper

Liberals also hate them

Why did we allow this?

They're so pitifully hobbled by their culture. Take their taikonauts, they have volumes and reams of information on how to get someone to the moon and back safely from the Soviets and the Americans and yet they can't do it. All that manufacturing capabilities and all those graduates from top tier universities and still only known as the world's gadget factory. Sent a probe to the moon after billions of yuans and years of research assisted by corporate espionage (arguably one of the best) to get it to run for less than an hour before moon dust choked it out.

So much potential yet unable to break free of that shackle.

China for Chinese, India for indians, the west for everyone!!!!

Why didn't you listen?


Because only a small ethnic minority of slant eyes is anywhere near the intellectual might and genius of the white man, and they're literally too beta to express their creativity.

Any world ruled by chinks will be ruled by a minority of whites and jews in the shadows.

The sole thing I like about chinks is their ability to recognize that domestic animals are hardly worth the meat on their bones, while us whites have this problem with, god forgive me for naming such evil, horse people.

What has China invented in the last 30 years that even comes close to anything that the west has invented?

because they are smarter than the other groups you mentioned.
if you think about the situation, you can pretty much always predict what their next move will be.

the others are much more dangerous because they are hardly above dumb animals who commit random acts of violence

>Muslims want you to forcibly convert to islam and then will let you live
>Jews want to destroy you, christianity and your culture and turn your daughter into a whore because they live off hating goyim
>niggers don't know what they want, they just steal n sheeit
>chinese don't give a fuck about you, they just want to work, work work until they suck your economy dry down to the last penny and everyone is living in monolithic concrete commie blocks in an urban metropolis stinking of uric acid and factory fumes while you work all day long to make that extra dollar because you can't compete with them constantly shitting out factory robot babies

pick your poison

Nothing sticks out at the moment.

Korean War
Vietnam War
China Civil War

There is a reason why they have the largest numbers and why they are scattered all over the globe.
Chinese will show us the way to the future very soon.
There is a reason they have the oldest, known civilization.
They are a great people with great potential.
They are just going thru a hiccup in history.
We will learn a lot from them very soon, and we will be grateful for it.

I'll wait for someone to get back to me about it. How can a population of 1.6 billion seriously not invent a single thing that is worth noting.

Malaria cure
Jackie chan

It would definitely suck if they suddenly decided to be hostile.

If they did they'll crow about it to no end.

Jackie was not invented. He exists until he found a suitable vessel to express himself.

The days of having sheer numbers doesnt work anymore for militaries.

Looking at you, China

And they will. Actually they are already by invading our lands and taking our best jobs and higher-education opportunities.

Except maybe birds.
Oh wait.

and get ass raped by an island nation and have a horse riding barbarians from the north ransack your country when you have gun powder and a wall. A FUCKING WALL.

>more loyal to their homeland
Everybody in that country only cares about themselves, that's why they don't win wars.

S.Korea=Japan>>>>China, who is pretty much being milked dry of their environment/resources in exchange for numbers on a computer. They're even bleeding out gold now for oil to keep up with their unsustainable economy, stupid and sad. Even liberals don't defend them.


just climb over the wall dude

>worrying about the eternal slit-eye

Lads come on, we sorted this more than a century ago. Just get the CIA to sneak some extremely addictive drug into the country and get them all hooked on it.


>New Zealands Centre Right party...
Look at all dem gooks!

>one of the worst living conditions
I once met a rich Chinese guy on a trip in Thailand. He told me he was traveling around the world especially in Asia and he kept saying how living in China is shit. Their censorship is also too fucking rough.

>space agency
>named it ARSE

Truly, shitposting is genetic amongst the Bruce's

The Chinks are only "good" at projecting their power in the region.

The dumb dog-eaters don't even have a blue water navy. It doesn't matter how many active personnel they have when all of them are Chinks. We've learned from Korea and WW2 that 1 white man or 1 Jap can comfortably take out a minimum of 10 Chinks.

>and occupy privileged powerful positions in society
yeah selling cheap plastic shit in run down stores and flea markets is a real sign of powerful position

>active personnel
I think you meant target practice

>sending a chink wave has been the norm. More soldiers than the enemy's bullet
to be fair, a chinknami is quite scary

China won't do shit. They can't even compete with Japan who has far more advanced tech and their workers actually make shit that isn't walmart plastic shite.

I agree with you totally even though you're Australian. China will hopefully implode on its own through disease, economic implosion, and for being a cesspool. We can smell it over the sea in the late Winter.

Not a fate to envy, but there are certianly worse fates

You know what would be cool? Alliances with the Asians and get Asians to hate the Jews.

>He thinks the only shit China produces is cheap plastic crap

That's the shit you only get to see. They have high-quality stuff that is Chinese only. Why expand to a global market when your population is massive enough? Take firearms for example. All the shitty Chinese rifles such as knockoff AKs exported are their hand-me-downs for outsiders. Meanwhile, their actual military gets cool shit.

Go back to your country Wang.


>implying Bitcoin gambling won't ruin them

>all of whom are more loyal to their homeland than to their adopted country, and occupy privileged powerful positions in society
Kek you are fucking stupid.
People don't become expats because they love their home country.

That's a load of horseshit. Chinese don't even buy their own cars because they are poor quality. Chinese buy foreign products because they don't trust their own.

>Malaria cure

Thanks China, now niggers are multiplying in a much larger rate than they are dying