Are you into Satan?
Are you into Satan?
Too much negativity. I'm not into it.
yeah kinda
Capitalism is Satanism without praing.
We all are satanists.
This is a Christian board. Kys faggot.
Satanism is the application of spiritual or esoteric concepts for the benefit of the physical. This is backwards because the physical should seek the esoteric to rise above physical restrictions. Judaism, therefore, is Satanism. Im not a Satanist because Im not a Jew.
can he get me comped?
Worship Satan, burn for eternity (probably listening to 1970s ballad rock on an endless loop).
Believe in Jesus, skip that bullshit and end up with something better.
You people are fucking retarded.
Where my Chicago ni66as at?
>end up with something better
Are you sure?
literally who?
yes since satan is another name for pussy aka vagina
Can i get 1000's of dollars in sushi
Only at Taco Bell
I'm not 14 years old, homosexual, nor have I had a rough divorce at 40.
>tfw Wizard who plays clerics and the only spell I can cast is Stinking Cloud a few times a day
I wish there was something true
Depends on if the Jews are satan or not. Satan seems a bit too hardcore even for Jews.
>I fart occasionally
Why are there Jewbrew runes around the pentagon ?
so it's literally hell then
apparently they spell "leviathan" which is some kind of demon
Fucking larpers can't even spell satan in smudges
No, but he is into me.
HELL YEAH!!!! (pic very related)
i love satan
I am currently considering committing a grave sin which will lead to my death.
The alternative is to state that I am resisting my sinful nature... but I feel like I'm just a coward that cannot do what has to be done.
Used to be but then lefties ruined it, like they ruin everything.
Now I can't help but picture Satan as some lefty faggot who wants trannies to be treated like humans.
>Are you a butt-fucking retard?
No, can't say that I am.
there is no "spiritual" in Satanism
its 100% carnal
Off topic slide thread
Not true. Theistic Satanism believes Satan to be a real living being. LaVeyan Satanism practices magic but do not believe Satan to be a living being.
My sister was a satan worshipper, not a satanist, from ages arouns 14 to 22, and I'm rather convinced you could fill a bus to the brim and there'd still be less diversity in genetic material that has been inside her.
I love my sister but fuck shitan.
Satan is the most interesting character in the bible: his role is fluid if you look at what the various Christian denominations teach but a cursory glance at the actual scripture would lead any non-indoctrinated person to question EVERYTHING:
1. Most Christians believe that Satan was a mistake - that God did not have control over his creation and that something beautiful and perfect turned into something that we consider the epitome of evil: the effect here is to grant Satan powers outside of God's purview. Ask yourself: who benefits from this distortion?
2. The book of Job contrasted with the King of Tyre and the Lucifer inferences that serve as the basis for belief referenced in #1. In the book of Job, you have a being clearly labeled who we define as Satan, yet he is able to do things that he isn't supposed to be doing at this point in time: he is free to come and go from Heaven to speak with God (remember, he was thrown out of Heaven - now why would he be allowed to just mosey back on up if this were the case and he was "at war" with God). He is controlled by God (only able to do what is permitted - he wants to kill Job but is shut down every time)
3. His real job is to lie and decieve the world: Most Christians are of the mindset that they are chosen and special and that they will be saved while others who don't believe their version will not be. What a cancerous belief to have when it is clearly stated (especially if you read the direct Greek translations) that "God Wills all men to be saved" (1st Timothy 2:4)
Satan is an enigma created by God to do the work of evil things - for what purpose? Hard to say, but we have these breadcrumbs to examine and the assumption that the world has to be deceived on the most basic aspect of life.
You either believe that God is omnipotent and creates and controls all things (even evil things) or you believe in a castrated being who is too stupid to manage his own creations.