Wow, powerful

Pol racists=BTFO
Shadilay my dudes!
Praise le KEK!

Other urls found in this thread:

>lists FDR for whites
>Not Hitler

what a fag

god i fucking hate reddit

>implying either were white

It's YouTube

>implying you're human


Race Matters

Otherwise people wouldn't complain about it.


What has Neil Tyson done ?

>The only real color is green
Straight truth, all about dat green
cash rules everything around me cream get the money dolla dolla bill y’all

why do you fags ruin a terrific song!

who this guy yelling at

He listed the Alphabet in phonetic order once on twitter

he won the "most awesome astrophysicist" reward.
the second place was taken by stephen hawking.

>Let me look at the top 1% of each race
>"Wow, they all have outstanding achievements"
>This somehow means that there is no difference between races
OP is a fag.

"FDR is a good president" is the 2nd greatest lie of the 20th century.

hes talking about DUDE WEED

science needed a black guy.

Then why isn't there a single functioning black majority civilization on earth?

Isn't oriental an outdated slur?

How about... America
*drops mic*

1st was that it was cruel to napalm you zipperheads


>Muhammed Ali

But even he agrees with us on some stuff.

wow... i am enlightened by my almonds...

Is it? Isn’t it somebody who hails from the orient?

>Doesn't know the 1st

yet the idiots in the media still dont stop their anti white racism really makes you think doesnt it?

OP proving yet again why Kekistanis are proud cancer shit and IRL butthurt HAPA mongrels with ugly faces.

>can achieve whatever they wish despite race and genome
sure :^)

A Jew was smart?
A black guy became a celebrity actor?
A black guy became a civil rights activist?
An Asian guy became a Kung Fu star?
A white guy became a celebrity actor?
A white guy got elected President?
A black guy became a successful athlete?

Color me shocked! All of these are revolutionary examples of going against norms!

I don't think anyone fucked up this country more than FDR. Well... until Obongo came along

Bruce Lee is probably the stupidest, most egregious example, by the way. I guarantee that he couldn't think of an Asian-American who did something noteworthy so he went for Bruce fucking Lee. Dude was the definition of a stereotype.

Why would he say meme scientist neil degrasse tyson and not Dr. Daniel Hale Williams who performed the first open heart surgery?

>implying that retard knew who Daniel Hale Williams was
His example for an Asian guy was Bruce Lee, and he didn't even name a single Hispanic.

not to mention putting le epic science man meme in the same sentence as albert fucking einstein

Because he's a millennial retard who worships pop-science and doesn't actually read or understand real science or scientists

>failed at spelling religions

They really did need a Scienenigger so that any criticism of their new religion and cult of global warming and trannies would be racist.

So slavery was not contributed to by the ineptness of black people? Totally a one way street huh?

holy fuck actually nothing

>Using Neil Degrasse Tyson as a justification of anything.

>lists people based on race
>fuck your racial profiling

Fuck off faggot. Get on DeBakey's level.

t. Ben Franklin

He's the feel good affirmative action story of NASA. Like Corky from that 80s TV show. I bet his IQ is not a whole lot higher either.

He's the token black. If he was White or Asian, he would not be a household name.

Tweeted about how irrelevant New Years is in the Gregorian calendar and blew minds everywhere.

Pickle Rick bless him.

>listing martial arts brainlets as if they're remotely valuable to society
>only two meme scientists

Embarrassing, tbqf.


That isn't incorrect though. Even if you have a sub-par iq you can choose to make choices that are more beneficial to your well-being and success.
