Is he done? Can he ever be a force again in politics?
Is he done? Can he ever be a force again in politics?
(((they))) are still reeeeeeing hard about breitbart, so I assume so.
I fucking hope not. This dude is a degenerate that will lie cheat and steal to get what he wants. He's a sewer rat.
He still is via influence sweet summer child.
Nice try kike
"I'm a Leninist" Bannon proudly explained
>his own words are not proof
Bannon influence by paying tribute to leo strauss with the blood of a lamb
>Kingmaker Bannon endorses Roy Moore over Luther Strange
>Trump endorses Strange because he doesn't give a shit and establishment characters tell him to
>Moore wins
>Bannon going around the country picking people to primary weak repubs
You don't have to be physically in the whitehouse to affect policy.
he was just a retarded boomer in the end. many such cases, sad!
Fight fire with fire, kike. That's why you are lost in your superficial understanding where you think Steve Bannon is your key to your global satanic talmudic communist trotskyite revolution.
Bannon understands people much better than most. The reason Trump won is because he said the things that Bannon and Miller told him to. I always knew a Manhattan billionaire, who was a Democrat for half their life, wouldn't be as in touch as Trump seemed to be during his run.
After hearing reports that Trump was furious after Moore won, after having listened to advice from people like Kushner and the GOP to endorse Strange, I knew Trump was really as out of touch as i feared. I'd still vote for him over any other GOP potential nominee that ran, and i'd sure a shit vote for him over Hillary. The whole point of voting for him was to show the entire right that a far Right, non-PC, Nationalist can win, and win big. Plus we got the Supreme Court pick, and tons of lower court picks, which also makes it totally worth it.
He just BTFO the President with slaughtering Strange. Now he's going around the country interview potential primary candidates to help BTFO the entire GOPe come midterm primaries. He's also got big backing financially.
Pay attention to what happens within the GOP prior to the 2018 midterms. Bannon is gunning hard to primary several big name GOPe. There's a coup going on inside the GOP and Bannon is running the show.
You get it m8. We look for the wins where we can get them, not for all the political bullshit.
You faggots are pieces of shit. Bannon is a huge raging faggot and you know it. He touches children too.
>hes not a leninist even tho he said he is
>1488DDD chess!
lol fuck off magapede.
Then why won't the FBI clap down on the Jews, Papists, and Muslims who violate children daily?
Yeah because leaking to the public and us how actually incompetent the Trump white house has been so far is bad even though Donald literally has his son in law and daughter reassuring him at every turn despite being 71. How much did the Heritage Foundation pay you?
Fuck off hes a slave to the Jews and you know it. Bannon is a rotting corpse still walking. He's just like the rest of the swamp. I wouldn't mind seeing him go to prison for leaking.
>Heritage Foundation
lel does anybody even talk about that in the last 8 years?
Next, we will feature the John Birch Society
(spoilers pic related means NIGGER as in CIA NIGGER)
Trumps base still loves Bannon. He's strong on cultural stuff, immigration and gun freedom. And he doesnt back down. It was him goign against Ivanka
Why are shills pushing so hard to get us to move away from Bannon? Oh, that right, he just got an orange reality star elected as President and now he's gearing up to annihilate the GOPe.
All of this coming at a time when the DNC is tanking as they pulled the rug out from under White moderates in their race to play the demographic shift game and now they are in big trouble. They can't disavow groups like BLM or they'll lose their precious Blacks.
Bannon is about the burn the whole motherfucking thing to the group and the elites know it. They are terrified of Bannon, and for the first time in a long time, they're terrified of the PEOPLE.
God, what a time to be alive!
You're the fucking shills that come on here saying
/ourguy/ over and over. You people are fucking stupid. Also either you're behind a VPN or you are a retarded Czech cuck.
Stop lying. Bannon is a snake and HE GOT FIRED. FIRED. FOR LEAKING. FOR LYING. HE GOT FIRED.
And meanwhile they think it's still 2007 or something like when we were trolled into inviting stormfront to Sup Forums.
There is cake.
stormfront? He's a zionist. Anyone who has been on this site knows Zionism is the evil that needs to be purged from this world. What teh fuck is wrong with you dualistic faggots. Either you're a Nazi or you're not? Stop being subversive retards and come to terms with the truth that Steve Bannon is sucking the balls of the zionist elite.
Because you unfunny idiots don't get it. Never did.
At least back in the stromfront raid days we could share a few lels and there would be some tl;dr redpills to review if you were interested enough to consider an alternative viewpoint.
At least now people know that zionist Jews are pure evil. fuck steve bannon.
This. Reminder that he was the biggest leaker in the admin (watch 60 min interview) and he smeared pretty much all of his coworkers. Now it looks like Trump's admin is chaotic to the public.
Nope. It's the satanic Jews. That's what you learn when you raid stormfront, laugh at their silly hitler literature, and then go on to study the roots of ancient mystery cults.
>a china hawk is working with the leading china expert
Sound the fucking alarm
Except Bannon wasnt even on the campaign until the last half.
Kushner and Miller were there from the beginning, and it was Trump that propelled himself to victory.
Sound the alarms Steve Bannon is a faggot.
>people actually do this
I sure hope they're just trying to capitalize on a niche market of idiots
I still don't get what happened. I'd like to think him and Trump are on the same page and amicably split but I don't even know anymore
Why are you afraid of a washed up drunk running a nazi hate website after the CIA murdered the guy who used to be in charge?
except it was Bannon the one doing most of the fighting with other people in the admin. He was a terrible "strategist" who caused Trump to burn all bridges
>Oh, that right, he just got an orange reality star elected as President
lmao kys.
where's your proof? Kikebart?
You don't even know the guys name. Fuck off with your retardation. You're prolly cernokike.
Except Bannon constantly attacks others in Trump's admin for being globalists, then goes on to ally with THE leading globalist. Talk about hypocrisy.
Check and which guy's name? I need to induct him in to the lodge.
I'm sure they talk all the time just like all the other "fired" consultants trump has. Stone, Manafort, etc. and these are just the people we know about.
The owner of this site you fucking retard.
Hiroshima Nagasaki? Are you a Jew who can't name things?
Well I made you google it because I know you're full of shit when you brought up the CIA.
How much do you get per post, Share Blue?
Haven't used Jewgle in years m8 outside of the special pittance of insider google customer jew engine queries that they don't even care about anymore after jew chink bing shut it down their thing.
Grow a pair.
Im not shareblue faggot.
Man you're a dumbass.
You evidently have no grasp of what he is saying. This gets posted a lot by you kikes.
Did you know that the internet is not a series of tubes?
With Jews you lose. He should have known better. Fucking traitor.
PS haven't been to Breitbart since Milo left. I miss that entertaining kike.
Considering what he just did with Judge Moore in Alabama, I would say that he has only just begun.
Trump was behind, bigly, before Bannon showed up - 12 points I believe
Bannon and his crew turned the ship around. You really ought to listen to his 60minuts interview, it's biased but highly insightful
Bannon is a political guerrilla. He wants nothing short of the complete destruction of society as we know it, and that's a good thing. If he gets his way it's going to be 1776 2.0. Everything he does is in the name of Andrew Breitbart.
Trump was just him getting started. Now he is comping for the RINOs, Luther Strange's defeat is going to repeated all across the country. Bannon is going to take over the GOP from the outside.
Once he has the GOP he will use it to take power from central government and give it to the people on a local level. This is what he meant by
>I am a Leninist
unironically kill yourselves.
>Unironically not knowing Marxist theory
>Not understanding revolutionary (((marxist))) ideology